

At the edge of the known universe lies Nova, a planet orbiting a massive black hole. In this extreme environment, Ethan, a traveler from Earth, rises to lead Nova's resilient people, building a powerful industrial and military system. As they face an imminent invasion by the formidable demon Andrew, who wields dark energy and advanced technology, Nova's fate hangs in the balance. Ethan, having grown into a remarkable leader, is joined by the angelic warriors Rena and Moni. Together, they confront the demon threat, showcasing extraordinary courage and intelligence. Amid the chaos, Ethan's bond with Rena deepens, adding a layer of personal stakes to the epic struggle. "Edge of the Universe: Nova" is a sci-fi epic blending adventure and cosmic warfare. It highlights humanity's resilience and the power of courage, wisdom, and love in the face of overwhelming odds. Through Ethan's journey, readers will explore the farthest reaches of the universe and the indomitable spirit of those who fight for their home.

Caesar101 · SF
60 Chs

Chapter 39: The Demand

"Shut up! You don't understand Keisha's pain, so stop spouting nonsense!"


The figure turned slightly, nodding at Holy Keisha, whose expression softened somewhat upon seeing the newcomer.


Ethan was momentarily taken aback. He hadn't expected this person to show up, especially since she had supposedly retired long ago.


Though her presence was unanticipated, Ethan quickly regained his composure and addressed her.


"I never thought you would appear here!"


"Sky King, He Xi!"


"As for me not understanding Keisha's pain? Heh, I don't care whether I understand it or not! I only care about the facts!"


"And the fact is that countless civilizations have withered, and numerous angels have perished, all because Holy Keisha let Mogiea run loose!"


"In harsh terms, she has been irresponsible not only to all the civilizations protected by the order of justice but also to the angels who believe in justice and in her!"


"Sky King, don't you think so?"


He Xi looked at Ethan with a stern expression, thinking, "As expected, this guy is really tough to deal with, not someone to be taken lightly."


"Hmph, sharp-tongued fellow. Don't think you can attack with impunity just because you've found a seemingly weak spot!"


"You don't understand the sacrifices Keisha made to establish the order of justice! Nor do you understand the price paid to maintain justice. Even if Keisha has made mistakes, it's not for you to judge!"


"The order of justice has protected countless lives and civilizations over fifteen thousand years, even though many have perished along the way. We do everything we can to protect the precious gift of life. Many angels have sacrificed themselves, and Keisha has suffered for it too!"


"If you don't understand her, don't try to distort everything with your shallow understanding!"


"You don't have the right!"


He Xi's passionate words seemed to carry a magical force, taking the angels back to the early days of the order of justice, to that era of trials and tribulations.


When He Xi finished, the angels felt a pang of shame. They had briefly doubted Keisha, and their lifelong belief in justice.


Ethan's words had sown seeds of doubt in their hearts. If not for He Xi's speech, these young angels might have become fallen ones, and fallen ones are unforgivable!


Now, they felt deeply ashamed, blaming themselves for their lack of faith, planning to accept punishment when they returned to Heaven. Some even drew their flaming swords, pointing them at Ethan, shouting that he would face the angels' wrath for slandering Keisha.


Ethan ignored the threats and words of the young angels. His concern was with Sky King He Xi and Holy Keisha. The others were irrelevant.


With a grave expression, he addressed Keisha and He Xi.


"I'm just stating what I believe to be facts. I don't care whether you acknowledge or deny them; it doesn't matter to Nova!"


"But there's one thing I must make clear!"


"I am not like you, Holy Keisha."


"You might let your sister go, but I won't!"


"From the moment I was born into this world, I decided to use everything I have to protect Nova!"


"On the path to protecting Nova, I will not allow anyone to stand in my way!"


"Be it my relatives, brothers, or friends!"


"Even if it's parents, lovers, or children!"


"I won't spare anyone!!!"


Both Keisha and He Xi narrowed their eyes upon hearing Ethan's words, simultaneously thinking, "What a ruthless person!"


Nearby, Angel Yana's face turned pale, her expression complex. She understood Ethan's words clearly. But understanding them made her emotions even more conflicted because it meant that even if Ethan accepted her, she would never be the most important person in his heart. This realization was a heavy blow to Yana, who loved deeply and without reservation.


"Of course, neither I nor Nova will forget anyone or any civilization that has helped us!"


"Naturally, we won't forget those who have harmed us either!"


"Angels, whether motivated by the order of justice or other reasons, have indeed helped Nova. Many angels have sacrificed themselves here."


"Those angels who sacrificed themselves for Nova have earned our respect and friendship."


"Nova will always remember them, just as we remember the nine million who died for Nova's survival."


Hearing this, Keisha and He Xi's frowns eased slightly. They exchanged a glance, and Keisha released the grip she had on her throne's armrest, resting her hand on her crossed leg as she spoke.


"I hope Nova will live up to your words. You are impressive, Ethan. I will remember you!"


"As for remembering the angels who sacrificed themselves, I can tell you clearly, angels don't need it. They fought for their faith in justice, not for you. We don't care!"


Ethan shook his head slightly, looking around before gazing into the distance.


"Nova doesn't care whether you care."


"Nova won't concern itself with whether you need it or not."


"We will remember what we should remember."


"We will do what we should do."


Keisha sighed, exchanging a look with He Xi, who raised her eyebrows as if to say, "What now? Hurry up and get on with it if you have something to say, otherwise, let's go home!"


Keisha sighed.


"I understand your and Nova's stance, but I want you to know that what you see isn't always the whole picture. Many things are beyond our control, and justice is one of them."


"The war is over. We should go back. I hope we'll meet again in the known universe. Let's go."


As Keisha began to ascend, her cross-shaped throne materialized. She sat down, ready to leave when Ethan's voice stopped her.


"You can't leave yet!"


"Kid, what do you want now?"


He Xi, who was preparing to calculate a wormhole, felt her anger flare up at Ethan's interruption. She held back, though her patience was wearing thin.


Ethan ignored He Xi's anger and addressed the angels.


"You can leave, but you need to leave Demon One behind! Especially the Void Universe Engine on it!!!"