
Obsession or Love: You're mine

'All it took was one misunderstanding that made them apart.' ___ When Evangeline Andrei's moved to LA with her parents, she had planned life from her graduation to working as a CEO in her father's company. But her planned life turned upside down from the moment the eyes of Aeryn Wilson (CEO of Wilson's group of companies) landed on her. His appearance screams nothing, just secrets. "Who are you?" Evangeline asked with a frown as she saw a scar on his lower abdomen. "You guess who am I?" The man exclaimed with a devilish smirk. "No, this is not possible." She whispered to herself in shock. "Yes, this is not possible because you're mine to cherish and destroy. I'll cage you in my home in my arms, and you're not allowed to go out." He gripped her hair in his hand and yelled. He was boiling with rage. She wanted to live her life smoothly with her loved ones but who knew she would end up in someone else hands!

Dia_Haddi · 都市
127 Chs

Gavriel's Feelings

After leaving Andrei's villa, Gavriel moved to the bar because he needed a hangover to calm himself down. In his mind, heart, and body, everything was messed up.

After driving fast and furiously, he reached the bar and took a seat at the counter.

In the next few moments, he gulped down the whole bottle.

He was angry.

He was sad.

He was guilty.

He was innocent.

His brain is messed up.

He moved his fingers from his hair, took another bottle, and gulped it down.

A girl saw him and came to him.

"Do you want to have pleasure? "Wanna get drowned in me and forget your sadness?" The girl wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Get out of here." Gavriel pushed off her arms and yelled at her.

"Go to hell." She snorted and walked away.

Gavriel asked for another bottle, but the waiter exclaimed.

"Sir, you have already had enough."