
Prophecy Ignored — The Attack!

I haven't finished talking to the young lad and we were under attack? The warning that Samuel had announced exactly 7 days ago was totally forgotten.

My God, how could we simply forget such an event...!

There was quite a lot of happenings within that week until the warning slipped nearly out of our minds.

Sharp shrill blown from a whistle sounded in multiple areas as the garrison ran over to pick their pikes, swords and their bows and quiver full of arrows. A Shadow member had released an orange-reddish smoke flare (yes, flares do exist from the 13th century onwards from China) at the point of intrusion of the South Gate.

As the garrison had formed into a wall formation, I too had run back to the domain and gotten my short sword and my bow and arrows as I carried it down together and joined the garrison.

What stopped me in my tracks was the sight before me...!

It was a huge wild beast, towering at least 10 to 12 feet high, clad with a hard-shelled armour from its neck down till its tail. It had rather short legs, an elongated body, a ratty kind of ears and a snout that looked like an anteater. It's long scaled tail were swishing about and was as lethal as a rat's tail when it's being cornered.

True to what Samuel had informed us, it could just cross over the barricades easily and the first target it caught was the sole watchtower.

The bamboo barricades were smashed underfoot and with a swipe of its hooked claws, the watchtower was crumpled and the copper wire voice pipeline attached to it snapped.

The lone Shadow member barely managed to jump to safety on the ground below that was cushioned by bales of hay, clutching to his weapon as he made the jump and ran to safety before letting loose a few arrows towards the armour of the wild beast.

It was a futile attempt as it was easily deflected. That arrowhead was a bullet point...! We all stared at it from a distance before the wild beast Let out a blood-curling squeak or shriek at that time that sends a weird tingle down our backs as well as on the hairs at the back of our necks...!


The barricades as mentioned by Samuel was easily trampled underfoot by that mutant armadillo. No wonder he mentioned that the meat and blood were infectious and inedible to else the town folks would be having a fest tonight...!

Multiple arrows were let loose as the pikemen had formed a defensive wall formation and didn't flinch nor love from their spot which was just near the infirmary. Suddenly out of the corner of my eye I noticed some movements.

We still have children inside the classroom...!

"Mars...! Mars...! I'm here with the kids...! My belly is acting up and I can't move...! MARS...!" I heard Heather was screaming louder than the shrieking mutant armadillo, each of them trying to compete who can shriek the loudest, I suppose...!

I saw her frantically waving at me from one of the open windows and I waved back, acknowledging her shrieks of terror or pain or even both...!

"Men... Form Up. Pike wall formation advance 5 steps...!" I shouted my command and upon hearing these commands, the garrison advanced, closing the gap between them and the mutant armadillo. Most importantly, I want the garrison to advance and block the armadillo from harming the children, especially with Heather inside the class...!

After several repeated commands, the garrison had finally advanced right next to the classroom where the chief archer commanded their arrows to be let loose every 5 to 10 seconds or so, aiming for the soft part of the armadillo.

I jumped into the open window and into the classroom. Heather was on the floor as the children huddled around her for safety and solace. A familiar face and voice reached out to me within the bundle of children.

"Hero...! You came...! We are saved...!"

Chadwell's boy... The wonder boy who was deaf and now could hear. Whose little sister perished due to his father's greediness and mindless act.

He was there and he gave me the confidence. I rushed forward and held Heather's hands as I asked if she was alright. She simply nodded her heads and I could visualise the twins inside her belly were clutching their fists and were provoking the mutant armadillo as if taunting it, "COME GET SOME...!"

I repeated the command to the men to advance forward 5 more steps so that Heather and the children could escape safely as the pioneers and other members of the public were waiting to usher them to safety once they were out from their tight spot.

Heather soon clamoured to safety along with the children and was brought back to the domain where a second garrison was in standby.

The arrows were of little to no effect towards the rain of arrows and I was peering on how to defeat this monstrosity of a mutant armadillo. If it is a normal-sized armadillo, the hard leathery shell was not like armour and can be penetrated by a normal game arrowhead.

But since it is like 20 to 30 times bigger, the hard shell turned into a defective armour plate that even the hardest field and bullet arrowhead could not even penetrate it nor even cause any damage to its unprotected are a such as its big head and its scrawny legs...

Sir Blackie was there at the forefront, barking furiously but didn't manage to attract any aggro, WHICH WAS FORTUNATE FOR US...!

When I was circling the mutant armadillo, I noticed that its impossible to assault it in front or at the sides. The mutant armadillo was now pounding and ground and things around it to smithereens. Suddenly it made a quick turnaround, swishing its tail and somehow I was caught in its tail's backlash.



I was somehow swept off my feet and thrown some feet into the air and the momentum that brought me up failed to give me a spectacular landing or a somersault but instead managed to let me view the mutant armadillo's weakness instead...!


By Golly... It was a male mutant armadillo and any sock to the love nuts would definitely bring it down to its feet, definitely...!

"You got Andy's arrowheads?" I called out to the Shadow member that had jumped to safety from the watchtower. "Yeah... You want some?"

"No... You come and follow me. I show you where to loose those arrows."


There was no need for honorific at all. It is a do or die situation. If we don't stop that freaking mutant armadillo, it's going to destroy the town and hurt some people badly. Especially those 6 patients in the infirmary...!

"Let one loose on its head. See the reaction...!" I shouted to the Shadow member as he nocked the concussive arrowheads and loose it directly on the thick and flat forehead of the armadillo.



The concussion arrowhead exploded upon contact. There was a plume of smoke, there was a slight trickle of blood and there was confusion as the mutant armadillo suddenly had its aggro turned on and headed towards the Shadow member and me.

"Oh, Shit... Oh, Shit... Oh, Shit...!!!" I screamed as I took two concussive arrowheads from the Shadow member and we ran across the barren herbal Garden as we both of us were exposed and had nowhere to hide...!

The garrison was flabbergasted and watched the both of us running around, flailing our arms in the air and were hollering loudly to attract aggro and divert attention from structures. By this time, everyone had stopped shooting their arrows towards the mutant armadillo...!

"WHAT ATE YOU DOING?! SHOOT AT ITS HEAD...!" My thunderous shouts suddenly awoke the garrison from their stupor and the archers were suddenly back in action.

"AIM AT ITS NUTS...! ITS THE WEAK POINT I HOPE...!" I shouted once again as we ran back and forth within striking distance of the mutant armadillo. I stopped right on my tracks and nocked a concussive arrowhead before I released it on the head of the mutant armadillo.

Despite numerous arrows that were bounding off its head and face, the concussive arrowhead was much more effective. Once again a loud explosion boomed on the head of the mutant armadillo as it stood there momentarily dazed as a trickle of blood dripped from it ls nostril.

The Shadow member snuck close to the ground and let loose a concussive arrow near its love nuts and this time the explosion was followed by a misty bloody plume of smoke as the mutant armadillo turned berserk...!

Yes, it went berserk...! Imagine if someone were to kick you in the nuts... Not only you would be crouching on the ground but would be writhing around in pain...!

The mutant armadillo raised its head and let out a mournful shriek and I took the opportunity to loose another concussive arrow. Due to the momentum of its shrieking, the jaws happened to be penetrated with the concussive arrow.

The Shadow member fitted two concussive arrows on his bow and let loose both arrows at the same time, aimed directly at the love nuts that were now pulsating due to the explosive nature of the concussive arrows that had knocked up the two nuts together and caused its anus to be like a living chrysanthemum flower that pulsates along too...!




Three consecutive explosions could be heard as the mutant armadillo was struck on its jaw once and on its love nuts twice. As the pain was too much for it to bear, the mutant armadillo was foaming at its mouth and was writhing on the ground when it collapsed to the ground.

A few more concussive arrowheads were released on its love nuts until there was no movement at all from the mutant armadillo anymore.