
90: A song of sorrows (6)


I was at the end of my flipping rope with a wave of confusion. The old one was coming to Liradia to kill and destroy everything. He has Xerek held captive, frozen in ice. The world forgot about Xerek and hence they weren't working to get him back. 

Prince Zephirin's best friend is no more of this world. Ywain didn't get a funeral or have a single soul in the world miss him. And now a new mystery has risen, with my identity and the possibility of being goddess Rezelna's son. 

I was shaking in my boots at the mere thought of the impending war. "No jewelry today, " I announced to Rhon and Henrik. 

"The white attire, your hair down, and no jewelry. One would think you are in mourning, " Henrik spoke up. 

I let out a deep sigh. I was in mourning, Ywain and I were aligned in a strange relationship. For a moment we came close to being a family and I owed him a lot of favors.