
Obsessed with the Billionaire

After losing her father to drugs, Sarah made it her life mission to track down as many drug lords as she could and send them behind bars. That was what she had in mind when she took on the case of Michael Bavarish, a dangerous billionaire drug lord. The plan was to play an undercover exotic dancer, Samantha, in order to get his attention and seduce him until he confessed. But what Sarah never expected was to fall shamelessly in love with a drug lord, thus creating a clash of interest between her personal and professional life. What happens when love rekindles in the midst of seeking revenge?

Soms_16 · 都市
120 Chs

58. A Fool in Love II

"Why don't you slow down? Let's talk about this." the driver gently inquiries.

I ignore him. My grip on the steering wheel tightens instead. I can feel my knuckles almost snapping from the pressure, but I care less.

"C'mon mamacita. It's either that or I call the cops on you."

I know he is trying to make things easier for me. What I want however, is not to be pampered. I need someone to smack my head against the wall real hard, until my brain goes back to its default setting.

I can't believe I have been a fool in love all these years.

"You can call them if you want," I snap back at him, daring him with my gaze in the rear view mirror.

He takes on the challenge, brings out his phone and begins dialing a number.

When the person on the other end of the line answers, he looks me straight in the eyes and says, "Hi, I want to report a—"

"Alright, alright. You've caught me."