

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · SF
60 Chs

Chapter 4: Prelude to Invasion

**Above Nova's Atmosphere, Spaceport #3, Nova Astronomical Observatory, One Hour Before Demon Andrew's Arrival on Nova**


The observer at the telescope was speechless, as if he had witnessed something beyond comprehension. "This, this... how is this possible?"




**Somewhere in Nova's Combat Center**


Ethan was trying on an experimental battle suit. Suddenly, Aiden's hologram appeared, speaking in his usual stilted manner. Ethan turned, staring at Aiden in shock.


"BOSS, the latest news from the observatory: ten minutes ago, another alien appeared in the same position in space. A few minutes later, a blue light curtain emerged, and another alien came out of it. They stayed in space for about a minute before heading towards Nova. After a short acceleration, they disappeared from view."


"Based on our calculations, their speed before disappearing..."


"Nearly the speed of light!!!"


After Aiden's report, Ethan was silent for a long moment, lost in thought, before he murmured, almost in a questioning tone, "You mean they surpassed the speed of light? We can't observe them anymore, can we?"


"Yes, BOSS!"


Hearing this, Ethan swallowed hard. He reached out a trembling hand to steady himself on a nearby desk, put away the battle suit, and sat down. Around him, Mikhail, William Eaton, Zachary Thompson, Leonard Smith, and other relevant personnel looked on in shock, some even showing fear. This was not just a matter of technological disparity; it was as if they were not even in the same dimension.


The first alien felt like something they could handle. But the second appearance of these two aliens felt overwhelmingly beyond their capacity.


The kinetic energy alone, brought by their faster-than-light travel, could shatter Nova. And in their understanding, the speed of light was an unbreakable limit. Nothing with mass could reach or exceed it. They hadn't considered other ways to achieve or surpass light speed. They were still reeling from the shock of the aliens' capabilities.


The angels could not achieve light speed with kinetic energy alone, but the Wings of Time and Space relied on different principles.


Ethan, although panicked, knew he had to stay calm. He took several deep breaths, steadying himself. Like many decisions before, he made this one with firmness.


"If it's meant to happen, it will. We have no choice." His eyes, now bloodshot, revealed determination and madness. "Issue the highest order: All Nova citizens, except for necessary military and departmental personnel, must evacuate to shelters immediately. Abandon all materials, prioritize people's safety."


"Notify all units to move to a position 1000 kilometers from Nova and await further instructions!"


After his command, Ethan looked at the rest of the combat center personnel.


"Everyone, evacuate Nova, including the garrison, except my guard. I want Nova to become a ghost town. Execute immediately!!!"


With Ethan's forceful words, everyone silently left, understanding this was a do-or-die battle, almost certain death. The sacred leader's will was undeniable.


Once they were gone, the combat center fell silent.


"Aiden, take control of all spaceports and aim all weapons at Nova."


Ethan hesitated for a moment before continuing. "Including the heavy nuclear bombs!!!"


Aiden, after a long pause, replied, "Understood, BOSS."


Ethan turned to Aiden, a lingering smile on his face. "It's up to you now."


**High Above Nova, Demon Andrew Entered the Atmosphere**


The intense friction from the atmosphere turned him into a fiery meteor. As he entered the planet, Andrew noticed the strong gravity and the rich dark energy, which would help replenish his own.


"Haha, welcome Demon Andrew!" he laughed, plummeting like a fireball towards Nova. But he didn't notice the angels Rena and Moanie following closely behind.


"Andrew will land in three minutes. We'll arrive ten minutes after. Be ready, Moanie!"


"Yes, Rena."


Watching the descending fireball, Ethan's expression was grim. "We must eliminate the first target quickly. If the others land, it will be too late. Aiden, have the guard ready. As soon as the target lands, attack and eliminate it as a priority. Forget about intelligence or technology now!"


Treating both targets as enemies was a necessary decision. Ethan knew that any technology beyond their dimension was a threat, their survival dependent on the aliens' whims.


Minutes later, the fireball landed, an explosion scattering smoke and forming a large crater. Despite trying to minimize the impact with dark energy, the strong gravity of Nova still created a dramatic scene.


"Damn, this gravity is intense. If I weren't a third-generation demon, I'd doubt my safe landing."


Standing amidst the smoke, Andrew cursed, but the attacks came before he could fully grasp his surroundings.


"Boom, boom, boom..."


Multiple impacts struck him, sending him flying.


"Cease fire, observe the target!" Ethan commanded, watching the screen.


Andrew, with some bullet holes but otherwise unharmed, laughed disdainfully. "This is all you've got? A bunch of primitives!"


Spreading his wings, he soared towards the source of the attack.


"Leader, electromagnetic snipers are ineffective. The target is unharmed and approaching fast!"


Guard Captain Nicholas reported, seeing Andrew's advance.


"Hold him off, I'll be there in five minutes!"


"Yes, we will hold the line!"


After promising Ethan, Nicholas, with a determined look, instructed his team.


"Heavy unit, engage in close combat with me. Everyone else, find advantageous positions to continue support with electromagnetic snipers. Use tactical missiles as well! Take your positions!"


Silently, the team dispersed. Only seven or eight in heavy armor remained with Nicholas.


"He's coming, prepare to engage!"


Andrew, wielding a blade, charged. Nicholas, activating his suit's core, sped towards him. They clashed, Nicholas sending Andrew flying with immense force.


"Damn, this guy has near second-generation strength without super genes! This is crazy!"


Regaining composure, Andrew, a veteran demon warrior, quickly adapted.


Despite his strength, Nicholas posed little threat without a gene engine. Andrew steadied himself, dodging others' attacks, and targeted the falling Nicholas.


Landing, Nicholas could only brace himself. The impact created another crater, his armor damaged.


Andrew ignored him, turning to the others with a sinister smile. "The slaughter begins!"


Despite fierce resistance, Andrew decimated the guard. Nicholas, struggling to stand, saw his comrades fall one by one.


"Report, leader! Electromagnetic rifles ineffective! The target is unharmed and advancing!"


Nicholas, watching Andrew, called out.


"Hold him off, I'll be there in five minutes!"


"Yes, we will hold the line!"


After promising Ethan, Nicholas, with a determined look, instructed his team.


"Heavy unit, engage in close combat with me. Everyone else, find advantageous positions to continue support with electromagnetic snipers. Use tactical missiles as well! Take your positions!"


Silently, the team dispersed. Only seven or eight in heavy armor remained with Nicholas.


"He's coming, prepare to engage!"


Andrew, wielding a blade, charged. Nicholas, activating his suit's core, sped towards him. They clashed, Nicholas sending Andrew flying with immense force.


"Damn, this guy has near second-generation strength without super genes! This is crazy!"


Regaining composure, Andrew, a veteran demon warrior, quickly adapted.


Despite his strength, Nicholas posed little threat without a gene engine. Andrew steadied himself, dodging others' attacks, and targeted the falling Nicholas.


Landing, Nicholas could only brace himself. The impact created another crater, his armor damaged.


Andrew ignored him, turning to the others with a sinister smile. "The slaughter begins!"


Despite fierce resistance, Andrew decimated the guard. Nicholas, struggling to stand, saw his comrades fall one by one.


As Andrew relished the chaos, his gene engine alerted him. He dodged bullets but couldn't evade the mini-tactical missiles. Despite the explosions, they had little effect.


"Annoying pests."


"Lock on the snipers."




Andrew's blade sent dark energy blasts towards the snipers' positions, causing simultaneous explosions.


Meanwhile, Nicholas, barely standing, shook off his damaged armor and gripped his sword.


"Come on!"


Andrew, hearing this, ignored the others and flew at Nicholas. In close combat, Nicholas was outmatched. Despite his bravery, Andrew toyed with him.


"Impressive strength without super genes. Join Queen Moanie, and I might spare you."


Andrew's true motive was to contact Queen Moanie.


"Queen, do you read? Queen?"


After several tries, he got a response.


"Andrew, what's the emergency?"


"Queen, it's not my fault, the wormhole malfunctioned!"


"Fine, just report."


"Queen, I found an ideal place..."


"A planet near a black hole with strong gravity and rich dark energy? You're not kidding?"


"Yes, Queen, we can turn them into our soldiers."


"Send the coordinates. We'll come after losing Keisha. Over and out."


Somewhere in the known universe, aboard Demon One, Queen Moanie's flagship, a voluptuous woman in tight purple leather ended the call.


"Set course, Ato."


Ato, a towering demon, saluted and left.


The woman gazed out at the starry expanse.


"Keisha, let's see you handle this!" She laughed maniacally.