
Extra: Enemy Core Units

"Fear not! We have eight Core Units here! There are only two enemy Core Units!" Deng Long said to rally the Pandawans who were felt slightly cheated by Commander Furi. But at the sidelines, Mari was already giggling if they believed that was all the Pandawans were going to encounter.

Jia Ying was the first to rush towards the enemy Core Unit. She knew that her aim was terrible even with the aid of the Assisted AI Movement so what about a melee brawl? Perhaps her knowledge in melee combat could aid her in bringing down the enemy Mecha down.

"Ahhh!! Stupid! If you rush in, how am I going to shoot the enemy!" Yue Wen said as she refrained from attacking. Even Jing Ru, who was a sharpshooter, was shaking her head at Jia Ying single minded selfishness in attacking solo. Since she was blocking the way, there were only two ways.

To join her in a close combat fight or stay out of the way until the coast was clear.