
Obsessed with the Billionaire

After losing her father to drugs, Sarah made it her life mission to track down as many drug lords as she could and send them behind bars. That was what she had in mind when she took on the case of Michael Bavarish, a dangerous billionaire drug lord. The plan was to play an undercover exotic dancer, Samantha, in order to get his attention and seduce him until he confessed. But what Sarah never expected was to fall shamelessly in love with a drug lord, thus creating a clash of interest between her personal and professional life. What happens when love rekindles in the midst of seeking revenge?

Soms_16 · 都市
120 Chs

19. Game Over

Within the short period I've fake married Micheal, I've seen him do everything except cry. This should be the first time I'll be seeing tears slide down his handsome face. His gorgeous gray eyes clouds with pain. While his sobs fill the room. And my heart melts in pity.

I already know the answer to the question, but I still ask him, "Are they going to arrest you?"

"I think so."

I wrap my arms around his shoulders and the sobbing doubles.

"But they don't have any evidence against you, do they?"

He looks up at me, his eyes narrowing. Then it flickers with hope. "You sound just like my mom."

We stay like that while time slips past us. He falls asleep. I tuck him into the duvet and proceed to the kitchen to prepare some sandwiches.

Vanessa struts into the kitchen.

"I'm sorry about Santorini."

She says nothing.

"I don't have the money yet. I'm still…"

She blinks unbelievably at me, like I'm some sort of two faced liar.

"Trust me, I—"

"Trust you?"

It is then that I notice her body countenance. The arm folding is just a way to control herself from lashing out on me.

"Trust me." I repeat.

She swallows hard, "Give me one reason why I should trust you. One reason why I shouldn't reveal everything to Micheal."

"I…" I trail off again. If only I have the tiniest idea of what's making her angry.

"You had the guts to lie to my face!"

"And I said I'm sorry! Michael was there that was why I—"

"Bitch, stop acting dumb! You sent your stupid ass bosses to come threaten me with jail time."

My brows furrow. What exactly is she talking about? What bosses?

She must have seen the confusion in my face because the next thing she did was gasp.

"You don't know about this?"

"About what?" I hope it's not what I think it is. But her next words confirm it.

Dave already has the recorded evidence for Micheal at the center of his palm.

I drive to the office at a speed faster than that of light.

Dave flashes me a corky smile on seeing the horrific look on my face.

"Never knew you were so business oriented Sarah Darlington. So there is a negotiating fire behind that pretty face."

"What's next?"

"You know what's next."

I can feel my heart make a leap. Then it starts slamming against my chest.

I shut my eyes and ask, "When?"

"Mañana. Tomorrow, your dear fake husband will be in jail and you'll be free."

The next thing I do surprises even me.

I grab Dave by the elbow and go on my knees, my sobs filling the air.

"He is not the bad guy here. I have proof of that!"

He gives me an 'Are-you–out-of-your-mind?' look.

"I swear sir!"

He snatches his arm off my hold.

"Go pack your things! The case is over and you lost!"

The door opens and we both turn to see Officer Daniels.

"Sarah? What's wrong?"

"I think the idiot is in love with a drug lord."

"Sir, he is innocent, I swear."

Officer Daniels considers what I say for a moment.

"And so you have proof of that?"

"Y-yes sir."

I open my purse and search through it for the transmitter. I play the recorded conversation with Micheal.

Dave and Officer Daniels continue exchanging looks till the ten minutes recorder finishes playing.

"Who is this Don Pedro he is talking about?"

"I think that's the man we should be trailing. Not Micheal Bavarish."

Dave shocks us by slamming his hand hard on his desk, "This is some bullshit and we all here know it!"

Officer Daniel tilts his head to the side, prompting him for further explanation.

"How are we sure this isn't a planned recording?"

My eyes blink in disbelief at him, "Are you trying to say that I'm intentionally jeopardizing the case?"

"You've done that quite a couple of times, so we can't be sure. You accepted a car from him, knowing fully well that that's not acceptable. You traveled with him, without prior information to me, your boss."


"But nothing. We are going to arrest Micheal Bavarish and that's final."

Dave's words keeps playing on my mind throughout my drive home. But I'm more furious about the fact that I'm rounding up the case. I can't believe this will be the last night I will sleep on the same bed with Micheal. Or make love to him.

I'll miss his strong hands enclasping my body like he can't do without me. I will miss his hot passionate kisses. The one that wildly turns me on.

I will miss Micheal Bavarish.

In an alternate world, where no evil exists, he would have been the perfect man for me.

I open the large oak doors and enter the mansion. My fingers begin sliding through the white walls, as if each touch will erase the inevitable. My eyes roam through the large space, a sense of nostalgia filling me. I haven't stayed here for three months. This place isn't even my home. But I've come to see it as one. And I'm going to miss it with every fiber in me.

My step pauses on hearing some voices coming from the kitchen. I strain my ears to get a clearer audio and the voice I hear tightens the air in my lungs.

Then it worsens when I hear the familiar giggling of me and my best friends.

"Sarah is not who you think she is." I hear Natasha say to Micheal.

"She's the FBI." Micheal finishes.

Too over clouded with my emotions, I open the door without giving it a second thought.


The hurtful look in his eyes shatters my heart into a million pieces.

"Is this a dream?" he asks.

"Believe it or not, it's real. Your marriage is fake. The love you thought she has for you is fake. None of it is real."

Michael storms towards me, ready to end it all.