





" Steffie wait up " A voice rang out from behind as it was recognized to be the voice of Felix, Steffie halted immediately her name was mentioned. They were all present in the cafeteria as Steffie was holding a trace containing her foods.

" Hey Felix... What do you want from me?? " Steffie asked as she slowly turned back to face Felix holding his food tray with smiles beaming on his face. He was a handsome black hair guy while Steffie was blonde.

Steffie found herself smiling but she hide it from showing out as her face was sternful, Felix approached her with his food tray on his hands, His body scent was charming as his beautiful and handsome face.

" I said what do you want Felix?? "

" Chill Steffie... I want us to be friends, that's all " Felix answered as he was one step away from Steffie who was already breathing hard, her heart skipped numerous beat while Felix advanced towards her. Numerous scornful eyes of girls were fixed on her, Jealousy and hatred filled their faces, they all wanted to have Felix.

" Steffie, shall we?? " Felix gestured bouncing Steffie from her thoughts as they both marched towards two chairs with circular table in the cafeteria, Steffie found herself blushing at the sights of Felix.

" Felix.. Please tell me what you want? I am very busy " Steffie asked playfully causing Felix to smile. His dimples was showing and his cool hair danced to the music of the calm breeze that passed them.

" Well Steffie, you understand that you are a very beautiful girl... I would like us to be... " Felix was about to complete his statement as Steffie was already blushing, Felix felt a tap on his shoulder and he swiftly stood up to see the person.

Lo and behold, it was Jude and his goons, they were all holding sharp weapons and we're ready to strike at any given time to do so. Felix wasn't really shock. He was really fearless when it comes to Jude. Jude was an athlete before, He is very muscularly built and that gives him the moral to bully.

" Hey dude what's up? Why are you bothering me? " Felix asked with boldness, Jude smirked as he plunged towards the fearless Felix. Steffie wasn't really scared at all, it was as if she could kill Jude with one punch.

All eyes present in the cafeteria was fixed on the two guys that were staring at each other dangerously. Jude clenched his fist angrily while showing his strong muscles. Every body winced in fear as they stared at Jude ripped out muscles.

" Felix.. I brought you some candy " Jones voice ranged out from the door of the cafeteria, Jones halted and his smiles changed to frown immediately he saw Jude the bully. He walked towards Felix with anger in his eyes as he glared dangerously at Jude.

" I ask again Jude... What the hell do you want from me?? " Felix asked furiously with his gaze fixed on Jude who flexes his muscles to put Felix in fear but Felix is known to be a fearless and dangerous guy, No one dares him.

" How dare you speak to me like that boy... Leave my girl Steffie alone " Jude warned and Steffie stood up furiously and anger flowing in her veins.

" Hey... Jude or dude.. Whatever your stupid name is called!...i am not your girlfriend and neither your lover, how will I be the girlfriend of a wrenched and foolish animal " Steffie said angrily, the cafeteria was rampage with overwhelming laughter that boomed from the four corners of the cafeteria.

" He is not online a foolish animal, but he is a big headed baboon " Jones added amidst laughter as it creates unending burst of laughter. Jude was already furiously angered, He was boiling inside him as he clenched his fists angrily.

" You better watch your tongue ingrate "Jude warned while focusing on the laughing Jones who stared at Jude in a funny way. Bothering the cooks and the students present were all laughing nonstop.

" Or else what Jude. You gonna cut of my tongue and fixed it on your balls " Jones mocked and it was followed by overwhelming laughter booming everywhere. Jude had enough as he landed a heavy blow to the jaw of Jones causing Jones to fall down with heavy thud.

Silent reigned as Jones nose bled, Felix from laughter turned to rage, He quickly directed a bone breaking punch to the chin of Jude, causing Jude to staggered back with blood ozooing from his lips.

" Bitch.. Guys attack " Jude ordered and his goons attacked Felix who stood his ground prepared for the goons that were running towards him with their daggers and other dangerous weapons.

Felix ducked a dagger aiming for his head, he dragged the goon clothes and headbutted him down, He quickly launched his kick attack to the jaw of another goon causing the goon to fall down heavily. Three goons attacked him immediately, Felix did a back flip and he stood hi ground as he ducked three dagger at once.

He caught a goon hand with dagger in it, Felix squeezed the hand causing the goon to yell in pains, He twisted the fingers and dislocated three fingers before releasing his grip on the goon, The goon rolled on the ground in pains.

Felix swiftly evade the incoming punch at his back as he connected a bone breaking punch to the second rib of the goon at his back. He launched a massive kick which sents the weak goon away.

Three goons clenched their fists angrily as they approached Felix who smirked in return, They dashed at Felix but they were welcomed with massive punch and kicks from Felix. Jack ran from the back as he caught the goon hand who wanted to stab Felix with his dagger.

The goon quickly headbutt Jack's head but it didn't affect Jack a little bit, it was the goon that winced in pains. Jack launched a brogue kick to the head of the goon, Causing the goon to drop weak. Another goon attacked Jack but hugged him tight.

The goon dropped dead as Jack released him, sharp claws marked could be seen on the dead goon inside the school premises, Felix was done fighting as he saw all the goon he already knocked out but he was shocked to see Jack with blue glowing eyes, it faded away immediately resulting Felix to think that he saw double.

Jude dashed towards the unnoticed Felix, Jude was about to stab Felix but an unknown force throwed him away, People didn't notice that Steffie eyes burned with blue fire before he changed back to its normal color.


🌳🌳🌳THE WOODS☘️☘️☘️



The atmosphere reeked with death auras, Glorious light aura was suppressing the dark auras around, The woods was beginning to light up as the cloud pathed the darkness revealing the glorious sun reflecting down.

A girl with burning veil covering her face could be seen levitating on the air, Her hair burned with fire but it never got burnt, Her eyes burned with blue fire and unstoppable aura radiating around her, She held her staff firmly with fire surrounding her.

" You... How is that possible, the last flame witch seize to exist " Ivory said with venom etched in her voice while the flame witch smirked as she conjured great amount of fire on the air, She directed it towards the minions of the demon witches.

" Furious Huh? I am something that you will never think of facing in your life again, I am the flame witch.. The one that wields the barigaan fire " the flame witch boasted and that enraged the demon witches as they levitated. Their side was filled with complete darkness.

" We are the witches of the demons, we wields the powers of Regol the demon of horror, We are the personification of darkness, the servants of the seven principalities " The demon witches said repeatedly causing the sky to turn dark.

" You may be the most powerful witch... But you are not a goddess, neither are you the mother witch, You will die for stepping into our shoes " Ballista cursed venomously as she stared daggered at the levitating flame witch.

" I want to see you try demons "

The two sides dashed at each other, The demon witches conjured dark plasma balls from their palms, The flame witch deflected everything with her flame staff. The area she was at, all burned with great fire. The air was disastrous.

Breca and the mask figure bounced back in fear, The clash among witches was so disastrous and epic, Breca smirked as he sat on a rock with his eyes up there watching the witches battle themselves.

" Are you gonna sit there like a coward or are you gonna fight enchantor " The flame witch said while facing Breca who stood up immediately he heard the name enchantor. He was surprised about hearing that name.

" How did know that... "

" Hey old man... I am a witch, you get that... I know who you are because I was following you since " The flame witch said as he directed lightning from her staff towards the demon witches, The demon witches was to late, The lightning strucked them heavily.

" Let's get this done " Nimueii yelled as she directed red lightning from her staff, ivory directed black plasma ball from her staff and Ballista directed great amount of circle dark objects to the directions of the flame witch who smirked.

The flame witch deflected all of them, but it wasn't her alone. Breca could be seen on his dark tiger, he was putting on red robe and he held a dark staff firmly. The mask figure on the other hand was lifted up to the height of Breca with water aiding him up.

The sky darkened, The atmosphere reeked with death aura as the wind blew ferociously, Clouds of dusts filled the air. Dark serpents and scorpions filled the air, While glorious fire burned around, Trees and leaves were all burnt up as a result of the force.

Gnashing of teeths filled the air as both teams charged at themselves with great fury in their eyes, The woods shook vigorously as the ground vibrated with great amount of power and fury that flowed in their veins and powers.





Lightning flashed through the sky, the dark sky thundered heavily. Dark auras radiated around the throne room of the kingdom of the skibat reigned everywhere as different sounds of wings flapping could be heard around.

Inside the skibat palace, All the warriors were present with their weapons with them. They were all furious and ready for battle, their dark wings sprouted out while the were waiting for lord Gaap to appear.

A black portal appeared revealing lord Gaap emerging from it, He was in full armor as he held his dark sword firmly, All the warriors bowed before him in respect as they beat their drums happily,The captains and the generals gnashed their teeths.

" Listen and listen carefully, We are prepared to battle against the atlantians and destroy them forever... The demon witches are battling with their seer and that gives us chance in destroying all the atlantians forever " Lord Gaap said causing silent to reign everywhere as the warriors paid attention to lord Gaap speech.

" Remember that belgaus is the heart and the life of the atlanteans... If he is dead, they all die except for the princes, The princes won't be difficult to handle if all the atlantians are all destroyed... We will take them in awards "

" Yessssssss "

" We will poison their oceans... And destroy their fishes "

" Yessssssss "

" They will suffer for what they did before to the people of Regine "

" Yessssssss "

" We will behead the princes and placed it before all the supernaturals in this world "

" Yessssssss "

" They will understand and know who we are "

" Yessssssss "

" We are the skibat... We are the bloody skibat "

" We are the skibats " The warriors roared.

" No one crossess our paths and ever live "

" Yesssssssss "

" Destruction is the skibats way... We are the dark warriors " Lord Gaap roared before entering his throne room, All the captains, generals and the councils all followed at his back while he sat on his throne.

" How many warriors do we have to embark and fight in this war?? " Lord Gaap asked sternly while sitting on his throne. His wings sprouted out showing his reddish color.

" My lord... We have five thousand warriors present... We are ready for battle " A general replied from the multitude of council, generals and captains present in their midst. Lord Gaap eyes glowed darkish causing everybody present to mumure.

" Any more noise... I promise to cut of your throats at once " Lord Gaap warned with his grutal voice echoing around the throne room, Silent reigned as lord Gaap flapped his wings as he floated from his throne.

" Prepare the warriors.... I need the warriors to be present, The atlantians mustn't win this war... We will end them at once "

" My lord sire " A voice spoke out from the crowd of the councils.

" Speak " Lord Gaap ordered causing everybody to cringe in fear as sweat dripped down from their faces, Each and everyone present were all afraid to the bone. It looks like lord Gaap was ready and already fit for this war to come.

" Gaap.. I wanted to ask when we are attacking the atlantians " An old man barged his way out of the councils as he spoke out for lord Gaap to see him. Dark auras thickened the more and the sky rumble, the ground vibrated.

Gasped filled the air as lord Gaap mysteriously appeared in front of the old man, Lord Gaap pierced the old man heart and he brought out the heart causing the old man to fall with a great thud. Lord Gaap feasted on the heart in his hands.

Everybody became terrified on what just happened right now, Lord Gaap eyes turned completely dark, He was completely covered with darkness, His red wings sliced the air as it flapped vigorously.

" You don't dare call me gaap...As for your question... We attack in four days " Lord Gaap said while staring at the dead body of the old man on the floor with his heart ripped out, He was in his own pool of blood.

" In two days time... We savage the entire atlantis " Lord Gaap smirked as he sat comfortably on his dark glowing throne emitting dark auras.