
Preparations For The Rescue Operation

"Now, I am listening." Peppers eyes lit up like the lights of a Christmas tree, all twinkling and shining within the midst of her dark ruby eyes.

"The current plan is that we get you to fly up high on Que Er's magpies, Wyrstiker's wyvern or maybe even Mr Derpy himself and from there, you will provide numerous bombardment artillery against the Giants," Jin told Peppers that those giants would be specifically targeting the animal people that Jin wished to rescue and recruit.

The idea was to get them out of hiding immediately with the flare which Hamatarou would be firing. After which, find out where they were located and send the Penguin Ninjas to escort the animal people back to the Sanctum of World's guest instance.

During the mass transfer, the Giants might be a hindrance, and that was where Peppers would come in to remove them out of the equation.