
New Home?

Seeing that the kids were still on guard Joseph decided that it better to take the initiative and calm things down "Kids, please, dont start with the fire magic down here ok? Its troublesome if you use all the oxigen... dont worry, we truly want to help you.".

Hearing Joseph, Stephen couldnt help but mutter silently "I find being burnt alive more troublesome..." while remembering the number of times where he was almost roasted when they first met the brats.

"Who are you? Why did you bring us here?" said the oldest looking kid of the group, a girl that should be at most 14 years old with a auburn hair and clear brown eyes.

Nodding at the question Joseph introduced both him and his friend to the group of kids "My name is Joseph, and this is Stephen, we both have been waiting for the survivors of Charis to arrive at this location for a bit over a year... you kids were the first we found after all this time..." saying with a melancholic tone.

The three oldest looked at each other and feeling that the other party intention wasnt trying to harm them they nodded at each other and began presenting themselves

"My name is Noah, 13 years of age, this one is my sister, Sophy, 8 years old, I only trust you because she said you are trustworthy." said the white haired youth with strong blue eyes that were full of determination while behind him was a shy little girl with the same colour of hair who looked at them with an air full of curiosity.

"My name is Anna, 14 years old, these behind me are Alex, 9 years of age and Laura, she has the same age as Alex" said the impatient auburn haired girl presented herself and a brown haired boy with green eyes which seemed to scream anxiety and insecurity and beside him a beatiful and cute little girl with a blue hair and golden eyes, which did not look natural and had a slight light to them, the little girl seemed really shaken and scared to look at their eyes.

And finnaly the older boy with a tan skin and silver hair presentented himself and the kid at his side with resembled him quite a bit "I am Ralph... 12 years old, this is Brian 10 years old, he is my little brother" the brother gave a feeling of goofy and simple minded kids, but in the eyes of Ralph could be seen a slight glimmer of cunning while on the younger one you could see alot of innocence.

Seeing those kids that looked hungry, tired and very gloomy but also determined, both Joseph and Stephen nodded seeing as they were alot better than expected of children that must of come from a horrible situation into a uncertain situation on another world. Directing his gaze to Noah, Joseph said: "Could I please know why are there only children in your group? And if you know about any other survivors that might come?"

"We are only here because our parents, elders and adults of our shelter decided to give us a chance to go through the portal by giving up their lifes... " choosing to not say anything about SACRIFICE in case they could not be fully trusted or would fall into temptation.

Hearing the dreadful history of these children and feeling his heart twisting in his chest, Joseph said "Im glad that atleast you children could make it... your parents and the other adults in your shelter are true heros, you all will not be left alone..." then with form determination he declared "We will not let the work of your parents and the other survivors of your shelter to be in vain. From now on we will teach how to be able to not only survive, but to live great lifes!!"

At the sight of this glassed thin man saying such powerful words, most of the children had doubtful eyes towards him, the only exception being Brian and Sophy, who seemed to trully believe they would be safe with him.


Time passed fast and they started to learn more about this new world they came to found thenselves in quickly adapting to their new enviroment. The world was being called as Jurissia, for many of the fauna was reptilian in origin, with mamals and birds being small and reclusive, making them hard to find, also the sky of the surface was quite pretty, according to Sophy and Anna they would never get tired of seeing its two moons and ring that would give an majestic feeling of awe and grandeur.

When it came to their new home the kids became quite shocked at learning that those were an abandoned settlement of dwarves that fled from Charisian invasion of their kingdom, thats right... Dwarves, the small robust people that love mountains, rocks and molten metal, they were living in this world long before humans came... according to Joseph they were colonists that arrived in this world around a century before, coming from a faction war on their home planet...

The tunnels they arrived at where long and extensive, and would lead to that underground settlement that Stephen and Joseph brought them after they fainted from lack of oxigen, in those tunnels there were many rare finds aswell such as pristine crystal clear hot water, gems and minerals in deeper levels and also an great forest of glowing mushrooms that according to the records found at the settlement had alot of medicinal uses such as mana regeneration and minor healing properties.

Among so much new and interesting things the kids became less gloomy and depressed, getting to spend their time improving themselves also gave them a deeper sense of security and confidence.... even if talking about their families became something hard and painful to do, they kept their eyes on the future from then onwards.