

The Legion of Elite. The single force dedicated to defending the country of Obliviana against any and all threats. Filled with the most capable combatants Obliviana has to offer. For years, the Legion of Elite remained as a seemingly invincible group, successfully keeping Obliviana safe time and time again with relative ease. This, however, is all about to change. Severe, nearly unbeatable threats have begun appearing one after another, each one substantially more powerful than the last. Just how long can The Elite continue defending their home before these almost god like entities become too much for them to handle?

UnformedStatue · ファンタジー
20 Chs

Attack on Kuraran

The expressions of everyone within the room shifted to states of complete shock and disbelief. Eyes grew wide, jaws dropped, and nobody said a word.

A Colossal Soarer had landed directly behind Resk.

Immediately, it swung its fist at Resk's back. Resk used his ability, which allows him to turn his body into nearly any element, to avoid any damage. He switched himself to a body made entirely of molten lava.

The Soarer's arm began to melt as it went through Resk. It made strange noises of agony as its limb fell apart. Resk then hugged the Soarer, enveloping it in the lava, eventually killing it.

"Where on earth did that come from...?" Setsuna said, breaking the silence. "Did the Soarers actually target Kuraran, and successfully infiltrate it within this short of a time frame? You've got to be kidding...."

Resk morphed back to his regular self. "It's fine. All we have to do is focus, and fight with everything our bodies can offer. Yeah, maybe they killed a few of us earlier. But c'mon. What are they going to do against me? We'll definitely have to get stronger to kill them all, but defending Kuraran alone will be no problem."

"Tch.. no problem? Shut the fuck up, Resk. Confidence is good, but not when it's blind. If the Greater Soarers are here, then not only will we probably get our asses kicked, but Kuraran is gonna fall.." Stated Noda. His eyes were filled with horror. "But all we can do is stay and defend it. There's nowhere to run to this time. The pieces of shit have invaded our home base after all. So let's cross our fingers for some kinda miracle. That's the only way we'll even make it to tomorrow, let alone the Blackened Archipelago."

Ten more Colossal Soarers blasted through the ceiling. One of them held the body of a guard. One of the same guards from the front gate of Kuraran. It launched the disfigured body of the guard across the room, it slammed into the bags of Gahn and Cindra's last remaining belongings, and continued to travel through the air until it reached Noda.

Noda bashed his fist into the body, splitting it in half. The two halves roughly hit the floor behind him. Blood splattered in his face, making the deep, serious, and intensely focused glare he now had even more intimidating.

He approached the Colossal Soarer, and knocked its head clean off before it could make a move. He then shifted his body, and impaled his fist through the chest of another nearby Soarer.

Naiken was grasping a handful of toothpicks. She sidestepped a Soarer's thunderous kick attempt, and then hit it with her own blow. If she's able to land a blow on her target, then whatever object she damages next, is how much damage the current target takes. She must hit her opponent again in order to use this effect again. However this time, it wasn't necessary to hit her opponent again. Naiken snapped a toothpick with her thumb, and it proceeded to snap the Soarer in half. She finished it off by stomping on its screeching head.

The light from the above chandeliers that still hung glistened from the lenses of Setsuna's glasses. He had taken them off, and they now rested between his fingers. Setsuna parted his lips as he looked forward, and let out a majestic call with his voice. All of the inanimate objects in the room began to move as if they were alive, and proceeded to pummel the Colossal Soarers with an incredible amount of power. Chairs walked around and fought as if they were masters of combat, candles exploded into sticks of ferocious flame, and everything else available did what their forms were capable of.

Esten sliced the leg of a Soarer. The leg swapped with, and tore out of its eyeball. The Soarer stumbled backward, and was killed when Resk switched his body to water, seeping himself inside of the Soarer, overloading it with too much liquid, causing the Colossal Soarer to explode.

The Legion of Elite had killed all ten Colossal Soarers before too much time had passed. Dusk and Schalle were the only two who didn't contribute. Dusk remained silent as always, but Schalle was unable to fight as he had no combative abilities. His ability was much different from the rest of the Legion. Rather than enhancing his power, Schalle was nicknamed the immortal king, as his ability allowed him to infinitely live without any food, water, sleep, or aging (once he reached the age of 30).

Everyone took a quick moment to catch their breath.

Naiken was the first to fully recover. She looked around at everyone with her usual serious expression. "There are no screams or other sounds coming from outside. This either means that the Colossal Soarers somehow found a way to get into the upper sections of the castle without any guards or concerned civilians beyond the gates noticing, or they slaughtered them all before they had the chance to let us know or even react in any way. Who knows what the state of Kuraran is like at this point."

"Well.. it's time to find out." Said Resk. He again morphed back into his regular self, walking toward the door Esten and Noda entered through.

Placing his hand on the door, Resk opened it slowly. Even though he was filled with confidence, what Kuraran could look like at this point scared him. A loud creaking sound filled the room. The light from the outside lanterns poured in. Everyone watched in anticipation. Finally, the door fully opened. Before Resk could take in what he saw, a bolt of electricity stretched across the city. A Greater Soarer shot through the door, and tore off Resk's arm as it passed him. It stopped in the middle of the conference room, dangling the severed limb.

Catching the Greater Soarer completely off guard, Naiken slammed her fist against it immediately once it stopped, then snapping one of her toothpicks in half, killing the Soarer. She swiftly shifted her gaze over to Resk. "Resk..?!"

"Imbecile. This is why things are done carefully and without sudden recklessness. Are... you going to be alright?" Esten asked. She tried to hide it, but her voice was somewhat shaky.

Resk was grasping his shoulder on the side he had just lost an arm. His teeth were tightly clenched, and blood poured from the wounded area. After several seconds, he shifted his body to his lava form, which stopped the bleeding but did not heal the arm. "Heh... heheh... y-yeah, no need to concern yourself with me. As a matter of fact, I'm the best guy here who this coulda happened to! I don't really need t-two arms to use my ability. So don't worry. I'm a-alright.. heh..." He stated in a demonic like voice.

Noda was looking at Resk, he then glanced at the corpse of the Greater Soarer. "Shit... that's them. The one's who killed Gahn and probably Cindra too. If those fuckers are here, that's it. Naiken can't get a lucky shot in on all of 'em. Unless anyone here's got some secret ass little power or idea, I suggest you prepare yourselves to be met with a seriously shitty death."

"Hey, hold on a second. We're the Legion of Elite. Don't give up hope s-so easily." Resk grunted. "C'mon. You haven't even taken a look outside. And you really, really need to take a look outside. I can't say anything like this ever entered my mind when I imagined what Kuraran would be like at this point. No wonder we didn't hear anything. What in the hell i-is going on?" Even with the pain he was going through, he couldn't tear his eyes from the sight before him.

"Great, another one of their shitty secrets. How many of 'em are they gonna have?" Noda began to approach the door to fully take a look over the state of the city. "Stay where you are, Resk. I'm not interested in losing an arm. If another Greater Soarer decides to pay us a visit in the conference room, their god damn fingers can melt off after trying to grab you instead of me."

Standing slightly behind Resk, Noda looked over his shoulder to see what he was talking about. Noda's expression winced, but slowly improved to a look of relief but with an equal amount of confusion.

"Pretty strange, huh? I have no idea w-what's happening, but it's better than having the city stained with blood by a mile. Am I right?"

Through the door, from the elevated height they were at atop the staircase, it could be seen that everyone within Kuraran was enclosed in a clear, sphere shaped encasement. Completely frozen in time. Other than the guards from the front gate, seeing as one of their corpses was thrown at Noda, it didn't seem as if anyone else had been killed.

"What is it that he is talking about, Noda?" Naiken asked.

Schalle had blood on his helmet from the Soarers that had been killed. During the battle, he had done his best to stay out of everyone's way. He came closer from the back of the room. "The city of Kuraran... the very place I decided would be named the capital all those years ago. The city every major decision takes place in, many important figures call home, and where the newest innovative technology or magic is developed. Noda. What has become of our beloved Kuraran? Or must I come see for myself?"

Noda kept staring at the state of the city. Its complete state of stagnation. The strange and bizarre bubbles that stopped everything in its tracks. A feat that would require incredible magic to accomplish. But.. why would the Colossal Soarers not just slaughter everyone? Did they see them as some sort of obstacle or threat? And how did they know where the Legion of Elite were located within the city? Do they possess the level of intelligence to create their own plans? Those questions were front and center in his mind, now seeing what they had done to the city.

"I dunno. This shit's hard to explain. Everyone's inside of a fuckin transparent sphere thing. Frozen. They all aren't moving, and don't look like they ever knew this was gonna happen. No one's got any trace of fear or anything like that at all on their face. They must've been suddenly frozen in the middle of whatever they were doin without warning. Guess there's no way to know if it killed 'em or not, but it sure as hell doesn't look like it." He finally revealed to them.

Placing his glasses back upon his face, Setsuna said. "If it turns out they aren't dead within the spheres, that would mean the Colossal Soarers either protected the people of Kuraran, or just didn't want them getting in the way by running around in a panic. I find it hard to believe they intend to protect them, considering they did in fact kill the gate guards. Regardless, do you not see any Soarers?"

"Not a single one. My guess is the little pieces of shit are hiding all over the place. Waitin for one of us to step outside, or come into view so they can burst forward and land a devastating or fatal blow. And if I'm right.... that means they have enough intelligence to create plans like this. Freezing the civilians. Attacking us from above. Waiting for us to come into clear view. But still, it's a dumb ass plan. They could kill us all right now if they just used brute force. Maybe they think we have stronger members. I guess the plan isn't so stupid if they're being careful and taking that into consideration. In which case, the things being smart actually benefitted us. If they were dumber and sent everyone directly at us, we'd all already be dead."

"This is all well and great, filthy berserker. But if we are going to be killed either way, it really does not matter. If we are surrounded by Greater Soarers who intend on executing anyone who comes into sight, then the only person who would be able to survive is... Resk." Esten's normally blank expression lit up for a moment.

Noticing this, Naiken jumped in. "Since Resk is nearly invincible when transformed into certain substances, we could potentially use him to lure Colossal Soarers into the conference room, then using my ability to finish them off."

"Heheh. I'd sure as hell be down for that. Sounds like a sick plan, Naiken." Resk smirked and motioned his fist in triumph. He had seemingly already began to recover from the shock and pain of losing an arm.

"Maybe that'd work if they weren't ignoring him. Resk's been standing there and no other Soarers have done shit." Pointed out Noda.

Setsuna shook his head. "He isn't being ignored. The Soarers most likely planned to attack the front door if it ever moved or opened. I don't believe they could or can see Resk, he just happened to be the one unfortunate enough to initially open the door. He'd have to step out a bit further for them to take notice of Resk himself.

"Not unfortunate, it was completely reckless and moronic." Esten corrected.

"My claim stands regardless of whether or not Resk's decision to open the door was reckless or moronic."

"Who cares." Stated Resk. "What's happened has already happened, and the fact is... my reckless decision led to us figuring out this crucial information. Am I right? We'd be sitting ducks for who knows how long without it. But now..... heheh... we've got a great plan to take out these son's of bitches. So let's use it. Nobody else has a better plan, do they? As a matter of fact, I don't think there is a better plan. So c'mon already. Naiken? Prepare yourself. If you miss, one of us will probably be killed. Our lives are in your hands."

Naiken nodded. "You can rest assured that I will not miss. The Colossal Soarers likely aren't prepared for us to have a way of instantly killing their greater members, which is why I was able to kill one even when we were caught off guard. Now that we are prepared, it should be even easier. Just be ready for them to adjust their strategy after the first few attempts. After all, we have just learned that they are more intelligent than we first perceived."

"No problem. We'll be ready. I've got no doubts that if we need to, we can think up another plan for whatever the bastards throw at us."

"Plans aren't just pulled outta our ass Resk. We've gotta be lucky enough for there to actually be a solution." Said Noda.

Glancing back with a smirk, Resk answered. "Yeah? Well it's a good thing we're for the most part, pretty lucky. Everyone else might say we're the opposite of lucky, but I disagree. Looking at everything we've faced, any other group of people would have been wiped out by now. Not us though. After all... we're the Legion of god damn Elite!!"

Immediately following that final statement, Resk stepped outside with extreme confidence. "C'mon Soarers. This is what you were waiting for, right? I'm right here for you to...."

Three bolts of energy suddenly blasted across Kuraran. The same amount of Soarers, three, appeared in front of Resk, attempting to grab him in three different areas. Their hands went through Resk's fiery body however, and the forward momentum they had, carried the Soarers into the conference room.

"Shit!! Three of 'em at once!?" Noda yelled.

Naiken instantly slammed her fist onto the one in the middle, killing it by snapping one of her toothpicks. But the other two, she did not come even remotely near touching before they smashed their fists together where Naiken's head was, killing her.

The supremely muscular corpse of Naiken limply collapsed to the ground, slightly shaking the room. Everyone's eyes grew wide. Noda's watered as he clenched his teeth and fists.

The two Greater Soarers rapidly glanced around the room while making chilling little noises and chirps. Their attention abruptly focused on a single target, Setsuna.

Setsuna glared at the Soarers, making eye contact with each. He let out a call with his voice as fast as he could, hoping he would be able to take control of their metallic leggings. His ability was ineffective on them. "Ridiculous... their gear holds that much energy??!" He said aggressively.

Each placing a leg back, the two Greater soarers began to charge up their leggings.

Noda's eyes blazed a deep, dark red color. He ran toward one of the Soarers, but the output of pure energy from their leggings was so astronomically high, that it knocked him away once he got too close.

Schalle could do nothing without any combative power, Esten couldn't either as it would have the same result as Noda, and neither could Setsuna.

Resk was back inside, he was ready to switch himself over to a material that could bypass the overwhelming energy.


For the first time ever....

Dusk stepped forward.