
Obsidian Firebird: Soliel Book 2

After Phoenix disappears, Onyx is tasked with finding her and bringing her back to the Ironshade gang so that she can be killed. However, that isn’t why Onyx is searching for her: he wants something else. Meanwhile, Phoenix begins killing off Ironshade members, starting with Xinth, the archer who would have killed her if another hadn’t stepped in. But her plans change when Advandth comes to her for help of her own: save Anthrax, Onyx’s father. Phoenix soon learns why Onyx did what he did, and Onyx soon learns just how deeply he hurt the only one who gave his life any kind of fun. And both are brought together by Anthrax’s rescue. Will Phoenix do as she promised and kill Onyx on sight, or will she give him another chance? Will Onyx put aside his overwhelming rage and give Phoenix the chance she deserves, knowing his leader set him up?

Patricia_Levy · ファンタジー
11 Chs

*Unhappy Parties*

The next day, Advandth was called into Neclord's office. Onyx was right behind her, a protective shadow that allowed no one to get close. But once they reached the Boss's door, he knew he had to stay out. Neclord would not allow anyone in a meeting unless they were summoned too.

"Be careful," he whispered to the pale-faced woman.

She swallowed. "I'll try." With that, she opened the door and stepped inside, shutting Onyx out as she closed it behind her.

Neclord was in his chair, fat spilling over the sides and skin greasy like his hair, however, he was adequate with a knife and twirled one around a hand as Advandth stood in place. She shook with terror, not wanting the treatment he graciously dolled out to her anytime she was here.

After five minutes of intense silence, Neclord finally took in a deep breath. "Advandth, you know I value your loyalty as much as every other Ironshade, don't you?"

She nodded. "I do."

"You also know how I value leverage against my enemies, right?"

Again, she nodded.

"So, tell me what you think happened when one of my prisoners escaped last night."

His voice was calm, conversational. Advandth didn't like it. She glanced at the Boss, but couldn't read a single emotion. He just kept twirling a knife. "I don't know, Sir."

Neclord hummed, nodding his head as he watched the blade spin. "Advandth, do you believe there is a person in Ironshade who could potentially betray me?"

She was quiet, pretending to think about it. "No, Sir."

"How would my guards, who are very diligent about their job, end up dead, if not because of a betrayal?"

Advandth felt herself sweat. "I don't know."

Neclord slammed a fist down on his desk. "Don't lie to me!"

She took a step back. "I swear, I'm not!"

"You are the only other one who knows about this specific prisoner!"

"I don't know!" she cried.

Neclord gave a growl. "Advandth, don't make me have to force out the truth from you."

She shook.

The man stood with his arms crossed, annoyed with those he had made deals with, annoyed no one thought to at least give him any credit to violence. Of course, he wasn't like the so-called Phoenix, who had more hate inside her than anyone he'd ever met. But he did have anger that could spark a roaring fire if the occasion called for it. And if people didn't start taking him seriously, it would. Not even she could escape the flames.

Elliot and Phoenix had left Anthrax sleeping so that Elliot could introduce Phoenix to her sister. He was nervous, a bit scared Phoenix would kill Aurora if the latter tried to do anything, but she deserved to see her younger sister. She deserved to be reunited with part of her family whom she thought dead.

"Elliot, I'm sorry for leaving you alone."

Elliot shrugged. "It's fine. Just shut up about it."

He ignored the way Phoenix glanced at him warily, keeping his eyes ahead. "Elliot, can I explain myself?"

"No. You have no reason to. I'm the slave. You're the master. Remember?"

That seemed to piss her off because Phoenix grabbed his arm and spun him around to face her. "You were never, have never, and will never be a slave, Elliot!"

"Well, I certainly wasn't a friend either, because you kept everything wrong with you a secret! You ignored my warnings about that guy, Onyx, and he almost killed you!"

Phoenix narrowed her eyes. "I kept secrets so that I could protect you."

"From what?" Elliot stepped back and crossed his arms. "I may not be as smart or as strong as you, but I think I can handle a little of the burdens you have."

She seemed to pull back from him, looking at him as if for the first time. Her anger dissipated. "And what do I do if the Ironshades catch you again and torture you for information that I give you?"

Elliot swallowed. "What you always do. Kick some ass. I know you would come for me eventually, Phoenix. I know you won't stop until I was safe or until you were dead."

Her eyes welled up, but she turned away. "I can't lose you, Elliot. No matter how I seem, no matter what you believe, you're my family. I can't let another member of my family die."

It was silent a long time after that. They continued walking to her house, to her sister. Elliot never knew what a family felt like. He had never known that a family would feel so good and so bad at the same time. He wasn't sure if he liked it.

As the two of them walked up to her front door, Phoenix looked over to her friend, her confidant, her brother, and said, "After this intro with Aurora, I'll tell you a little about me."

He looked at her. "I have things too, that you should know."

She nodded and they opened the door.

Stepping inside her family's home once more, she wondered what Aurora had thought when she saw it for the first time. She wondered if her sister cherished everything as much as Phoenix herself did.

"Onyx, if that's you, I'm going to claw your eyes out for leaving me here for so long without information!" screamed a voice from upstairs. Phoenix raised her brows as Elliot winced. They heard stomping and Phoenix held her breath. "The violence thing must run in the family," her friend said.

Phoenix shrugged.

Then a girl in a flowy dress the color of spring entered the room. Her blue eyes ablaze, her red hair tumbling down her shoulders gracefully, and mouth in a hard line. Phoenix froze.

Aurora saw Elliot and her expression changed from furious to surprise and sorrow. "Elliot! I'm so sorry for getting you into danger! I should have-" She cut off at seeing Phoenix standing there, quiet and staring.

The two girls stared at each other, both unsure if they should approach the other. Elliot, glanced between them anxiously.

Finally, Aurora moved. She darted across the room and wrapped her arms around Phoenix in a hug, tears running down her face as she sobbed. Phoenix was stiff. She didn't really know what to do or say. As much as she had wished for her brother or sister to be alive, now it seemed as if she were meeting a stranger. She hadn't known Aurora since she was a baby. Now she was full grown and have had lived a life.

"You're alive!" Aurora cried. "I never gave up hope! I never stopped searching for you after my mother and father told me about you. I'm so happy you're here!"

Phoenix seemed to tense even more. "Mother and father?"

Aurora pulled back and wiped her face. "Yes! They found me and took me in. When I was sixteen, they told me about what happened and said that you might still be alive."

Phoenix stared at her. Jealousy rose in her chest. Jealousy and anger. She turned to Elliot and controlled herself to softly say, "I need to be alone. Do you mind if I use your room?"

He shook his head. "Go ahead."

Phoenix swept passed Aurora and found the basement door, shut and locked it behind her, then paced Elliot's room, head spinning, eyes teary, and heart racing.

Onyx had waited for Advandth for two hours, and still she did not exit Neclord's office. He wanted to kick the door down and take her away from the Boss's disgusting gaze, but that would not do anyone any good. He exited Ironshade's headquarters and out into the fresh air. He breathed deeply, hoping to stay calm, but that hope washed away quickly.

"Onyx," Devdan called as he ran up. The boy was wide-eyed and scared, or was it shocked? Onyx wasn't sure.

"What's wrong?"

"She's home! Phoenix! She's home! That boy took her home."

"Are you sure it wasn't the look alike?"

Devdan gave Onyx a scowl. "She had weapons."

Surprised, Onyx stared at his friend. "She's home?"

Devdan nodded. "Not sure why or how the boy found her, but she's there."

Another thought came to Onyx. "Wait, the boy?"

"Yeah. He seemed fine."

Onyx straightened. "Do you know where they came from?"

"No, but I know it was in the direction of town. They took that long path."

Onyx nodded. "Dev, I need you to wait here for Addie. She's been with the Boss for hours and I'm worried. When she come out, bring her to me immediately, or at least to Phoenix's house if I'm not there. Stay there. Don't leave her alone."

Devdan looked a little worried. "Is he-"

"I don't know, but I don't like it. If she's in bad shape, have Ecthrois help you."

Devdan nodded. "But Onyx…" Onyx looked at him. "Be careful. She still wants to kill you."

It took Onyx fifteen minutes to run from Ironshade to Phoenix's home. He came up to the door and put his hand up to knock, only for it to open to Elliot's worried face. "You're okay," Onyx breathed as a greeting.

Elliot shrugged. "I know why you're here, and I'm not sure this is a good time."

"Why not?"

Elliot glanced behind him and pushed Onyx back. Onyx wouldn't have allowed it except for the fact that Elliot doesn't usually touch anyone. Elliot closed the door and hugged himself, pacing. "She's locked herself downstairs. She hasn't come out since she saw Aurora."

"Did she say why she's hiding?"

Elliot shook his head. "No, but I think Aurora said something that got her upset." He explained the brief meeting between the sisters and then said that Phoenix rescued him the day before, taking him to a home no one was using at the moment. He left out Anthrax.

Onyx glanced at the house and raked a hand through his hair. "Where's Aurora?"

"Upstairs, confused. She's not sure why Phoenix wasn't happy to see her."

Onyx shook his head. "She's in shock, I'm sure. Phoenix is probably happy her sister is back but is processing it."

Elliot shrugged. "Phoenix has never been one to disappear until you came around."

Onyx glowered. "She's been disappearing her whole life, Elliot. She disappeared as a child. She disappears as an adult too. It's one of the things she seems to excel at."

Elliot shook his head. "She hides secrets. That I know. But not herself. She's never hidden from me until you."

Onyx wanted to shake him. "Maybe you are just lucky."

"If you're going to be doing this, then just leave. Phoenix doesn't deserve your anger. She doesn't deserve to hear your sob story."

Onyx gave a harsh laugh.

But their argument was soon forgotten as Rokr came into view.