
Ocular Menace: Misadventures of a Man with many Eyes

Johnathan Reed had just finished celebrating his 18 birthday, when like any self-respecting novel protagonist, died to the hands of Truck-Kun. He laments in his last moments the fact he never made it past 24 hours of adulthood, and should have looked before crossing the road. Next thing he knows he's in a old medieval style house. After successfully running away from the house, and whatever problems might come from meeting people, he's in the middle of nowhere until he hears the classic *Ding* any gamer would be familiar with. The Art Is Not Mine. If you are the owner of the art and want it down. let me know and I'll oblige. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Do I have you interested? please do let me know of any feedback you have, as again, this is solely for my own enjoyment and to improve my literary skills. I'm the only person proofreading this, and the grammar is probably killing you, so just bear with me, because English was never my best subject Also my jokes could be unfunny, let me know. Also I will do my best for compelling characters, but again first time writing. so stuff like romance might flop and be underwhelming for people and is probably gonna be a side bit, not the main focus and later on.

Literary_nightmare · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Ocean battles

When Johnathan closes the portal he changes back to his true form and makes another ice float to sit on. While Johnathan lies there, he decides to look over his skill shop while also trying out instant acceleration with he starts swinging Amaterasu in the form of a katana while using solar eclipse. The swings always cause the colors around him become unbearably fluorescent and flashy. After awhile he had picked out some new skills and techniques for 20k.

[Technique: Supersonic Quickdraw]

[Technique: Flowing Blade Dance]

[Technique: Mountain Blade Stance]

[Skill: Pure Mana Breath]

[Skill: Skin Breathing]

[Skill: Instantaneous Reading]

[Item: Emotions and You]

Johnathan flips through the book and then starts swinging his sword again, trying to find out the right way to express his feelings to Ruby. He's always being doing what he wants without caring about others opinions. But now he has to, and that's a massive headache for Johnathan.

After 5 more minutes Johnathan feels a presence and jumps up and a massive eel like the one he fought before shows up. Johnathan knows what to expect this time, so when it opens it's mouth, he quickly sends the blade shards inside it's mouth with eyes attached and starts shooting it with Phoenix's Tears while blasting it with a breath of thunder. It doesn't last long enough to resubmerge.

Right after it dies, Johnathan's Instincts scream at him to run, and he sees a massive 100 meter long shark appear and eats the eel whole. Johnathan however, isn't running this time so he decides to bait it. He summons a blood clone and has it stand above the water, and when the shark comes to swallow it Johnathan opens up a portal behind the clone and teleports it face up in the sky.

While it's falling from the sky, Johnathan dissolves his clone and uses the blood to impale it's stomach while also using his hammer to hit it upwards, causing it to go flying with Johnathan following suit with his waning crescent and midday sun to slash at the side of the shark, causing a massive gravity blade cleanly slicing a good portion of it's skin.

Johnathan then fly's up to the gills of the shark and shoots a breath of pure fire mana while also casting numerous lighting and ice spells while also shooting all his feathers at the gills, then free falling with shark.

Johnathan switches his blades to their shard forms and starts sending them inside wounds and cutting them from the inside, making them larger. Soon Johnathan can see the water, and he only has enough feathers to slow his fall. He then uses his shards to cut him open some more, while also using his clawed fingers to inch his way up the falling shark for more time to get his wings. He manages to cut away a chuck of flesh and uses his telekinesis to hit himself upwards to the top of the shark and completely restarts his freefall, while he watches the shark collide with the water and for it to be tainted red.

[Greater Dracoshark, 7000000000 exp]

After the corpse falls into the water, massive waves are created that Johnathan promptly stops them by reversing their direction and lowering them forcibly. After the corpse floats to the surface, a lot of sea creatures all trying to get of the Dracoshark. Johnathan then puts the corpse inside his pocket dimension and then uses spatial overlap to take all the nearby creatures into his pocket hellscape, at a blazing temperature and full of volcanos. After killing everything Johnathan looked over his level and stats.

Level 33


Strength [354]

Intelligence [354]

Agility [373]

Stamina [615]

After killing the sea creatures and getting his exp, Johnathan then teleports back to the mountain and makes a new room for training, while using temporal disconnect to set a new training room for his martial art with a 5 hours inside to a 1 hour outside ratio. He then enters the room.

While inside, Johnathan tries his best to create a martial art with the techniques he's gotten. He enters the room and starts drawing his blade repeatedly, getting his draw to start the martial art. After 50 hours inside, Johnathan had finally gotten results.

He then teleports back to his throne room and sits back down finding a list of problems he needs to solve, from intercity transport to the goblin overpopulation. After making some more clones, he sends them out to connect city's with teleporters and starts an ID station while also killing goblins. While pretending to look through the list, Sebas walks in.

"Your majesty, the empress is looking for you" Johnathan then stands up and nods in response before walking towards his room. Why isn't he teleporting? Simply to avoid getting there.

When he walks inside, he finds Ruby sitting on the bed. He walks over and takes a chair looking her dead in the eyes.

"Sorry about the previous business, what did you want to talk about?"

"Why me?"

"I love you."

"That's it?"


"So are you going to..."

"Do you want me to?"

"Show me you love me Johnathan."


The romance part is going to be cringe as I have no experience with romance, so I'm going to try binging those novels before continuing.

I was so tired today god, I fell asleep at the start of this for aound 4 hours and had a bit of a block, so yeah I tried. As a note, I have no damn experience with romance, so ita going to be Hella cringe. You have been warned

Literary_nightmarecreators' thoughts