

Allan" a rich yet cold person with an unbearable past came accross "Athenesia" a girl who is trying to cope up with the world. They seem to have some conflict as soon as they meet due to a strange reason. He forcibly kidnaps and restrain her, she is totally under his command. It was all good till he finds himself in love with her without realising it . Now he is to hold onto his past or to embrace her. She leaves him after that sinful night. Time flies but now he is unable to forget her and wants her back. Will he be tangled up with the life or focus on bringing her back.....? "

Annadiya · 都市
6 Chs


Robert is driving the car. There is complete silence in the car. He looks towards Allan. He was looking in front. Just then Robert stops the car at the corner of the road. Allan gives killing stare to Robert. Robert swallows his throat.

"Why did you stop the car here?" it's looks like Allan is not so pleased with him stopping the car.

"Aaa.. Actually I am getting off here. " in fear.

"Why? " Allan asks with eyes full of darkness.

"The whole day I was with you and now I am extremely exhausted. So just give me some space please."

Allan raises his left eyebrow,

"Don't you think that this days you are being really free with me? "

Robert folds hands in plead,

"President Park, I am extremely sorry. But can you please let me off. Huh. please."

"Alright go ahead. "

Robert gets off the car and opens the door for Allan. "Mr Park come down."

Allan gets off the car and is about to go to the other side of the car. But Robert blocks his way, "President Park sit at the back." and opens the back door.

Allan with a confusing look, "Is your ghost going to drive the car if I sit at the back."

"Don't you worry I have already arranged the driver. Look here he comes. "

A man reaches them, "Hello Sir."

"You sit inside the car " Robert ordered him. Later he asks Allan to sit but Allan kept on staring at him. "What happened President Park? Is there anything on my face or am I looking super handsome?"

"Do you think that I am a fool. Huh. Where are you going and for what. " he replied as if he caught him red handed.

Robert laughs, "I knew it that I won't be able to hide it from you... Actually I am going to the Red Rock club."

"Red Rock club. Why and for what? "

"It is related to the incident happened at your house. A guy is saying that he was there the day when you were stabbed. And regarding Red Rock club, I choose it because I am usual there and no one will pay attention towards me."

"Alright. Go ahead... But be careful. "

They both smiled at each other and then Robert leaves. Allan is thinking of something being suspicious. With a sigh he sat inside the car and gestures the driver to drive the car.

Robert shows a card to the guard and enters inside the club. The club is filled with men and womens. He looks everywhere and then pulls out his phone and makes a call then a masked guy with a black cap raises his hand who was sitting in the corner. Robert then puts his phone back in his pocket and walks straight towards the guy, and sits at a distant on the same couch. He then lifts the glass of wine off the tray and takes a sip of wine and put the key card on the table, "Room 408" and then he leaves. The guy grabs the key card and after few minutes he rushes towards the elevator. As he enters inside the elevator, he look around in fear. He dashed out of the elevator as soon as it stoped at 4th floor. He walks through the corridor in search of the room 407. He then unlocks the door and enters inside in hurry and closes the door. As he turns around he found Robert standing behind him. Robert's blazer was lying on the bed and his shirt's sleeves were rolled up. His looks are saying that he is going to kill him at any second.

The guy starts to tremble in fear Robert pulls the chair and lifted a glass of water, "sit down and relax. Remove your mask. Drink this." The guy removes his mask and takes a breath. He grabs the glass of water.

"Alright. Just split up what you want to say. What have you seen that night and what were you doing there?" Robert starts questioning him in an instant.

"Actually I... I.. I was passing by that house and suddenly I heard some noise as if something fell down very hard. After few seconds I saw a man runing out of the house with a knife in his hand. I peeped through the bushes and saw a man groaning in pain on the ground. I got scared and ran away. The next day I came to know that he was Mr Allan."

"Why didn't you go to the police, and why came to us?" Robert asked in suspicion.

"I was scared that If I had told the police, he would have found out about me and will kill me."

While Robert is giving it a thought, the guy makes a fall on Robert's feets holding his legs and pleading, "please save me. I don't want to die.please I beg you. please."

"Alright. stand up." The guy stands up with folded hands in plead.

"Have you seen him? How does he look like?" Robert asked in an inquiring way.

"He was wearing black clothes and his face was fully covered. I wasn't able to see him clearly."

Robert took a sigh, "By the way what is your name?"

"My name is Edward."

"Listen Edward, no one knows that you have seen something. So just act your usual way as if nothing happened. You can leave now.... Hand over the room key to me."

Edward returned the key to him by then someone knocks on the door. Edward frights. Robert gestures him to stay silent. Edward hid besides the couch. Robert opens the door. There's a maid at the door, "Sir room service."

" It's not necessary. You can go." He closes the door and turns around, "Hey! Come out. You can leave now."

Edward is leaving. Robert keeps on staring at him and gives this matter a deep thought.

On the other hand, Allan is sitting in the car with his eyes closed as if he is taking a nap. His phone rings which is lying next to him on the seat. He then slowly opens his eyes and looks at the phone. it's Robert's call. He picks up the phone and answers the call.


"Hello. President Park. Are you doing fine."

"How was your investigation?"

"It was quite good. But is not much helpful."

"Anything else?"

"President Park.... Allan take care of yourself. Don't go anywhere till the situation gets in control." he replied as he was really worried.

Allan with an serious way, "Are you ordering me around now?"

"No. I just want you to be safe."

"Alright, don't act as my wife. I am fine, so don't worry about me."

Allan's phone vibrates. He looks at the phone. He is having another incoming call.

"Okay then. I am having another call to answer. Is there anything else."

"No there's nothing. Just take care. Bye."

Allan disconnects the call from Robert,

"stop the car on the side of the road near the signal." He orders the driver and driver nods his head. Later he stops the car near the signal.

Allan gets off the car and watches the time in the phone. it's already 50 minutes past 11 at night. He slides his hairs backwards as the strong wind is messing up with his hairs. Then he redial the same number. The phone is ringing. Someone from the other side answers the call, "Why didn't you answered the call?"

"I was talking with someone else."


"Robert. Why did you called me?"

"I just wanted to know how is work going. You haven't done anything wrong...Is work going on well. Don't create any kind of mess." hearing this Allan laughs.

"Allan, why are you laughing?"

Allan in anger, "Why am I laughing right.. Do you really have any interest in my life? You didn't payed a bit attention when I was lying on the bed in the hospital. I was at the doors of death but you didn't even shown up there even for once. You don't cared about me, all you care about is your work. I am just an hired employee for you...." Allan kept on saying in single breath. Then he stops himself saying any further. He closes his eyes and gives a sigh and comes back to his senses. The man from the other side shouts at him, "you are just being jerk, don't create any kind of mess out of your anger."

Allan replies the very next second "Alright. If it's related to work, we have finished talking. And if there's nothing else then I am hanging up the call. Good night."

With this Allan hangs up the call and then slams his hand on the car in anger. The driver gets scared but is not allowed to ask anything to him. Allan stands with his back lying on the car. He pulls out the cigarette and lighter from the pocket. He holds a cigarette between his lips and lights it up with a lighter then starts to smoke, just by holding it with his lips.