
NTR Prevention : God's Apostle in an NTR Game world

[' Paradise of Lust ' ] [ A world where everyone is bound by the system ] [ A world where money can buy anything you want] [ You are guilty for a crime , just pay enough money and you will be free of all charges ] [ If you want to fuck someone's wife , just pay enough money and she would be laying on your bed ] [ Cheating .... what's that ..? , As long as it is under the system it will be just considered as a service ] [ A world that is full of beauties whose lust is insatiable ] [ Welcome to ' Paradise of Lust ' world's first Virtual reality RPG with virtual intercourse ] [ So what are you waiting , buy now only for 4999$ ] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note :- For those who are worried about this book being a NTR , you shouldn't worry about such things as neither I and nor MC likes it . For those who want a cold and ruthless MC well sorry to disappoint you . MC is someone who is kind and caring to the people he loves and usually doesn't get angry at small thing but there is one thing that absolutely makes his blood boil that is someone trying to steal his loved ones .

Perv3rted_Demon · ファンタジー
34 Chs

Taste of Forbidden Elixir

Spending nearly all of his SP, Ray bought dozens of herbs, elixirs, equipment.

" And I'm broke"

He cleared his table and started placing all his equipments on it.

[Host what are you doing..?]

" Wait and see "

Saying that he was back to his job, he placed a large container on the table and started pouring all the potions into it.

[Host, you are ruining the potion.]

" Lizzy, don't speak and allow me to do my job. "

[ Tsk... Okay]


An hour had passed since Ray had started working on it and he was still at it, adding one thing after another, he eventually emptied all his possessions.

" This should do "

Looking at the test tube in his hand, he had a wide smile on his face. He sighed as he started heating it over the burner.

Holding it carefully over the burner as the herbs inside started releasing all their essence, Ray strained it into a flask.

*Inhale..! *

With a long, deep breath, he picked up the flask and began to slowly pour it into the container while constantly stirring the liquid.

[And that's how you burn your money]

Ray was so focused on it, the he didn't bothered to listen her useless crap.

* Boom..! *

Suddenly, there was thick smoke that spread throughout the room, followed by an herby and extremely pleasant smell that started flowing in all directions.

* Cough..! * * Cough..! * * Cough..! *

Suddenly, the smokescreen began to disappear and the liquid began to radiate a spectrum of light, illuminating the entire room.

Faced with this dazzling light, Ray was blinded.

" What the hell, am I making potions or fireworks? "

*Ding..! *

[Congratulations, you have created a new potion]

* Ding...! *

[You have created a forbidden elixir]

* Ding..! *

[Class acquired ' Alchemist']

*Ding..! *

[ Class 'Alchemist' is ready for evolution]

[Would you like to proceed]


[Note:- The Alchemist class will be permanently lost if you proceed further.]

The dazzling liquid in his hands made all the notifications irrelevant. He quickly filled a clean vial with the liquid.

[Seven Colored Mystic Elixir

Type: - Forbidden Elixir

Rank: - ???

An elixir so powerful that it can even resurrect the dead. The elixir's seven colors represent the seven basic elements of the world. The high concentration of mana makes it unsuitable for direct consumption.

- Effects:- Unknown ]

As he glanced at the vial of liquid, his lips curled up grinning, his eye dazzling, and he suddenly began to laugh madly.

" Hehehe....., Hahahahaha "

" were you saying something, my dear Lizzy "


" Is that so "

" Hehehe..."

" Humm..., this should work, but the effects... "

Despite making it on a wimp, Ray was confident in his success of his potion. Upon inspecting the results, he was quite certain that it would function as he had desired.

" Well, whatever, I'll find out after I use it. "

" Lizzy open the inventory "


Using the inventory, Ray sorted all the potion in vials.

" That's 100 of them. "

Ray was then confronted with a big question, despite having many, he was unsure of how many he would need.

" Lizzy, can you analyze the potion and find out how many would be needed for using the skill once? "

[Is it a request or order]

When confronted with the strange question, Ray had a confused expression on his face

" Order I guess "

[ That would be 1000SP ]

Ray was completely broke, having no point left, there was no way he could pay her.

" No..no.., it's a request, that right just a request? Won't my dear Little Lizzy fulfill it? "

[I am not little]

[ I am much more older then you]

[And you are convincing no-one with that act]

Ray's hoped that he had some SP left, but unfortunately, he didn't.

' It appears that I will have to use it. '

With tears in his eyes, he collected his hands, and with a minute smile on his face, he said.

" Sister Lizzy please "

[ Agggggggghhh....! ]

[ Okay, I will do it, I will do it]

[ Don't do that next time, you look scary]


" But didn't I make a cute face..? "

[ Hehehe..]

" Lizzy you..."


*Knock..! * *Knock..! * *Knock..! *

"Young master, your lunch has arrived"

' Wait, is it lunch already '

Quickly, he glanced at his room. Upon seeing the condition, he had only one thought going through his head.


Upon opening the door, Vivian was greeted with broken bottles, spatters of liquid, black walls, a dirty table, burnt rug, it was a complete mess.

Looking at the miserable state of the room, her eye twitched, she clenched her fist tightly, and stepped inside.

" Young master, mind explaining, how did this happened "

Ray was already shaking as he looked at her frightening smile.

" I..., Ugh....! "

" Aunty, while I was studying quietly on my desk, a strange-looking creature suddenly entered the room. "

" Although its size was small, it had two black wings. His eyes were big and bulging. It flew inside the room and started spitting fire. "

While Ray was making up the story, Vivian's expression remained changed, she was constantly looking at him with the same frightening face.

" And then..., and then "


Even after hearing a long tale about 'Ray the dragon Slayer', Vivian stood there rigid with her expressions unchanged during the entire duration, even Ray himself was tired of the cringe he was spouting.

" So, basically, a dragon entered your bedroom and you fought, which resulted in the current state of your room. "

" Humm.."

"And you are innocent. "

" Hmm..! "

Ray nodded again.

" Sure, I believe you "

Following her words she gave him a sweet smile.

Looking at her smile, Ray's eyes widened, and he was in utter disbelief.

' Wait..!, did it actually work'

' Are my stories that great '

His face lit up with a wide smile of victory.

" Oh... I remember, I happened to have made some extra soup. So I wouldn't mind if young master drank a few extra bowls, Okay..! "

Before he could even reply, like a hanging shirt, she pulled him up from the collar and threw him out of the room.

" I.... "

" But I don't wanna "


Sitting on the dining tables with a bowl of soup opposite him and spoon in his hand.

*gulp..! * * gulp..! *

Looking at the soup, Ray couldn't help but gulp. Though it didn't look bad as such, but the extremely pungent and herby smell it exuded was unappetizing.

' Is that even edible..? '

' The spinach soup was 100 times better than this '

" Young master, what are you waiting for? The soup will get cold. "

' Ok.. I just have to gulp it down, Right..? '

Strengthening his courage, he took a spoon full of soup and shoved it down his mouth.

* Gulp..! *

The taste was not as bad.

When Ray tasted the small amount of soup that fell on his tongue, he became curious about the taste of the soup. He took another spoon and slurped it normally.

* Slurp..! *

' Although it's fishy, briny, and pungent, the spices are surprising enough to make it taste good. '

One spoon after another, Ray finished the entire bowl.

" Aunty more "

Vivian was quite happy when she saw Ray enjoying the soup.

" Sure "

She stepped forward and began filling the bowl

"Aunt, when is Mama coming back?"

" She should be back by night. "

" Why..?, are you missing her already "

" Hmm.."

After getting his bowl filled, Ray started eating it.

* Slurp..! *

* Cough..! *

Feeling a surge of bitterness on his tongue, he couldn't stop spewing it out.

" Young master are you alright "

She stepped forward and wiped his mouth with a napkin.

" here drink some more soup "

Instead of giving him water, she made him drink more soup.

* gulp..! *

' That's bitter, it tastes horrible '

" How is it do you like my bitter gourd soup "

" Drink more it's great of health "

* Gulp..*

' That's not fair, this is torture, mama please come back '


[ Class 'Alchemist' is ready for Evolution]

[Would you like to proceed]


[Note:- The Alchemist class will be permanently lost if you proceed further.]

' Accept '

['Alchemist' class Evolving]

' Anyway, I am not very interested in starting an alchemy business. '

The only possible use of having an alchemist class according for him was starting a business. He chose not to do it because it would attract too much attention and would require him to compete with many other competitors.

" Cupcakes, you look sad. What happened? "

Serra was kind of worried about Ray not being in the mood.

" Nothing "

Saying that, he smiled at her, since he didn't want her to get worried.

" Is that so, than here have some chocolate "

Saying that she unwrapped a small piece of chocolate and stuffed it in his mouth.

' What's the point? My taste buds are already dead. '

* Cough..! * * Cough..! *

' What's this, it's 10 times worse than the soup '

* * *

A/N:- Upcoming chapters are going to be fun, so so keep your seat belts tight.😁And I will try to dish out as fast a possible.