
Obsessed with the Billionaire

After losing her father to drugs, Sarah made it her life mission to track down as many drug lords as she could and send them behind bars. That was what she had in mind when she took on the case of Michael Bavarish, a dangerous billionaire drug lord. The plan was to play an undercover exotic dancer, Samantha, in order to get his attention and seduce him until he confessed. But what Sarah never expected was to fall shamelessly in love with a drug lord, thus creating a clash of interest between her personal and professional life. What happens when love rekindles in the midst of seeking revenge?

Soms_16 · 都市
120 Chs

17. La Vida La Loca

Life is not a bed of roses, unless you're married to one of the richest men in the country, who has in fact appeared on the forbes list of 30 under 30 for a countless number of times.

We land on Santorini ten hours later after Micheal had caught me crying in the hallway.

I had used pregnancy stress and needing to relax as the reason for my tears. And Micheal in turn had arranged for a weekend getaway. He called it 'pre honeymoon vacation.'

After checking in and settling in our exquisite couple's room, Micheal's hands get busy in the bathroom. While the warm water sprays down our naked bodies, he takes one of my already hardened nipples into his mouth and sucks it greedily.

A moan escapes out of my lips when he bends me over and slides into me. The ferocity of his sex drive vibrates my body. And with each thrust he makes, he goes deeper into me, hitting me at my core.

He wraps me up after carefully washing me and carries me to the bed.

"Take it easy angel. I want to relax, let me take care of you." he says softly, caressing my face.

"I'd love that. I love you."

"Let's take a walk on the beach when I'm done bathing, okay?"

Micheal's voice drifts into the room as he sings along to The Weekend's Die for you. Right after I had told him about my obsession with Abel's voice, he had gone along to stream all of his albums.

He chose Die for you as his favourite because the lyrics resonate well with how he feels about me.

I'm chuckling at his romanticness when my phone starts vibrating. My heart leaps a beat on seeing George's face on my screen.

"Hey," I say on picking the call, "Can we talk later? I'm kind of in the middle of something right now."

"Where are you?"

"Somewhere special?" I say in between laughter.

He grunts. "What are you saying? Are we no longer meeting today?"

"For what?"

"For your doctor's appointment Sarah. Is the pregnancy now making you have amnesia?"

I blank out. I've somehow forgotten all about it.

"I'm coming to pick you up." he says, "Can I come to the mansion? Is he around?"

"Ermm, I'm not around." I blurt out before I could think of the consequences of my words.

The suspicion lacing his voice is undeniable, "Where are you?"


"Hello? Sarah? Are you there?"

I let out a tensed breath before mumbling, "I went on a vacation. To Santorini."

The call ends. I sigh in relief even though I know he is angry. But before I can think of how to calm him down, my phone starts ringing again—this time for a video call.

I contemplate between answering it or ignoring the call.

After a while, I decide to go with the former. I slide the green call button as I open the glass to the balcony that overlooks the beautiful view of the beach.

"Sarah what has gotten into you!"

"Calm down, it's just a vacation, okay? He saw how stressed I am about the whole pregnancy thingy and asked me to—"

"He knows about the pregnancy?"

I giggle. An attempt to soften the blow of the information, "Of course he does."


I quickly wave goodbye and blow him a kiss.



"Who was that?"

"Just my friends. They are so excited. They wanted to see the view."

He hugs me from behind and we stay like that for a while. Embracing the serenity.

That night, Micheal and I gather with other couples for the bonfire night. The air is filled with our laughter, smokes from the fire and music. I dance to the local sound, enjoying every move I make, while letting go of the stress.

And with the way Micheal's eyes are heavy lidded, I know that what I'm doing is working. The popular phrase 'love is blind' doesn't apply at this moment because I can see that he is deeply falling in love with me with every passing minute.

For the first time in months, I go to sleep that night with my mind at rest. Maybe this change of location was what I have always needed.

But that peace was cut short when my phone dinged with an email notification.

A query letter meets my eyes. The sanction team wants me to report before nine am to the station.

I lay back down on the bed to think of how to maneuver through this new obstacle, but ended up drifting off to another beautiful sleep.

The aroma of coffee woke me up three hours later. Micheal plants a deep kiss on my lips, "good morning angel. Hope you slept well?"

"Hmm mmh," I mutter, "How was yours?"

"As restful as ever. I'm happy I asked for this vacation. Turns out I needed it as well."

"Good morning sir?"

"Vanessa. Did you bring everything I asked for?"

She smiled mischievously at him, then turns to look pointedly at me before answering, "Every single one of it, sir."

She catwalks out of the room.

"What is she doing here?"

Micheal's brow furrows as he looks at me, "She's my PA, remember?"

"Oh." I reply as calmly as I could. But it's a perfect contrast to how my pulse had quickened.

Immediately Micheal goes to the balcony to make a call, she marches towards me, her eyes glowing with fury.

"What are you waiting for to send it? Or do you want me to change my mind and tell on you?"

I charge towards her, "You'll do no such thing!"

"Do you really wanna try me?" she challenges back, "To know what I'm really capable of?"

After a while, she says, "Don't forget I still have that lovey dovey picture with me."

"What do you think your dear loving husband will say when he sees you in some guy's arms?"

"Stop it!"

"Or when he knows what you're trying to do?"


She takes a bold step towards me, her eyes still challenging me to do my worst."Does he know that you're trying to snitch on him, huh?"

"Who is stitching on who?"

We both turn to see Micheal's eyes narrowed suspiciously at us.

He raises his eyebrows expectantly, "Who?"