


The leaves of the trees were dissipated by wind currents and among them a variety of questions, melancholy was what caught the attention of a young man; although he claimed to have forgotten, he was not. The burn was still there, the scar will never go away.

Although the world was against him for the variety of families reunited, it was a matter of headache. After all the lazy years of those memories, every now and then he thought about it. Or better said, he was thinking of his family.

A young man with albino hair walked a bit melancholy. I never expected that everything I had fought for had finally paid off, at the cost of that.

_ that's life, apparently fun…. They will want you to resign and your dreams win, but the sun will rise again _ thought the young man. Those rhymes of words was the cause of everything. Your achievements, your dreams and life. With that declaration began his new life. It was his inspiration at times like this. To forget and move on. Turn the page.

He thought of everything he left behind too; his friends and acquaintances who helped him in his time. But thanks to them I can smile again, live again.

"And as usual alone, but it is better than being with them, I wonder how they will be, they will have fulfilled their dreams, I hope it is so, even if I hate them, I grew up with them and learned to love them in their time. I only hope they are happy where stay and forget about me ... as I did about them "

The albino looked forward slightly surprised, he had not realized that he had come home. For some strange reason he smiled or not, there was a reason why he had a smile. His achievements were inside. His dreams could be seen from the outside and his life pressed when he opened the door with his key.

Opening the door I see the pictures nailed to the pairs, there was a specific one where the albino looked at his achievements. There was the albino next to a blonde girl and in his arms a girl with hair a little whiter than hers.

_ I'm home princess _

_ Papa _ a voice of a girl was heard, from inside the house _ papa, papa arrived _ the voice was recognized by a girl of barely 5. With pale blond hair, a very sweet face I have innocent accompanied with some freckles on his cheeks, eyes like that of his named father and a house dress.

With very high speed for a girl her age, she rushed to jump on her father to hug him. The albino only smiled at this, she liked that her daughter was glad of her arrival. In her old life they would never have greeted her this way if it weren't for the fact that they wanted something in return. But not all of them were like that, there was a blonde girl who loves animals and mechanics, who most appreciated her arrival. Wanting not to remember that more, the albino smiled at her daughter.

_ And how was the morning, daughter? _ The albino asked, curious about her daughter's morning; unfortunately her job was very early, but to start it again the pay was too good. That is why the neighbors always helped to keep watch in the mornings, but today she had called a friend, who although she was a bit playful, was very responsible and kind.

_ Daddy today had a great time with Mrs. Alis, she told me that she may become my new mother _

"There is no"

"Now that it got into her head, I knew it was a bad idea for me to take care of my daughter"

The white-haired man thought this was a bad thing, but well he would manage to make his daughter forget what "she" had put in her head.

_ And did you buy me something? _ the white-haired daughter said with the hope that her father had brought her some sweets, as he does most of the time. But to her disappointment her father shook her head. Gracefully the girl was just glad that her father is back.

_ Honey you arrived early today, any news? _ A feminine and very soft voice was heard coming out of the kitchen. When the phonation was heard closer, she could appreciate a girl of about 18 years; with blond hair, white and silky skin, without imperfections, with a very generous body, but what could stand out the most were her blue eyes, they had, to say, a life in them and to finish she wore a gray polo shirt with attached black pants . In short, it was a beauty.

The albino did not care about that, he would not care if she were Portrait of Lisa Gherardini (Mona Lisa); He didn't notice that, but neither was he going to deny that she wasn't pretty. Perhaps one of the prettiest girls he knew.

_ so ... are you my new wife? _ the bored albino looked at the girl in front.

_ of course we are getting married today; You don't love the idea! I promise to make you and our daughter happy _ the named girl, Alis, said in a very excited and joyful way.

"Oh my god, now I marry the crazy woman"

"But on second thought, there would be someone to take care of my little girl while I'm gone"

"What am I thinking?"

The albino scolded himself for that idea, I can only sigh and only thank.

_ Anyway, thanks for taking care of my daughter, Alis, I owe you a favor _ the albino said as she placed her black vest on one of the hangers at the entrance. Leaving her daughter making joyful of her new mother's confirmation. Something that the albino could not remove from her daughter's head.

_ it was nothing, everything for my future husband _ the blonde said playfully _ by the way, we were about to have lunch, come sit at the table, you too little Leah, go wash your hands that are dirty _ the blonde said while holding Cam reaches out for her white crush.

The young man can only be dragged by her, but he did not complain, he was hungry and for his good fortune, she cooked delicious. As the adults went to the table, little Leah only obeyed her new mother's order.

The albino's daughter, Leah, never knew her mother, she had photos of her where she was dating her father and one of all together. His father told him about her when he asked; Thus she learned characteristics of her mother; She was shy, she liked chocolate as much as her father and she, she was one of those people who never hated, she always found a way to forgive. According to her father her mother was the most beautiful and kind person in the world.

Leaving the story of the girl's mother; The little girl loved that one of dad's friends was his new wife, sometimes her father felt lonely and cried when he saw a photo of her mother, she did not like that, she knew that her father would love her mother always, but in a mature way, the little girl, Leah, knew that her father needed someone to accompany him.

Washing her hands, little Leah came to the table, where her father and Mrs. Alis were; waiting for her.

_ oh, my love, come sit down, today prepare Lasagna I hope you like it _ Alis said to her husband's daughter (they are not married), placing a plate of food on the right side of her father.

_ Thanks mom _ Leah thanked and sat down to start devouring the lasagna, but forgot something _ you have to see the cartoons! _ remembering she grabbed the control, which was on the table and turned on the TV.


Channel 4

_good morning viewers, today we have great news for you. We have just received information from one of our reporters who are in the Olympics, that the bronze-winning champion of the old year, has managed to get a gold medal, for more information we will send the broadcast live_ a bald reporter with a mustache said, with something of enthusiasm



The albino watched the brunette who came out celebrating her triumph with melancholy. While her daughter did not change the channel to see one, the brunette girl was amazed that such a young lady had won an Olympic gold medal.

Alis in return looked at her friend with something strange, she had realized that the albino knew the girl in another way, she thought about how he would have known her; The winner looked the age of her love, maybe a childhood friend thought. But she would have an answer for a longer time, she only dedicated herself to seeing some change in the expression of her albino.


_ And how does our champion feel about winning her first gold medal? _ A reporter of at least 30 years of age, asked; accommodated her microphone near the vocal cavity of the chestnut champion.

The brunette, very determined and cheerful, approached the microphone and said _ I feel great, I made a lot of effort to get this beauty here_ the chestnut pointed to her medal _ but I was also happy and very happy that people from all over the world can see me , right now_ the chestnut said happily.

_but_ everyone was speechless when the athlete's smile fell and instead of having her always winning smile, now she was full of melancholy. They fell silent to hear what the new 1000-meter Olympic winner would have to say.

_ I know you can see me Lincoln_


Alis was surprised, when she pronounced her friend's name, she was completely stunned, her suspicions that she knew him, cook the chestnut girl were 99% accurate and just seeing her friend's expression reached 100%.

With her gaze now locked on the television, Lincoln was shocked when her name was spoken from the brunette's lips. He was ecstatic about it. Unconsciously he took his friend's hand and squeezed it a little.

The blonde with blue eyes only increased his astonishment to feel the rough hand of his friend, he blushed a little because of that, but he looked at his friend's face, his eyes seemed to be holding back the desire to cry and kill? his lips trembled a little sadly. She didn't know what was happening to him, but he needed support now and she would give it to him.


_and if not, I hope one day you will see it_ Lynn Loud said while holding one of the microphones with difficulty to make it clear.

While the reporters were also impressed by her words, but now everyone was wondering "Who was Lincoln?"

_ I just want you to know that we are looking for you, we all do it, our parents do too and we will not give up, Lincoln Loud, we will find you and we will make you come back to us, we need you, I need you; You do not know how much I regret having made you go through that damage, when you left our side, it hurt, I know you think I am a hypocrite, I am, but I want to change that, brother, I want to hear from you again and apologize_

_ I hope you are my brother again_


The albino sighed, relaxed and thought things over; now all his family was after him again, his old life would return and it was not something he liked.

"They will come sooner or later, I have to be prepared and get Leah away from this"

Lincoln thought, but his thoughts were brought out when he felt a warm and soft sensation in the hand part. I observe with some shock, that he had his hand intertwined with his friend Alis. He quickly released himself and looked into her eyes.

She only looked at him compression and returned to join his hand with her.

_ don't worry, I'll always be with you, Lincoln _ Alis said with a smile.

The albino felt it again, it was what he felt with his ex-wife; the tranquility and peace that she reflected, was the same or a little more. He smiled at that.

Something that the two of them weren't seeing, was that little Leah was watching everything with a big smile and thinking about.

"yupi, I already have a new mother"