




Lightning flashed through the sky, The realm was filled with red ninjas on patrol, All the blood clan warriors were training to become stronger because of the long years they were trapped all this while.

The dark auras thickened the more, deadly flying creatures scanned the entire realm, All the surviving skibats were back in the game, Sorcerers could be seen practising their spells for the day that the silver moon shall emerged.

The realm was filled with darkness, The huge and gigantic palace could be seen meters away from the training grounds, The palace was heavily guarded by red ninjas, Sorcerers and skibats were were strong and powerful to defend.

" The palace was filled with darkness as dark auras surrounded it's vicinity, The door was built up with stronger magics while the throne room was filled with enchantors, The blood clans masters and the commanders of the skibats.

Lord Gaap could be seen sitting on his gigantic throne covered with darkness, His right hand was holding the dark dagger of baigaki while he was putting on his dark rings that was created and was made by the strongest wizard in history of power, The wizard name was Ryjack.

Well Ryjack was known to be the lord of wizards but he was sealed by his sorcerers that he created, Ryjack wasn't killed but sealed after he was deceived and he created two most powerful dark rings which Lord Gaap is putting on.

" Any news about the silver moon? I need the date when it will be taking place because I am impatient, I need to destroy all of them within seconds or minutes and as the Blood clan are on my side, It will be fun " Lord Gaap smirked and the masters laughed.

" I can't wait to have all the atlantians heads before us, It will be fun plunging out the hearts and feeding it to the wild creatures of the dark, They will pay for what they did to us, I swear on the ransagan " A master spoke out and they all laughed including lord Gaap.

" The silver moon will be coming out in a day time, We have just one day left to destroy all the atlantians, Let's celebrate because they won't survive the silver moon without Neptune protecting them all, Let's toss to the obliteration of the song called ATLANTIS " Lord Gaap raised up his cup in smiles and the masters did so.

" Atlantis have not seen the last of us, Cheers to our victory in day time, Cheers to the destruction of our enemies, Cheers to the annihilation the atlantians, Cheers to the poisoning of Atlantis... Cheers " Lord Gaap raised him cup high.

" CHEERS!!!!! " The Masters responded in unison, Their laughed turned to frown as they all saw the sorcerers sent to protect the bodies were returning back to injuries, They bled bitterly and Lord Gaap face hardened on seeing them.

" Isn't this the sorcerers sent to protect the bodies from been taken, Why are you all here with injuries on your faces? What happened back there? " A master asked and a sorcerer knelt down before the throne of lord Gaap.

" You heard him, Speak before I cut of your heads right away " Lord Gaap screamed and his deep grutal voice echoed round the throne room, Everybody cringe in fear of hearing his angry and disastrous voice.

" My.. My.. My.. My.. My.. My.. My.. My... My.. My.. My.. Lord, we were attacked by them, They killed many of us but we managed to escape " A sorcerer spoke out and lord Gaap pierced the sorcerer heart with his claws and he brought out the heart and that sent fear into the remaining sorcerers.

" I am not here for nonsense, Tell me who attacked you and what happened to the bodies? I don't need to know what he did but just tell me the person that did it to you people unless you will join that little miscreant right now " Lord Gaap said facing the dead body and the sorcerers cringed in fear, The masters were also afraid but they hide it to avoid lord Gaap from noticing.

" My lord, The ocean lord and his friends came we defended the cave but they were to powerful, One repelled all our magics and one used strong spell on us, A demon was present in the midst and also strong powerful force, They destroyed us and lastly the ocean lord powers is back to him " A sorcerer spilled the beans and the enraged lord Gaap burned the sorcerer into pieces.

" Those Bitches ruined my plans on destroying that bastard, I was happy that the ocean lord won't be a threat but I was deceiving myself all this while, Does little Dimwits will pay every single inch of their lives will be a living hell for them " Lord Gaap cursed angrily.

" Lord Gaap, You need to calm down, remember with need this sorcerers for the war, we can't afford to lose anymore sorcerers because the war is about to begin, We need to seal them and prepare the poison for the ocean, Only sorcerers and do that and not The blood clan " An enchantor spoke out and that calm lord Gaap, Of a truth he needs armies and especially sorcerers.

" You can all live but you all need to do something for me to forgive your stupid and cowardly behavior, If the ocean lord has been unlocked in him and that means we need to unlock a very strong and powerful diety like person...someone with hatred for supernatural " Lord Gaap said.

" Thank you my lord, Who shall we unlock and where are we to start unlocking that person, Anything you say we will do " A sorcerer spoke out lord Gaap sat down on his throne with smirk written on his face.

" Hmphh, There is someone in my mind that we need to unleash, The guy that seeks revenge on the supernaturals that ever liveth, Someone who is relentless and disastrous someone who his creation betrayed him... I need you all to unseal Ryjack right away " Lord Gaap said and everybody gasp especially all the sorcerers.

" Lord Gaap, Ryjack is a brutal god like being, People call him a god but he is a lord with god's energy in him, We betrayed him because he was planning to create a being with a the supernatural powers combined and it would be very disastrous, Ryjack will seek revenge on all the supernaturals including you " An enchantor spoke out and lord Gaap smirked.

" Don't you think I know about that, Ryjack will go for the weaker supernaturals which is the atlantians with rage once unsealed and by then we will have killed him after he is done destroying all the atlantians without our hands in it while we handle the ocean lord and Co " Lord Gaap said with a smug.

" My lord, Ryjack can't be killed, it is the creator gift to him Ryjack did something that impressed the creator and his reward was to be undyable, He is nature and he can only be sealed for up to twenty thousand years before the seal start breaking by itself...It would be a suicide mission " A master spoke out.

" I know what I am doing, Prepare the ritual and I shall break the seal with the dark dagger of baigaki and he shall be free, He will locate the atlantians first and we will seal him back before he does anything, No one dares to oppose me, Unseal Ryjack as I commands you " Lord Gaap said and varnished.







A blue gigantic portal appeared revealing Felix and Co coming out of it, Felix face beamed with smiles to enter ATLANTIS with his powers back, Kuhan and Ben were staying with Sam in the underground base as Kuhan and Ben can't breathe underwater.

They were all inside the throne room, All the region kings were cladded with their armours, The princes were all alert and ready to strike whosoever he attacking but they were all afraid because of the silver moon.

" Hello buddies " Jones called out and they all faced him, The princes were not happy at all, The silver moon and now prince Silas is gone, this is really an heartbreak because it looks like lord Gaap is gaining advantage like they did on him in the previous war.

" Did you guys see prince Silas? He is missing and now we are on the search to look for him and prevent the Silver moon from affecting us, We are weakening seconds by seconds, minutes by minutes and hours by hours as the moon is fast approaching " Triton spoke out and Felix beamed a smile.

" I am sure prince Silas will return and as for the Silver moon, You guys are the ultimate target and as you all are gonna be weak, We brought you all special equipments to protect your lives and the Ocean from the evil intentions of Lord Gaap, Breca bring them all " Felix ordered and Breca nodded.

" Transferiere Del weaponsa " Breca chanted and all the weapons of light appeared as it was everywhere, All the golden glittering weapons shone brightly and the Councils jubilated in excitement of seeing the weapons of light.

" What is going on here.... OMG is that the weapons of light " Prince Silas voice ranged out from behind, Golphis was not following him as he was approaching the throne room, No one except the royals and councils are permitted to see And enter Neptune's throne room.

" Prince Silas the Atlantians were worried about you, Where do you go to? " Triton asked and Prince Silas ignored the question as he stared deeply into the weapons, He saw golden swords and daggers, Rings and other strong weapons like axe, spears and shields.

" There are things that are not to be told, But wow Felix where did you get all the weapons of light from? We were hoping to find it and protect ourselves but right now, We have thirty percent chance in defeating the armies of lord Gaap " Prince Silas marveled.

" Well it was one of my friend who is a supernatural that kept it in his layer or base as we can call it, The person is an atlantian and we kinda trust him and now he made sure we have all the weapons to protect us from lord Gaap during the silver moon " Jones spoke out and Silas smiled.

" Regions kings please order your men to be at the palace entrance, Councils be ready for the weapons and also the princes, The weapons are enough to give to all of us and to protect us all, We give out the weapons to be ready and we will be initiating our plans... Thanks Felix and by the way how did you recover back your powers back, I am feeling your aura " Prince Silas asked and Felix smiled and by that time all the region kings have gone to do what they were asked to do.

" We we located the bodies and we returned back their souls to them, it was really bloody but right now I am happy that I am with my powers back to me, I don't depend on my friends to take me and protect my assignment, I should be the one protecting their ass instead of mine " Felix said and they all laugh.

" Oh Felix, you are still the funny guy that I always knew, Too funny, cool but dangerous when it comes to war, Imagine the time we were fighting those demon witches, Gosh those women were So, so disgusting to fight with " Prince Silas said smiling and they all laughed.

" Yeah I remember, Breca was riding on his dark tiger and was on his enchantor attire and that girl, What did that girl called herself again? Ehm Ehm Ehm somebody should remind me what the witch called herself " Felix said and they were all in deep thought.

" Flame witch " Breca said and Felix widened his eyes.

" Yeah Breca is correct, Flame witch she burned all the witches with her barigaan flame until Balista escaped but I am sure she is changed by now and the flames would have destroyed her entire body " Felix said and they all nodded smiling.

" But to cut everything shut, I can't believe that we are under water and even breathing talkless of talking, Those fucking teachers always deceive people but not us again, I would have said we should reveal our powers but it isn't good because of those fvcking government will want us " Jones said and they all laughed.

" Even if they come, They will have to face our dad, the great Trilloniare Mr Clark, Well dad is vicious sometimes and he would destroy them all with his money with him as an advantage, That's why people fears us except Jude that freak " Felix fronwed his face on remembering Jude the bully guy.

" And speaking of dad, How is he faring and it has been months since Jones started all this thing, He will be heartbroken thinking Jones is dead like his son Felix, I can't wait to see to look of shock on paps face to see my alive " Felix said smiling.

💀💀💀💀UNKNOWN ☔☔☔



Lightning flashed through the sky, Dark auras suppressed the atmosphere as it reeked with death aura, Lord Gaap appeared inside the dark realm that was the formal location of the Blood clan.

Lord Gaap walked into the building with confident, Everywhere was calm and silent, Faint footsteps could be heard as it was lord Gaap footsteps, Lord Gaap smirked as he zoomed into the deep building with great speed.

" Where is that damn pool of soul? " Lord Gaap muttered as he banged into every single door but he couldn't see anything around, He had opened fifty doors but he didn't find what he was looking for, Lord Gaap opened the next door and he gasped on seeing a silver glittering pool.

" There it is... My son will soon be awoken, All I need to do is to suck up my son's soul and awaken him with my wizards powers and then he shall rule With me by my side forever and ever " Lord Gaap smirked as he approached the pool.

" Reterire Dan LA soule " Lord Gaap chanted and a white glowing substance emerged from the pool and it entered him, Lord Gaap sucked his son's soul into him so that he could keep it save from anyones reach and lord Gaap disappear immediately.





The mountains was filled with vans around, Gun men were outside guarding the cave entirely, Inside the cave were filled with specialist, Mr Clark was seen sitting deep inside the cave as he was reading all the writings on the wall.

" Phantom lord sire.. We have located the semi deport areas sir, There is no sign of supernatural around this vicinity and I believe that something greater is about to come " Mamba said as he approached Mr Clark.

" Of course I know what we are about to deal with, The silver moon and that's shit doesn't affect me at All, All my warriors are impure supernaturals and that makes it more fun, Prepare the armies of squad five, We need to trace them and know where the signal is coming from " Mr Clark said and mamba nodded.

" Mamba do you know why I chosed you to be my second in command? " Mr Clark asked and mamba nodded negatively causing Mr Clark to smile.

" I chose you because the day my wife was killed, Your mother was also killed in that park, I said you and I decided to take you and train you, you have prove your loyalty to me and when we are done with all these, you will be going to Sunvale high school " Mr Clark said and Mamba beamed smiles from his lips.

" Thank you phantom lord sire, I will take my leave now " Mamba said and Mr Clark nodded as he focused on the writings, Doctor Ricko walked in with his normal back attire that matches with his bat demon transformation.

" Sir we got signal from the sky, It looks like something silver is erupting from the clouds and supernaturals are detected in the sky but we can't see them all, I can feel something will soon happen and according to my research, it is an epic war " Doctor Ricko said and Mr Clark flashed him a smile.

" I know that Ricko but the fact is that it won't affect me, those it is about to affect will be in grave danger, Remember that we are here to locate my son's and not partake in the war to come, I wash my hands of the war " Mr Clark said and Doctor Ricko nodded.

" Any news concerning my son's? " Mr Clark asked facing doctor Ricko who smirked as he made talk.


☢️☢️☢️UNKNOWN REALM ⚔️⚔️⚔️



Many sorcerers were all inside the cave with their hands strecthed forth on a glowing wall, Their faces held fear and it ruled over them, Enchantors were also seen focusing on the glowing wall, A hand sprouted out of the wall and a great voice of pain was heard from the glowing wall.

" Remember that we have been ordered to free Ryjack from the seal, Once we free him we will all enter the portal that we created and zoom of, Ryjack mustn't see anybody or else he would force his anger on them and not atlantians " An enchantor spoke out and they all nodded.

" Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Argggghhhhhh " The voice screamed out from the wall, All the sorcerers bounced back on fear as the wall slightly crack and it was gradually breaking into two and the realm thickened.

" One two ready go, Breakina jel Del seale biagomasa " They chanted and the seal broken and the wall scattered into pieces, All the sorcerers ran into the portal but it wasn't all of them that could enter and escape.

The portal closed up and They all turned back In fear, A golden haired handsome young man could be seen gnashing his teeth angrily, His golden auras began to choke each and every one of the sorcerers present.

" You sorcerers trapped me all this while and now you guys are the one to free me Huh? That doesn't make me to show compassion because I have swore to end all the supernaturals existing in this world after I am done with the wizards " The figure stated angrily, golden robe appeared on his body.

" It is time for revenge, All the supernaturals race will tremble in fear as I eradicate them all but by bit, Time to destroy " The being said as he choked all the sorcerers to death with his auras and he took all their souls from the bodies.

" It is time to create beings for my mission, Erastel Damte viloga " The figure chanted and the souls merged into three beings with dark glowing eyes, The golden haired being sniffed the air and he smirked.

" It is a good thing that the silver moon is fast approaching, Let the supernatural clash among themselves and I will be waiting to destroy all the victors with my palms, Now that I am nature, No one can easily Stop the great Ryjack And his destruction " The figure said and he laughed hysterically.

" Supernaturals will seize to exist from now on and you my minions, I have a very special plans for you all " The figure known as Ryjack smirked as he clenched his fists with evil filled in his heart.