
oath of a knight

lancelot a knight that vows to protect his family from dangers, slaying enemies and making allies that can be called friends along the way of protecting his family.

oedius · ファンタジー
7 Chs

Class in session

"good morning class today is a new year, welcome" The professor said with a warm smile then he continued by saying"please all of you introduce yourself when i call your name."

"Flaurence could you introduce yourself, please?" the Prof questioned kindly his appearance is a kind old man but he actually was a powerful swordsman in the past he even got an invitation to be a royal guard captain. He now teaches weapon theory it teaches the basics the basics about weapons and after a year they need to choose which advance weaponry course to take an learn like how Lancelot took the great sword theory class and Arthur taking the Lancer class.

And another tree class that is what they call class's that branches out like the weapon theory class is the magic 101 class. It branches out to the vulcanian class, the wind bender class, the water controllers class, etc.

"Good morning my name is Flaurence or you can call me Flau which is what my friends call me by, and thank you professor Zayne for letting me introduce myself." she curtly answered with a formal tone since she is a noble viscount though not high they still are considered nobles.





as they continue to introduce them self one by one.

"now that you all know each other let us start our lesson first pick which weapon you want to learn here at the academy we have a wide array of weapons that can be chosen from swords to bows to blunt weapons so pick what you like you guys get 1 hour and 30 minutes to choose.

"Alright let's see what weapons you chose ah, 20 blades, 14 ranged, and 7 blunt weapons oh, and a pair of daggers a very nice choice. Oh, and yeah before i forget and end this class go through the tomes library and pick one that you want to learn."

[30 minutes later]

"alright now that you have chosen your tomes let me review them, a hellsing tome, a circling serpent tome, a rushing rhino tome and a vulcanus tome."professor Zayne said and continued shocked by one of the tomes chosen"Ha, to think that somebody picked a tome that was chosen by the person ranked first in the 2nd years."

"Wait a sec i did?" a rando' asked

"yes you did why don't you ask him yourself,"

"i will after this class," the rando muttered

"Alright, class is now over!" professor zayne shouted

[In the canteen]

"HEY YOU SILVER HAIRED BASTARD!!" the rando from before shouted

"who said that?"lancelot whispered with murder written on his face and eyes

"me," the rando replied

"Who are you to call me that?"

"wait you don't remember the times you babysitted me."

"wait, beth that short haired girl who liked to run around and prank people?"

"yes of course the beth who liked to ru- wait what did you say about me?"

"that you liked to run around and prank people," as lancelot said that he shouted as a kick landed against his family jewels and every men in the area winced.

"w---wh----why did you do that?" he muttered teary eyed and laying on the ground twitching.

"hump!"beth pouted

"that's what you get you basta-" as she tried to mock but tendrils of water wrapped around her mouth and limbs of he body.

"call a healer!" klio shouted onto the onlooking

[10 min later]

"alright that should do it and remember to be careful" the healer reprimanded lancelot

[1 day later]

"alright today will be special, we will be making your own personalised weapon and armour!" the professor shouted making the whole class being noisy and causing a ruckus

"alright settle down, settle down class first of all i will give you special paper and ink," the professor said trying to settle down the class as he handed the paper and ink arthur, klio asked each other what type of weapons and armour would they make.

"you know i think i'll make a lance designed like a spear but with a longer handle and it should be able to adjust it's size with my mana and my armour would maybe look like a fuse of plate leathered and elven warrior armour, so how about you klio?"

"hmmm, maybe i could make a whip sword in the shape of a curved scimitar and for the armour i don't want it to hinder my movement but also grant me protection so a part of plated leather and chainmail,"

"oh and how about you lance?"they both asked at the same time

"i want a one-sided curved great cleaving sword and pointed end for the armour i want a full plated armour that looks like what the east uses and it should be made from metal that couldn't melt from high temperatures so it could be made from wrought iron,"