
Obsidian Desires

Oliver, a young college student, leads an ordinary life until he encounters Michael, an enigmatic and seductive vampire. Their initial meeting sparks a dangerous and intoxicating connection that neither can resist. As they delve deeper into their forbidden relationship, their lives take a twisted turn. At first, Oliver is drawn to Michael's charm and allure, unaware of the darkness that lurks within him. As their romance intensifies, Oliver becomes increasingly fascinated with the power and immortality that being a vampire offers. However, the more he immerses himself in Michael's world, the more his own psyche begins to unravel. Unbeknownst to Oliver, Michael harbors his own twisted desires. He becomes obsessed with possessing Oliver his love for him being tainted by his vampiric instincts and his need for control, which gradually transforms their relationship into a toxic and psychologically devastating dynamic.

Akera_King_3914 · ホラー
3 Chs

Chapter 2:A Hazy Awakening

Oliver's eyelids fluttered open, revealing a dimly lit room bathed in the morning's soft glow. As the drowsiness lifted, his mind was greeted by a throbbing pain, pulsating with each beat of his pounding heart. He tried to recollect the events of the previous night, but to his dismay, his memory remained shrouded in an impenetrable fog.

Confusion washed over him, mingling with the ache that permeated his body. Every muscle protested as he attempted to sit up, and a wave of dizziness threatened to pull him back down. He closed his eyes, fighting the vertigo and struggling to reclaim his sense of self.

Through the haze, a faint image emerged, like a flickering candle in a forgotten corner of his mind. A name—Joseph. Oliver's brow furrowed as he grasped onto the fragment of memory. Joseph, a beautiful boy whose features remained tantalizingly out of reach. He strained to remember more, to bring the puzzle pieces together, but it was futile. The rest of his memory remained locked away, as if shielded by an invisible barrier.

With a sigh of frustration, Oliver swung his legs over the side of the bed, slowly allowing his feet to touch the cool floor. Each step sent a jolt of discomfort through his weary frame, as if reminding him of the void that enveloped his thoughts.

Oliver trudged across the worn-out carpet of his small dorm room, his steps heavy with exhaustion. The full-length mirror on the wall caught his attention, reflecting back a tired face with disheveled hair and dark circles under his eyes. He couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up here, standing in front of this mirror, when just a few hours ago he was out, lost in the chaos of the night.

His eyes flickered with doubt, reflecting the turmoil that invaded his mind. Memories of the previous evening danced in his consciousness, but they were hazy and fragmented, like shards of a broken mirror. He knew he should confront those unsettling emotions, to piece together the events that led him to this state, but he chose to ignore them for now, pushing them to the far corners of his mind.

As he glanced at the clock above the door of his dorm room, reality hit him like a cold gust of wind. It was almost time for his first class of the day. Panic surged through his veins, waking him up from the numbness that had settled within.

With a jolt of energy, Oliver hastily gathered his books and backpack, trying to shake off the remnants of the night's haze. He stumbled towards the door, his legs feeling unsteady and weak, but determination propelled him forward.

The corridor outside his room seemed unusually bright and bustling with activity. Students rushed past him, their laughter and animated conversations filling the air.

In a flurry of haste, Oliver hurried to his art class, his appearance slightly disheveled. Despite his disarray, his inherent beauty shone through, captivating the attention of his fellow students. They couldn't help but steal glances at the usually polished playboy, now caught in a sorry mess—a sight rarely witnessed.

Lost in his own world, Oliver failed to notice his surroundings and accidentally collided with a young man of imposing stature. Though Oliver quickly uttered a few words of apology, his mind was preoccupied with reaching his class in time. Oblivious to the lingering presence before him, he darted off, unaware that the man he had bumped into observed him with a predatory gaze, as if sizing up his next potential prey.


Oliver stood at the entrance of the classroom, perspiration clinging to his chiseled abs, causing his shirt to stick to his body. The predominantly female student body couldn't help but blush, some attempting to avert their gaze to avoid embarrassing themselves. Despite his reputation as a playboy, when it came to his studies, Oliver approached them with utmost seriousness, earning him a devoted fan group who admired his intellect and athleticism in equal measure.

With a swift apology to his professor, Oliver made his way to his assigned seat near the window, eager to settle in and immerse himself in the upcoming class. The soft sunlight filtered through the glass pane, casting a gentle glow on his features as he prepared to engage in the world of art. Though his outward charm may have captured attention, it was his dedication to his craft that truly set him apart, drawing admirers who marveled at the amalgamation of athleticism and intellect within him.

The teacher observed him with concern, noticing the dark circles under his eyes and the evident tiredness he exuded. She couldn't bring herself to admit it to anyone, but she held a soft spot for this particular student. He had always been generous to her and showed more respect compared to the other students.

With her thick glasses propped on her face and her hair in its usual disheveled state, the teacher, known for her eccentric and unconventional behavior, stood before the class. Her attire could only be described as carefree, reflecting her unique style. Despite her quirks, no one could deny that she was an exceptional teacher.

Oliver, the student she was observing, attentively listened as she spoke about the upcoming exam, mentally noting down the important details. The teacher smiled warmly at the class and addressed them in her light and airy voice.

"Surprisingly, we have a new student joining our class today. Since he is joining in the middle of the term, I hope you all will lend a helping hand in making him feel welcome and finding his way around," she said.

"You may come in," she said, walking towards the classroom door and opening it. As the door swung open, it revealed a tall man with deep, jet-black hair and striking bottle-green eyes. Instantly, Oliver recognized him as the person he had accidentally bumped into earlier. The man stood at an impressive height of 5'9", his posture upright and emanating an aura that could only be described in one word: cold.

Oliver glanced at him from head to toe, taking note of his attire—a black shirt and dark pants that accentuated his tall figure. Impressed by the man's appearance, Oliver whistled in his mind, clearly liking what he saw. Excitement sparkled in his eyes as he eagerly awaited the interaction with the newcomer.