

This story follows a young man named Zoar Malite. Zoar was separated from his parents at a very young age. He doesn't remember too many things from his childhood. All he knows is he has parents out in the world somewhere and he needs to find them. Zoar suffers from a tiny bit of trauma from being alone for many years as a child becoming a man. He tends to lack emotions and can be depressed at times. Zoar sets out on his journey to find his parents one fateful day and on this journey he makes friends, encounters enemies, discovers a strange natural phenomenon that may be more dangerous than it appears, and finds out about a very surprising enemy. The OBLIVION series ks a steam punk fantasy type novel set in the far future after a tragic event almost ended the world. OBLIVION I is set in the year 3492. OBLIVION I is also only the first installment of the OBLIVION series. to know more about the creator, follow me @ethan.the.artist.guy_ on instagram

EthanWalters_OBV · アクション
32 Chs

Chapter 10 : LUNCHTIME

11:00 am rolled around quickly. Daryl was almost done grilling 3 different kinds of meat that smelled amazing.

"Man, that looks so good!" said Maurice with hungry eyes.

"Calm down Maurice!" Ami hit Maurice in the arm.

"You calm down little girl!" Maurice moved away from Ami.

Zoar saw Kasstia sitting at one of the tables. He wanted to ask her why she lied to him about her parents at first, but then told the truth.

He walked up to her.

"Kasstia, I hate to bring this up, but... why did you lie to me about your parents in the power house?"

A look of sadness crossed her face.

"Oh... Well, I didn't really know you, not saying I do now, but I didn't know about your past... I thought that seeing you would be a one and done thing, but... I learned of your past and realised, we're almost the same... kind of."

Kasstia put her hands on the table and looked down at them.

"My parents are dead and it's almost like your parents are dead to you... Your father is the manifestation of cruelty and you hate him..." Kasstia looked back up at him with sympathetic eyes.

"Have you found your mother, Zoar?"

This kind of startled him for some reason.

"Yes, but-" she stopped him.

"You don't remember anything about her... do you?"

Zoar realized that he doesn't even care for her that much.

He feels closer to Ami,Kasstia, and even to Maurice than his closeness with his own mother.

A bead of sweat went down Zoar's face.

"I...I'm sorry Z-" Kasstia was stopped by Daryl talking.

"Food is done!"


Everyone sat down and enjoyed the food that Daryl made.

Spicy gorg meat, sweet paizingan bites and huj bird meat.

All where rare meats that were levels above the average cow, pig and chicken in taste.

Zoar are a few paizingan bites, keeping his diet safe for himself. Kasstia ate a healthy amount of the food for a female her age.

Meanwhile, Maurice and Ami devoured tons of food, sometimes fighting over pieces.

Daryl laughed as he ate and watched the two gobble down food.

Zoar was being bothered by a lingering thought.

What Kasstia said about his parents already being dead to him gave him chills because of how true it was.

"Seems I missed lunch!"

Everyone turned towards the voice.

It was Blitray.

"Where in the Hell have you been, boy!?" Maurice got up and grabbed Blitray by his hoods collar.

"Enjoying the sights and whatnot." Blitray said with a small grin.

Maurice let go of him and grunted, then walked back and finished his food.

"Zoar, you ready to start practicing your magical skills?" Blitray turned to Zoar.

Daryl and Kasstia looked at Zoar.

"Magic?" they said in sync.

Zoar sighed and stood up.

"Yes. Blitray and I are able to use magic. His main ability is DARKNESS. My main ability is SPEED."

Kasstia and Daryl looked confused.

"I shall give them a demonstration!" Blitray said and pulled out his staff.

Blitray breathed in and out slowly. Purple and black tentacle like things started to erupt from his body. They wrapped around his arms and legs like they were trying to constrict him. Blitray's eyes turned a bright yellow and the DARKNESS started to engulf his entire body, making it seem like a full body jumpsuit.

"What the..." Zoar had never seen Blitray's DARKNESS go to this extent of power.

Suddenly, an aura started to form around, it started to slowly shoot out a light wind that began to grow powerful. The wind blew all dust around it with it.

Suddenly, it all stopped and the DARKNESS around Blitray slowly disappeared.

"That was weird..." said Ami.

"Y-yeah... and a little frightening..." said Kasstia.

"It certainly was interesting." said Daryl.

"Yeah..." said Maurice.

"Phew! Was that good?" Blitray wiped the sweat off of his brow.

"Yeah." said Zoar.

"So both of you can use magic?" asked Daryl.

"Yes." said Blitray.

"I see..." Daryl scratched his rough beard.

"Well then Zoar, I say we go soon, I think it would be better if your training happened in Tanglebloom, the forest that leads to a village near Astran." said Blitray whilst popping his knuckles.

"Yeah, sounds good. Kasstia, your coming right?" Zoar turned to her.

She jumped a little with surprise.

"What? You're coming with us?" said Ami.

"You're going them!?" Daryl was really shocked.

"Yes, I am. I want to confront Neal Abrain!" Kasstia made a tight fist.

"The more the merrier!" said Blitray.

"Well... you are certainly quite tough and good with guns..." said Daryl.

"You good with guns!?" Maurice ran to her.

"Oh! Um, yes!" Kasstia says.

"I just have to run home and grab some stuff!"

"That's fine, just don't be long." Zoar crossed his arms.

Kasstia runs off to a building down the street from where they are.

Daryl walks up to Zoar.

"Please take care of her, Zoar. She is easily frightened, but shes very smart too. Just take care of her." Daryl turns to everyone else.

"I will be heading back home now. You all take care and feel free to com back!" Daryl says and gets into a car nearby.

Kasstia can be seen running back to them. Zoar looks.

She's now wearing a tight black crop top, super short dark green cargo shorts and Blue sneakers. Kasstia also has a small purse like bag wrapped around her waste.

"Alright guys, I'm ready to go!" Kasstia says when she's closer to the group.

Zoar now sees she was 2 pistols on her belt.

"Zoar! What are you looking at!?" Kasstia covers up her chest, face red.

He turns around.

"Your guns. Now let's get going."

"He definitely was looking at your 'guns'..." Ami says and begins to follow.

Kasstia sighs and follows.

Maurice and Blitray laugh and follow.

They were no on their way to Astran. The home of NEO Earth Tower.

The throne of Neal Abrain.