
A Special Chapter

"Do I have to wear this," I grumbled.

Quinn giggled and booped my nose.

"Of course, silly, now stay still," She continued to fix the suit head until it snugged into place. She pushed me out into the stage where a dozen little kids ran around, screaming.

I quickly shook my head and tried to back backstage when Quinn stopped me.

"Oh no!" she wagged her finger at me. "You promised her."

My shoulders drooped and I trudged back to the stage. Quinn went out front to settle the kids down.

They all sat down in front of the stage with their mouths open wide, waiting for me to start. I gulped and looked down. The first person I saw was the birthday girl. With her long white sleeved shirt with big pink sparkly letters that said 'Birthday Girl' and a light pink skirt sprinkled with glitter.

Her big brown eyes stared back at me, almost pleading. Almost as if she knew I might back out at any second. I took a shaky breath and relaxed. My body, already knowing the moves that I painstakingly took so long to learn, began to move in rhythm to the beat as I sang 'Happy Birthday'.

The children screamed in delight as I danced for them on the stage. They got up and danced too with their little bodies jumping up and down. Their little arms swinging without a care in the world.

After I finished singing 'Happy Birthday', I began to sing other songs requested by the birthday girl prior to the party starting.

I continued to sing until my voice began to get hoarse and the children long already had cake and opened presents.

Tired, I got off the stage, watching parents pick up their sleepy children in their arms. Through the admest of adults, I saw the birthday girl running up to me.

She threw herself up on me, forcing me to catch her. She helped me take off the head of the suit and nuzzled up against me.

"Thanks for making my birthday the best birthday ever, Momma!"

I chuckled, smiling softly at her and took her inside for a well deserved nap together.

It's my birthday so I thought I'd spare most of you by writing a special chapter full of the wholesome. Enjoy!

Dead_Starscreators' thoughts