
Not Yet Over

A deal was made during the New Years Celebration. Contract signed and bond made. Others see me as his irreplaceable past, present, and future but in reality, he is just being lazy. Others say that I am his Achilles heel but in reality, he is too indifferent and cold to even have one. *sigh* Dear Others, whoever you may be. Don't expect too much from this humble creature. I am rich and beautiful. He is excellent and handsome. Two capable individuals do not always end as a power couple you know. (Though it may be true in bed (•.•*) just saying) *ahem* This coming new year will be the end of it all! Our End will be my new beginning. ;-) ------------ Author's Note: The title is different from what you're proclaiming though. (-.-)

viellejoie · 都市
2 Chs

She's Here

A crowd can be seen not far away from the entrance door. Music that makes you feel elated and hyped can be heard in the background. Hips swaying, heads moving and feet jumping as the crowd grooves in response to the rhythm.

Tables and chairs of all sizes and shapes are set aside to give room for the crowd on the dance floor. With dim lights, familiar and unfamiliar faces can be seen scattered throughout the big hall.

Laughter and cheers accompanied by people moving with the music made the dim hall lively and wild. This is the scene that welcomed the newcomers who just arrived at the party.

Few people noticed the arrival of a man and a woman as they were near the entry door. Those who recognized them greeted them gleefully as the couple maneuvered their way towards the big table across the dance floor.

The crowd gave way as the couple walked past them and continued dancing to the rhythm afterward like it's nothing new at all. Since most of them recognized the couple no one made a fuss and continued having fun.

The man didn't even wait for the woman behind him to catch up to him as he moved swiftly through the crowd. The woman glimpsed at the broad back of the man in front of her with a smile on her red plump lips. She didn't mind the stares that were directed at her as she walked closely behind the man. Her curvy hips and bountiful breast can be easily seen as her gray fitting dress clung to every arc of her body.

The man stopped in his tracks in front of a big table, his friends and acquaintances greeted him as they saw him arrived. He wasn't as enthusiastic as his friends but he nonetheless returned their greetings and readily accepted the glass of imported wine offered to him. He drunk the wine in a single gulp and proceeded to comfortably sit down without looking at the woman with him just now.

The woman didn't mind such cold treatment and acted like she's used to it already. She then sat beside him like it's her rightful position to be seated next to him. Those at the table dismissed her poor manners. They even offered her a drink as they glanced at each other with a look of disdain and pity. Yes, pity but she didn't notice this because she was busy looking at the man drinking beside her.

"Hey, your name?" a girl sitting near the woman halved yelled to the woman as the music is too loud for them to speak in hushed voices.

The woman raised her brow but still replied to the girl "Cass, that's the name sweety." she said. The girl and the others near them nodded in acknowledgment and also introduced themselves in return. The man didn't say anything as the girls conversed by the side. He was busy drinking and checking out his phone as the party continued.

The woman named Cass sometimes strikes a conversation with the man but only received brief nods in return. Her face still has a smile on her face though making some of the people on the table look at her with sympathy.

One girl couldn't take it anymore and yanked the woman's arm closer to her. The woman frowned upon the startling action and raised her brow before jerking her arm away. The girl who pulled her didn't look sorry at all, instead, she stared at the woman with pity in her eyes. The woman was irritated and confused by the sudden action of the girl and as to why she was looking at her that way.

"How dare you!" she hissed at the girl.

"Come, let's go to the comfort room together." the girl said as she stood and motioned for the other girls to follow suit.

"Go by yourself! What am I!? Your Mother!?" she yelled out in annoyance.

The girl wasn't intimidated at all and forcefully pulled the woman off her sit and pushed her towards the comfort room. They then formed a circle around her preventing her from running away. Cass is now really furious at their absurdity and yelled out "What the h*ck is going on!?".

The girls around her sighed making her even more confused and frustrated. The girl who pulled on her earlier then placed a hand on her shoulder and consolingly said "You should go home."

"Yeah, you should go now." another girl chimed in.

"Who are you to order me around?" Cass refuted.

"You'll end up miserable once she gets here." the 3rd girl said.

"What nonsense is this!? I don't know what or who you are talking about but you b*tches should get away from me now before I make you feel miserable myself!!" Cass yelled as she was very irritated.

She came here thinking about how the man she admires and has been trying to obtain finally looked her way and was attracted to her charm. She met Keiro half a month ago and have been trying to get him to notice her since then. That man is seriously cold and indifferent but he also has a gentle side to him every time they go on dinner dates. She does admit that she is in an unrequited love but she also strongly believes that one day that ice-cold man will melt and reciprocate her love.

They have been dating for a week now. This is the first time he invited her to come with him to a party hosted by his friend. He didn't even bother introducing me to them but so what, the fact that he brought me here means that he is willing to finally make our relationship public.

She did not expect that these girls would suddenly behave strangely and drag her here to threaten her. They must be jealous of her! Ha! Who in the world would not be jealous? I am the girlfriend of a well-known bachelor in M Country! He is extremely rich and his looks are godly. Men and women both covet to be close to such a supreme being and I am his girlfriend.

the girls stared at Cass with knowing gazes. "You must be thinking about how jealous we are at you for being Keiro's girlfriend but sadly that isn't the case." the girl who grabbed her arm earlier said.

I just ignored them and used my strength to get away from them. They first tried to persuade me but since I am not willing to listen to them at all they slowly moved aside and let me pass through.

I am not sure why they suddenly acted that way. We are not close enough for them to go out of their way just to warn me like that. They just shook their head as they followed her out.

As she was striding back towards their table she heard one girl gasped behind her then said "She's here." in a small voice. Cass inwardly rolled her eyes as she labeled these girls as lunatics.

Hi! VielleJoie here(✿^‿^)

I used girl and woman here so you can differentiate them from each other but all of them are within the same age bracket like in their 20s or something like that.

enjoy! Another chapter will be out later.

viellejoiecreators' thoughts