
Aunty Rose And Cousin Mayah.

Amanda and her mother pull over at aunty Rose's place. And it's morning when they reach. It's an apartment building. So they park in the underground. And head up to aunty Rose's house. Amanda is a stranger to her aunt. She has seen her countable times and has never really had a chance to interact with her. Neither connect with her. But today she not only meet her, but also live with her. She hopes aunty Rose has a beautiful heart. She hopes her cousin Mayah too has a beautiful heart.

When they knock on Rose's door she opens with the warmest smile they have ever seen. And she hugs Ruby tight. The kind of tight that screams I love you. And they look the same. You can't tell a difference between Rose and Ruby. And Amanda sees what her mother meant. Rose hugs Amanda with the warmest hug. The kind of hug that makes a mother jealous. And Amanda has the broadest smile on her face. Aunty Rose is really warm at heart. Maybe even warmer than her mother. And Mayah comes running at Amanda. So happy to see her. "Come let me show you your room!" Mayah says grabbing Amanda's hand.

"Not so fast! You won't even greet your aunt?" Rose asks Mayah. "Oh! Sorry aunty Ruby. I'm just excited to live with Amanda." Mayah says as she hugs Ruby. Then trails off into her room with Amanda, leaving their parents talking in the living room.

*. *. *.

In their room, the two girls sit on Mayah's bed. Amanda's bed is just opposite her bed. And they are both excited to see each other. Though they barely know each other. They look beautiful together. And almost identical but with distinguishable differences.

"You look great in that dress." Mayah says. "Thanks. I like my room." Amanda says scanning the room with her eyes. The room is painted all pink and the beds are fluffy with pink covers. "Let me guess... your favorite colour is pink." Amanda says smiling. "Yeah. But it's easy to tell." Mayah says smiling too. "Or maybe I'm psychic." Amanda says. "Oh! So you are psychic! Tell me if Ashton will fall for me then." Mayah says. "Who's Ashton?" Amanda asks. "Oh... You will see him. He's the cutest boy in class. Every girl wants him. And he has these really cool muscles, and a weird edgy look..."

"Wow! You're really crushing hard right now." Amanda interrupts Mayah as she laughs. "No... I'm not crushing. Or maybe I am. I don't know." Mayah says blushing. "You see... even thinking of him makes you blush." Amanda says.

*. *. *.

"Your girl looks cute. You know know that?" Rose tells Ruby. "But they look like twins. I bet everyone will think they are sisters." Ruby says. "I trust you siz. If you need help I'm one call away. I did not mean to..." "Stop." Rose interrupts her. "You don't have to make that speech siz. I've got you." She says.

"Okay... I love you for that. You are always there for me. I wish it was the same for me. I want to be there for you." Ruby says. "Hey siz... you know you're getting weird." Rose says. "Okay. Okay. Ice cube. I will not show my emotions from now om." Ruby says smiling.