
Not your Typical Isekai Love Story

Hi! I'm Mai. I've been in love with my best friend Ai secretly for a very long time. Unfortunately, she's straight and I'm not. One moment we were just walking towards the crosswalk to our school while holding hands, the next moment we are both lying in the ground. Apparently we have been hit by a truck that lost control. We both wake up in a strange new world still holding hands but what's this? I'm now a boy? What will happen to us next? (Note: The places, characters, instances in this novel are all fictional. )

mir_draco · LGBT+
11 Chs

Chapter 9: Right or Wrong


Fei(formely known as Mai) - Our genderbending protagonist.

Ai (real name Miki) - Mai's best friend and love interest.

Firgin - Human boy companion.

Mlei - Human girl companion.

T-PGCR 01 (Steve) - One of the twelve world terraform robots.

T-PGCR 02 (Shiela) - One of the twelve world terraform robots.

Keplar B - The name of the Planet our heroes are residing. Local name Kepla.

Fel - the name of town where our heroes reside.


Steve and Shiela shocked the City of Fel. In 6 months, they have mastered all the science, history and languages of this world. They were eloquent, intelligent, approachable, charismatic and good looking. They created studies and books about unknown sciences and theories, which the people ate, hook and sinker in frenzy. They can't believe their eyes. These children are sent by the divine. Forget royalty, they are the real deal.

The children are protected by the government. The royal family and aristocrats feared them. Feared them because of their growing popularity and growing power. The people, who in the past, worshipped the royalty as their chosen leaders. Now ignored them.

People were in awe of them. While me and Ai were practicing our magics, the children were learning everything as fast as they could. They introduced the concepts of electricity, tv, mobile phones, cars, planes, computers. 

We warned them of not introducing dangerous technology like nuclear power, guns, tanks, cannons and others which the kids heeded and promised to not expose to the world.

The medieval looking town, after a year looks like a modern 21st century city. Fashion changed and priorities changed. No longer did the people work as serfs and servants, these 2 things were abolished and in place of them, they are now called as employees. Slavery was abolished. The lower races that were captured like the orcs, goblins, imps were freed and were sent to settlements. They were taught to become self sufficient, teaching them farming and fishing. After 30 years, these cities of lower races would pop up in different places of this world. While they didn't evolve that much as they just focused on farming, fishing and hunting, the once violent races became friendly and docile. No longer people would fear them. In fact, these lower races became societies of priests and monks, dedicated to their gods: Orks, Gobs and Imp. Pretty simple. Some of them became to peaceful, that the would develop settlements in caves and under the mountains, focusing on worshipping their Gods and making their families self sufficient and happy. Of all the races, I think they were the ones who have benefitted of the coming of the artificial children or later known as the Star Children.

The concept of workers rights, company and employees were introduced. Capitalism, socialism and communism were introduced. 

Three factions developed within a year and the city were divided to 3 blocks, all developing at their own paces. It's like 3 different eras coming to this planet. But instead of fighting each other, these 3 groups seems to have worked together each with their own pros and cons.

The Three main groups:

The Capitalist bloc have many companies and corporations, owned by the royalties, aristocrats and the rich which compete with one another. The servants and the slaves of these corporations became workers, were given wages and workers right. Some of them became powerful corporation and companies of their own right in the future. Some. The rest who didn't know the secret of being rich, stayed as workers. Some people who got sick, died. If they didn't have health insurance or savings, While the capitalist bloc government became rich. they may provide you with free healthcare and insurance if you have paid your taxes well enough.

The socialist bloc pooled their resources and each family has certificate of ownership or stocks of everything. They worked together like clockwork to get things done. Things were done quickly, as they voted almost about everything. They made sure to divide the voting system to two, either yes or no so that they were able to decide on things quickly and get things done quickly as well. They have free studies, free training and after graduating, instant work. Everyone has a job, no one is idle. Your salary would depend on your productivity and your job. Standard jobs like farming, cooking, fishing and construction would get the same pay but if you work harder, your pay gets bigger. Industries like metal working, glass working paid second higher. Third job 

The communist bloc turned into a hive mind. They vote on which problem will be handled so naturally, they focused on fixing food and housing. Within 4 months, the problem with food and housing is fixed. They lived in one huge building like an apartment. Everyone has everything they need, no more, no less. If you request something, depending on how many people made the same request, it would be given to you in time. Since people normally in this bloc have similar tastes, they get what they want really quickly. The wear only 2 fashions, either black or white robes. They love travelling, studying and learning. Their favorite study is about God and the nature of the universe, how it existed and came to be. Because of their focused minds, their technologies developed fastest among the three groups. But they mostly thing in binary, either the best or the second best. Black or white. They love to visit the lesser races cities and exchange thoughts and ideas. They are mostly vegans.

(To be continued)