
Obsidian Firebird: Soliel Book 2

After Phoenix disappears, Onyx is tasked with finding her and bringing her back to the Ironshade gang so that she can be killed. However, that isn’t why Onyx is searching for her: he wants something else. Meanwhile, Phoenix begins killing off Ironshade members, starting with Xinth, the archer who would have killed her if another hadn’t stepped in. But her plans change when Advandth comes to her for help of her own: save Anthrax, Onyx’s father. Phoenix soon learns why Onyx did what he did, and Onyx soon learns just how deeply he hurt the only one who gave his life any kind of fun. And both are brought together by Anthrax’s rescue. Will Phoenix do as she promised and kill Onyx on sight, or will she give him another chance? Will Onyx put aside his overwhelming rage and give Phoenix the chance she deserves, knowing his leader set him up?

Patricia_Levy · ファンタジー
11 Chs

*Plot Number One*

"Advandth," Onyx said in a very calm voice that scared even the senseless. "Why did you just claim Phoenix isn't an enemy?"

Advandth turned her glare on him now. "Don't play games with me, Onyx! I have seen you looking for her! I have seen your face every time an Ironshade mentions her name! I have seen the regret you hold for her being hurt and captured! Stop lying to yourself!"

He gave her a small smile. "I haven't lied to myself, Addie. Just to everyone else."

Advandth gasped and nearly tripped while lunging over to hug Onyx, something she rarely did. Onyx gently hugged back. "Onyx! I knew you liked her!"

Ecthrois snorted. "Like doesn't cover it."

Advandth spun and gave him another glare. "You don't have a say in his love life! He should get to choose who he wants!"

"While Neclord lives?"

"Slow down," Onyx said, leading Advandth to a chair before sitting himself. "Go back. Why are you two arguing over me and Phoenix?"

"Advandth has made a deal with Phoenix," Ecthrois started. "One she made a few days ago."

Onyx looked to a red-faced Advandth. "You've met with her and didn't tell me?"

She shrugged. "It wasn't planned. I sort of was wandering around when I saw her."

"What happened?"

"Nothing. She seemed lost."

Onyx furrowed his brows. "Lost?"

Advandth nodded. "Like she had no idea what to do next, like everything she knew had crumbled."

"Didn't seem lost the other night!" Ecthrois grumbled.

Onyx snapped his eyes to him. "The other night?"

Ecthrois shut his mouth. Advandth answered. "She was listening to your argument with Ecthrois, then confronted us because Ecthrois was being rude."

"I was being rational."

"She saw you leave with that girl, wanted to know what happened."


"We couldn't tell her much," Ecthrois answered. "You didn't tell us much."

"So, what happened?" Onyx queried.

Ecthrois and Advandth glanced at each other before Advandth gave a grin. Ecthrois jumped up to stop her, but she ran around to behind Onyx and said, "Phoenix nearly killed Ecthrois because he threatened her!"

Onyx went very still. Ecthrois did too. "Addie, if Ecthrois is alive, that means Phoenix didn't finish the job. Why not?"

"Devdan made her drop him by telling her what the girl looked like."

Onyx stiffened now. "What did Phoenix say?"

"That it was impossible," Ecthrois replied. "That no one can look like her."

"She asked for a name, but we didn't know," Advandth added.

Onyx nodded slowly. "What about the deal?" he asked her.

Ecthrois crossed his arms. "She won't say a word on it. I tried."

Onyx turned to face the woman and gave her a raised brow. She folded her hands and bowed her head. "I don't want to say because I don't want you to either get your hopes up or interfere."

"Advandth, if she's doing something dangerous and reckless, I need to know so she doesn't get hurt."

She bit her lip, saying nothing.


"Onyx, don't push. I really don't think you should know."

"Advandth, you know Neclord will bring out his best hunters if she does anything drastic."

"His best hunters are us," she whispered. "And he can't keep forcing you to do what you don't want."

Onyx took a deep breath, knowing she was only trying to help, but it was at the risk of so many lives. "Addie, please, tell me what the deal was between you two."

It was early afternoon the next day when all of a sudden, five of Ironshade's people dropped to the ground, either dead or asleep. No one noticed. No one was around.

A shadow parted from the others in a nearby corner and darted over, finding keys and unhooking them from one belt. Then, it went to the steel door and unlocked it.

The heavy thing opened without a sound, illuminating a dingy room within. The shadow pulled down the hood, becoming a woman with red hair and blue eyes.

Phoenix thought she understood Anthrax's loving space, but she didn't. She hadn't seen the piles of shit in the corners, or the wasted cloths that had yellow and black stains all over them. She hadn't noticed flies all around attacking whatever they could, or the rat holes where the critters snuck in to grab leftover crumbs.

"You're stupid for doing this," said Anthrax from a cot at the back of the room.

"You can apologize for that insult later," she hissed and began pulling out large sheets, wanting to keep the man's wounds hidden as much as possible. "Wrap yourself in these, then take two pills."

Anthrax didn't move, just stared at her.

She scowled. "If you want to get out, then let's move! I only have a small period of time here."

Anthrax blinked, but didn't move towards her. Instead, he turned and began shaking something.


Phoenix felt her heart stop at the sight of Elliot sitting up. She hadn't planned on this. She didn't know if she could get them both out at the same time. She didn't know-

"Phoenix!" Elliot gasped, and jumped up to run and hug her.

She hugged back, glad to see him alive but also confused to why he was here and why Neclord would want him. "Elliot, how-"

""As you said, girl, we don't have time," Anthrax growled, doing as she asked a few minutes before.

Phoenix jolted into action. "Elliot, do you think you can help him out while I lead?"

Elliot nodded, taking some food and water from her offered hands. "Yeah, but I don't think he'll get far."

"That's fine. We just need to go a few blocks." Phoenix went out and shot another dart into each guards neck, then gestured for the men to follow her.

It was a painfully slow trek to her destination because Anthrax had bones that didn't heal correctly and a sickness that left him gasping for air after a couple steps. She wanted him to be carried, but knew neither her nor Elliot were strong enough. So, she dealt with the situation. She was at least grateful she had Elliot there to help the older man while she checked for any danger ahead.

It took an hour to get four block away. Phoenix's patience was almost nonexistent. But she ushered Elliot and Anyhrax into a comfortable little house, who's owners were away for vacation. Phoenix wanted to give Anthrax time to heal a little and rest before traveling to her family's house.

They put Anthrax on the couch, covered him with a light blanket, then Phoenix led Elliot into a separate room. "Why were you captured?" she demanded.

He blinked. "You finally decide to show your face and that's all you have to say?"

"Elliot, I wouldn't have shown my face had I not needed to rescue you and him."

"But you will hide on rooftops and take down every Ironshade until they're gone?"

She groaned. "I don't have time to argue, Elliot! Why were you captured? How were you captured?"

He crossed his arms. "Phoenix, if I knew why, then I'll have said so back there. How I was captured is a story you aren't going to believe until you see proof. But fuck, how about you tell me where you've been? Maybe explain the deal with Onyx and his friends? Or tell me why you abandoned me and left me no way of finding you if I needed help?"

Phoenix closed her eyes, frustrated in the best way possible with Elliot. She was relieved he was alive and not harmed badly. She was happy she got him and Anthrax out safely. But they still had a ways to go before they could take a peaceful breath of air. "Let's get you and Anthrax cleaned up, then we'll talk."