
Obsessed with the Billionaire

After losing her father to drugs, Sarah made it her life mission to track down as many drug lords as she could and send them behind bars. That was what she had in mind when she took on the case of Michael Bavarish, a dangerous billionaire drug lord. The plan was to play an undercover exotic dancer, Samantha, in order to get his attention and seduce him until he confessed. But what Sarah never expected was to fall shamelessly in love with a drug lord, thus creating a clash of interest between her personal and professional life. What happens when love rekindles in the midst of seeking revenge?

Soms_16 · 都市
120 Chs

15. That's a lie

The tension in the dining room keeps stretching with each second that passes. The only sounds are the ones from their cutleries, cluttering on their plates as they eat.

I continue picking through my food, hoping that Micheal doesn't think deep about it.

Mom notices the awkward silence and tries to break it by talking about their vacation. I nod absentmindedly at her stories.

Immediately the housekeeper finishes clearing the table and they all retire for the night in the guest rooms, Micheal mutters a curse under his breath.

Too afraid to move a limb, I sit still and shut my eyes tight.

"What else are you lying about?"

I slowly open my eyes, "Baby… I didn't—"

"You fucking lied to me."

"Because I didn't like the name. That's why." I start crying. Where the tears are coming from, I have no idea.

He looks into my eyes. Trying to gauge if that's another lie, or if I'm telling the truth this time around.

"I swear." I tell him with conviction.

I meet my mom at the kitchen the next morning for breakfast. She casts me a curious glance when I stride to the fridge to grab a jug of orange juice.

"Good morning mom. You can stop looking at me now, everything is alright."

"Why did you lie to him?"

I shrug.

"I want an answer, Sarah. Tell me why—"

"Nothing mom. I just love answering Samantha."

She hands over the pancakes she is frying to the housekeeper and turns to fully face me.

"Sarah, people don't just change their names whenever they like for no reason."

"Well I have one, okay?"

"What is it then?"

"I don't just want to talk about it." I push the juice aside and storm out of the kitchen.

She follows me.

"Tell me what's going on."

I head to the basement where I'm sure none of Micheal's workers would be surrounded. The last thing I need is to risk another eavesdropping.

"This is all a lie."

"What's a lie?"

I wave around me, "This whole thing. It's not real. I'm not really married."

My mom's eyebrows furrow in confusion, "I don't understand."

By the time I finished briefing her about the undercover job, her face turned ashen. Then I see disappointment flash in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry mom."

She shakes her head and pulls me into a hug, "It's alright sweetie. I should have known better."

Stunned, I pushed out of her arms, "What are you saying mom? That I can't possibly get married to a billionaire?"

"No," she pulls me back into her arms, "I was talking about him. I've always known that something seems off."

I push out from her embrace again, "You think so?"

"Yeah. There's something off about him. Something shady. I can't really say what, but it's there."

I drop my mom and my step brothers off at her husband's place and drive straight to the office.

Dave reluctantly motions me into his office, after having me wait for him for an hour.

"What is it this time around Sarah Darlington?"

"Sir, you have to believe me."

He sags into his chair, his hand goes to his forehead, "We are doing this again? Don't tell me you left your dear husband's house to come nag me."

"Listen to me sir."

"I'm all ears."

Instead of going ahead to convince him about Micheal not being the bad guy, my brain somehow snaps. I find myself telling him how I convinced Vanessa to help me with getting the confession.

"You did WHAT?!!" he barked, jolting to his feet,

"Are you out of your fucking mind Sarah!?"

I try explaining that I didn't expose my identity. But he gets madder with each sentence I make.

"You need to be stopped. You fucking need to stop! Do you plan to ruin all of us?"

"Sir, you need to listen to me. This would work."

"Get the fuck out of my office!"


He pushes me towards the door, "Now!"

I'm relaxing in the inbuilt spa at home when Michael storms into the room, looking all riled up.

My first instinct is to run. Maybe he has finally found out about my identity and wants to strangle me alive.

But on a second careful look, I notice the tears and how puff his face looks.

"What is it baby?"

"Angel," he starts pacing about, "I've fucked up."

I start contemplating whether to ask him or to just cuddle him till he gets himself together.

"I need to tell you something."

"Is there a problem?"

"I deal."

Seems like the universe is finally ready to hand me that flicker of hope.

"You deal…" I pretend not to know what he is talking about, "You deal, how?"

"Nicotine, codines… other stuff."

"Drugs? You're a drug dealer?"

He nods.

"Wait… Are you joking or something?"

"Does it sound like a joke?"

"No, but…"

I trail off when I don't know what else to say. I find it hard to accept the news even though I've known about it this whole time. It's like getting what you've ever wanted but not having a clue on what to do with it.

"You mean you don't own the Bavarish brand?"

"It's all mine. But it's just a cover up."

But why is he blowing his cover?

"Why exactly are you telling me this?"

"Because I've been a hypocrite, angel. I was mad at you this morning for not telling me your real name. Whereas I've also been a liar."

He takes my hands into his and stares longingly into my eyes before continuing, "You deserve to know the truth. All of it. I want you to take me as I am."

Finally, I have finally gotten the conversation I've been scheming for, for the past one month. A thrill of excitement bubbles through me.

Dave will be shell shocked when he hears this.

But the excitement dies as quickly as it rises when I realize one thing. I didn't have the bug with me. So I have no proof of the conversation. Which means that the entire conversation is pointless.