
Oblivion is inevitable

Maria-Rosa has lived her entire life on the run... One day her past among fake friends surfaced back into the present. Will the old flame spark once again or everyone is just replaceable? This is a story 100% based on reality. Cover is not mine, contact me if you want it removed.

Maria_Florescu · 都市
14 Chs

002 Dance with the devil


to be continued

Ultimately, she would have dismantled herself in the pursuit of principles. If only people had allowed her the space to navigate her own inquiries in peace, the subsequent chapters of her life might never have unfolded.

Now, on the horizon, only the sweet embrace of death awaited her. A blessed release, the ultimate solution to all her problems. Wasn't it better than enduring a life filled with unanswered questions? Oh, may the gods have mercy on the tormented soul of a poor witch.

Some might have learned the hard way never to mess with a formidable witch, or whatever they chose to label her.


A month later, she found herself in a small pub with another friend. Feeling tense and awkward, as this friend wasn't as close to her, she decided to break the ice and ease the atmosphere by starting to talk about that evening at the dance hall.

She made a connection to something her friend said, which was in no way linked to what happened back then. She just wanted to lift the spirits of both of them:

"- Something interesting happened that night. I danced with someone there."

The woman immediately rolled her eyes.

However no matter how one would have turned the things inside and out, it had been a happy, cheerful event. She didn't meet anyone there. The talking was not about a love match.

Their miserable lives were more than enough. The dancing night sounded more optimistic. Something they lacked.

Maria Rosa had no idea what she comprehended.

Many days later, her friend wrote on social media: "Before you fxck her, ensure that she's not dealing with recurring trauma."

Guilt overcame her as she read the comment. The unease settled in, reminiscent of how her friend had rolled her eyes when she mentioned dancing with a man.

The woman had expressed her disapproval of Maria Rosa's ex, and she was justified in her feelings. However, it was not anyone else's business whom Maria Rosa chose to replace him with. Unfortunately, someone had made it everyone's problem.

What if her friend misunderstood what she had shared? What if she thought Maria Rosa was interested in the man from the dance hall?

Another stolen boyfriend on Maria Rosa's expense?

"She has stolen her boyfriend, and she's not even beautiful," the phrase echoed in her mind once again.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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