
Obsession...in another lifetime (MVManalo)

Haaa…I am happy for Miles but I just couldn’t take my mind off the worry, what if?, I smiled at Miles and hugged him. I know that look Ericka, if you are worried about me, don’t be, I can take care of myself now. You’ll see. We are not children anymore and I will prove to you that I am more capable of handling myself and those filthy monsters, so rest assured that I will come back home for you and Sarah!, Miles said and I hugged him again but now tighter. I don’t think that he will make it unless I am there with him to protect him. I love my friends and though I am a good Barista, I love war games and killing monsters is my specialty. But I don’t really know if my special ability could help the aviators but I want to try and put it to good use which way possible, I thought and decided to check on DOGS Academy the next day and tried to sign up for the course. I got accepted right away and when I checked on the systems they use it’s almost the same as the simulators I usually play with and this is making life more interesting and exciting for me. Miles didn’t know I will be joining him for the eight months training. And this is going to be a hell of a game in real life, fighting, killing monsters, here we go!

Vicky_Manalo_5384 · SF
223 Chs

The Headmaster

Ericka walked Dunea to her room and it's across hers. Ren is glad to have Dunea in the academy but she is jealous of the girl since Ericka is happier with the bitch than with her. It's weird that now she is the one trying hard to get attention and have quality time from Ericka than when her girlfriend tend to wait or make the first move to flirt and make advances with her. Ericka changed a lot indeed. She has grown mature and now I can't even understand what she wants or needs. This time I am at a loss with my girl and it's painful to see her with another and seems to enjoy that bitch's company more than mine.

 Hey, blue girl! Head master wants to see you at his office!, Lloyd called out to Dunea who looked at Ericka to ask why and the latter just shrugged her shoulders. Her name is Dunea, you Oger!

 Ouch! That hurts. I can take the name calling but I would prefer to be called the Hulk than oger. Huhuhu!, Lloyd said and laughed. You are pathetic and why would I do that!, Ericka grunted and tried to hit Lloyd who is now holding the girl's head with his huge hand. Ericka couldn't hit him since he is standing like a tower at seven foot two and has muscular built that others refer to him as the Hulk of DOGS Academy.

 Alright, stop messing around kids and report to the training grounds at eighteen hundred. Go, chop, chop!, Jax yelled while walking from one floor to another to advice the students and instructors for the meet up at the ground hall.

 Cool, Miles said and the others who are still doing their own thing either taking a shower, reading or relaxing at their quarters stopped whatever and changed to their uniforms to meet with the lieutenant right away.

 It's easier to use the holoreceiver to call out for a meet-up with the students, don't you think?, Menace reacted. Well, I needed the exercise so, back off, you perve!, Jax added in a serious note.

 Okay, okay!, Menace holding his arms up accepting defeat then hit Jax's butt. Perve huh, wait till I…

Stop that corporal, it's work hours. Give me one hundred push-ups, now!, Jax shouted and is really pissed. What's got into you? Did something happen?, Menace asked and understood then went to the training grounds to do the push-ups. The students lined up and when they saw Menace doing the push-ups they thought that Lt. Jax is in a bad mood so they need to keep quiet and follow whatever she says. If not they will definitely feel her worst as she bites them off when she get madder or more annoyed.

What's happening? Dunea asked and nobody is replying until Jax moved up front and stood majestically without a word.

Dunea raised her hand and told Jax she is the new girl and…

Shut the fuck up, new girl or let's just say blue girl! You are to report to Head master Amber and why are you still standing here acting so cute and blueeee….though I don't really care so get the hell out of here and meet with the head master immediately…Nowww!!!

Yes, ma'am!, Dunea replied and walked out of the ground hall. Ericka and the rest of their gang looked at Dunea without saying a word. So the girl just quietly moved to walk out of the hall to the stairs. She never felt so scared in her life and that woman sure is like her mom but kinder. There's something about her that makes her feel safe and protected but maybe it's just that she misses her own mother. Okay so….yes, here is Mr. Amber's office.

Dunea knocked at the door and the man politely let her in.

Ahh… blue girl or let me correct it, Commander Dunea! Welcome to DOGS Academy!, Eco said standing to his seat to shake the girls hand.

Thank you sir! Yes, but call me Dunea. I appreciate you accepting me as your trainee as a flighter. I will do my best to be of use to you and the universe from here on!

I know you will, Dunea but skipping the formalities, why are you here?, Eco added skeptically then sat back to his chair to get a small sip of his coffee.

Yes, that, I came here to explore your world and that is just it!, Dunea said honestly seated on her chair in front of the headmaster.

Yes, I already know that for sure, but why earth? Do you happen to know Commander Ava then?, Eco asked.

Yes, she is my mother and Absalom is my father. Sufi is our planet and we need to restore it so we can live longer on it. Aurea or what you call Sufi in your world is older than Milky Way and it's been acting weird lately since we get our power and energy sources from our moons. We don't intend to destroy nor make earth our home but an ally to resolving climate issues as we experience them too in our lands, Dunea said and now getting emotional.

Aha, your mother is a wonderful woman but did she talk to you about me, too?, Eco said bluntly.

Well, mother didn't but I always see her look and lovingly appreciate a dried flower she has on her diary which is the documented records of her research and exploration data here on earth. So is she your friend back then?, Dunea said innocently. Well she is special to me and she is more than a friend to me, or so I thought!, Eco added and as if thinking about the past suddenly.

The flower is a red rose I picked for her when the laboratory garden is in full bloom that summer, Eco thought feeling relieved. I know that Ava is pregnant when she left earth and I didn't know how she lived or survived after that. We never had communication gadgets then that reach Andromeda but now since we already have advanced mechanisms to use for communication, I tried to talk to her yet she seemed distant and didn't want to receive my messages at all, Eco explained very sad.

Ah, well about that, she won't be able to talk to you really because she is in a voyage at the edge of the universe. It is a one year or so exploration and we can't even contact her since her fleet is maybe maneuvering across universes as we speak!, Dunea answered.