
part 1

Liza arrived at the gate of the most luxurious and most prestigious school in the city " the Lawrence High School"

"I finally made it"

Liza was happy, happier more than any other teenager out there. Why? You'll ask because she was the only student who passed the toughest exam to gain the "solar scholarship" of this school.

It was tougher for a middle-class teenage girl to score more marks than a hundred students completing for only 3 sit-ins this school.

It was tough on her, all these months of hard work paid off and she is finally standing before the gate of her dream school.

"The Lawrence high school" was not like any other school or the students were not like any ordinary high school students. It was a whole different place created to nurture only rich kids.

Lawrence High is a school only built for rich and high-class people. This is the school whose interiors and decor were specially imported from Italian and European countries. The technology of this school is so advanced that it can make future business tycoons, Picassos, and Einsteins.

Liza was scared it was her first day in this school where there is no one of her knowledge or her status.

After she came inside the gate. she noticed that she was the only one walking in. While bigger luxurious cars passed through her way.

" what it is, no one out here where is everyone?"

Hanging a big puffy bag, wearing a jumper suit and big glasses on liza made her way towards the school ground.

" why there is no one here, not a single person. Not a security guard or a staff member?" What is happening here?"

She looked around the ground and nothing could be seen. Nobody, not a single person. what was happening was out of her mind.

" Is there a holiday today or an event? But the date of joining was today, how come no one here? Maybe they forgot to mention"

As she was turning back to leave she saw a black open head car parked in the middle of the ground and a blurry figure of a red-haired boy sitting in that car.

" maybe that boy could tell me what happens to her. "

" excuse me, hello, hello mister could you help me? "

The boy with a cigarette in his hand and apple tablets in another. Ignored the girl standing before his car and continued watching something over.

" Hello, mister! I'm talking to you!  Can you hear me a little I just want to inquire?

" what the hell is your problem girl can't you keep quiet I'm watching something important "!!

He yelled at her without looking at her face.  She seems to have gotten startled at sudden shouting. She then decided not to bother that creepy boy and silently leave that place.

" did I tell you to go? "

A sudden harsh voice interpreted her walk making her stop in fear.

" did I tell you to go? girl! Didn't you know the consequences of disturbing me? ''

She turned around to look at him, he was still watching a Wrestling show. His eyes still were not in contact, but his presence was all over the place.

Red-colored hair, pale skin, masculine body, and matured voiced top to bottom stuffed with brands. He was like a male Greek God sitting in the shining sun in a Gucci outfit

" what. What..? "