
Deep Tunnel

"Hey Alex, did you finish that thing we asked you about last time?" (Ralph)

"Uhh... yes... but why are you asking for it now?" (Alex)

"Well we wanted to test it, you know... its always good to test things before instaling those things right..?" said Ralph lying through his teeth, with a big innocent smile.

"Okay..." said Alex squinting his eyes towards Ralph. "But remember to bring it back before the end of the week... its when teacher Stephen said he should install them..." said the guillable Alex while handing over the earth mapper, a wonderful invention that used the same principle Joseph's Earth Sonar spell does while mapping in a 3D map scale around 50 meters around it, perfect for exploration and monitoring a base such as theirs.

Taking the mapper and dashing over to where Noah was hidden with an stole-... i mean 'borrowed' golem, they quickly finished their preparations for exploring the deeper caves that they had opened before.

Those caves which were previously locked even before Joseph and Stephen got here were hidden by a magic formation that was found by Ralph and Noah on accident. Since they were bored more often then not they decided to explore it and keep it their little secret from others, always waiting to find treasures and amazingly awesome secrets in their exploration, only to be met with a large tunnel system that was largely empty, the only thing that made them want to keep exploring was that they wanted to know what was at the end of it, but as they had only so much time everyday before having to go back to their base they were very limited in how much they could explore it, which led to this plan of theirs to send a golem to record the end of the tunnels which was quite deep.

Now set to go and get tresures and riches and boast about it to the others, they set on the limit they could go with the golem and set it off to keep going until it could no longer advance and then come back to them with a video recording of what lays in the deep.

After doing that they would everyday come back to the tunnel to see if the golem came back. That happened for around a week, before they found the golem waiting for them with a map recording everything that was around it in its journey.

Going back and stealthily putting the recording in a watching device in the dead of night when everyone should be sleeping, they proceeded to watch the secrets of the depths of this cave.

The tunnel would go for long, full of drops, turns in an entangled web of tunnels that would go down, that is part of the reason the golem took so long to come back, it had to climb and dig more entrances to get out of the holes it fell into. But the most remarkable thing was exactly what they wanted to see... the end of the tunnel was a large lava pool with an altar before it, one of the most weird things was that the lava was not that hot according to the data, was almost like it was a calm pool of very hot liquid but not quite as hot as magma or lava should be, thus they couldnt help but be curious of what that altar was all about.

The altar was very well done and had a shape of a dwarf, it looked like a dwarf had become stone on a bed, that was the type of feeling they got at watching the recording.

"Hey, want to go down there someday? i think that if we get a day off we can go there and back before we have to have another class, we can even put a recording and say we are on our rooms sick and that we already ate, that should work in case they try to find us..." said Ralph while thinking himself way more of a genius than he previously thought he was.

"Hmmm that should work if we act sick beforehand... Also we need to prepare ropes and equipment to explore that, and use this big fall to get there quicker " said Noah pointing to one of the tunnels in the map.

"Okay, you prepare the equipment and i will work on the recordings... Huhuhu!" said Ralph while rubbing his hands ready for a interesting trip and prank at the same time.


"Say... do you think Ralph and Noah are going to get better? They seemed really sick this week, even teacher told us to rest for tomorrow afraid we would also get sick..." said a worried Laura to a also worried looking Anna and Sophy

"I think it should just be a flu... just a bit of rest and they should be better, atleast thats what I hope... maybe... we should visit them and try and see how we can help?" said Anna while looking down and lightly blushing thinking feeding Noah soup with a spoon.

"Yes! We should help brother and Ralph get better so they can play with us!" said a determined and hyped up Sophy, knowing that if they got better she could spend more time with her brother.

So they went and as Anna prepared soup for Noah and Ralph they knocked on their doors only to hear Ralph's voice "Who is it?! Im trying to rest here, I've eaten already just let me rest!" and Noah's voice "Already ate... no need to help!" .

Knowing that all their efforts were in vain, they decided to insist with them, but as they insisted, the recordings came to an end, and then started to loop.

Seeing this they all suspected something was up and Anna unlocked the doors using magic only to find none inside.

"Ahh... I knew something was going on, brother lied to me!" said a very pouty Sophy

"Y-yes... I didnt even want to help him anyway, humph!" said an embarassed and frustated Laura that went to the trouble of cooking soup for Ralph just to find him gone.

"So where are they?! I want to get back at them for this time!" said the super pouty Anna ready to hit Ralph and Noah for playing around and making them worried.

For a time Laura went into a trance and 'saw' them, coming from a wall as if it didnt exist, she didnt know what this things she often saw and dreamed about meant, but she started to realise that often what she saw happened in future, she was often too timid and scared to talk about it thinking that it was just her imagination, but she got curious this time and decided to talk to that wall and see if she could find them.

And so went the three girls with Laura, Anna confused as to why she wanted to come here and Sophy curious, as if she had understood that she was going after her brother and Ralph.

Soon after they arrived at the wall Laura and Sophy touched it at the same time, and seeing their hands going throught it they soon went inside. There they found a tunnel that went down and a golem deactivated on the side, along with an empty rations pack thrown close by it.

"So thats where they always went before, everytime brother got missing I wondered where he was..." (Sophy)

"Lets find them and get back at them for all the pranks they pulled on us, this time is the last time we should let them do this!" (Anna)

"T-they really were here then?! We should find them before something happens!" (Laura)

Going inside the tunnel they realized that it was more vast than what they expected, and seeing as they couldnt find the boys anywhere they kept going, thinking that they shouldnt be far...