
Not Today’s

Danny is an freshmen on a new school with a new story. He befriends a popular student Clara and Andy with high spirits and high standards. When Danny accidentally meet Grayson in a frat house party who is also a freshmen but a rich and tall person, Danny's year would not be to easy on him as he started to develop feelings for the young guy. As Danny navigates through friendship and relationship throughout the year he encounters Grayson’s past more deeply.

Roy_Villarino · 現実
8 Chs

Chapter 6- In A Lost Journey

It has been a week since Ivan did a stupid thing, he hasn't seen Danny ever since he shut the door in front of him. Everything fell apart in his head from his love life to his dignity. He missed one week of school and 100 new unread messages from Clara and Andy telling him to finally suck up and move on. Meanwhile, Danny is a mess, he became a binge watcher and made a massive mess in his dorm room. In Science Class, Miss Duvall introduced a new lesson and the rocks can be only found across the country, when Miss Duvall announced a road trip for the class Clara, Andy, Dave, Liana is quickly chosen for the trip. Ivan enters the room and shortly after Danny who finally leaves his dorm room. They went on a trip from New York to Seattle to find the scientific rocks for their class. In the bus, it contains 20 people including Miss Duvall. Throughout the trip, Ivan keeps on finding the chance to speak to Danny without hurting him but still he is still not responding to Ivan's convos. With a awkward history Danny changes his seat plan away from Ivan to avoid seeing him, Miss Duvall notices and talks to Danny.

(Miss Duvall approaches Danny)

Miss Duvall:

"What's the problem Danny?"


"Nothin, Miss"

Miss Duvall:

"Well, are you sure? You seem kind of thrown out"


"It's something personal, that I can't share"

Miss Duvall:

"What's the point of your sadness if you wound share it to others?"

With Danny persuaded by Miss Duvall's passion to know his situation he finally speaks up.


"Well, why do people always fall in love to the person they can't have?"

Miss Duvall:

"Danny, the world isn't perfect, but it is up to you. If you be one with the world's emotion"


(Danny smiles)

Miss Duvall:

"Now, be happy. We are in a trip!"

(Miss Duvall leaves the seat)

Danny realizing what his teacher said, he approaches Clara for advice on what to say to have closure with Ivan.

(Danny walks towards Clara's seat)


"So.... have you forgiven yourself yet?"


"I'm sorry what?"


"For punishing yourself, just because Ivan doesn't feel the same way, does not mean you can't be happy?"


"How could I be happy if the person I love doesn't love me back!"

(Danny speaks in a crying tone)


"I can't focus on life if I can't be comfortable around him" (he sobs)

(Clara hugs Danny)


"I'm sorry that Ivan doesn't love you, but you have us and that is all that matters right now for you. You need someone by your shoulders"


(Danny wipes his tears)


"Thanks Clara"


"You're welcome, now do the next right thing"


"And....what is that?"


"I think you know what I mean"

(Danny looks over Ivan)

*As Danny walks toward Ivan's seat, he notices him staring at the window by himself


"Is somebody seating here?"



(Danny sits beside him)


"Why are you here? Did you come to yell at me some more?"


"I can't stay mad at you for what you did, it is your freedom to have feelings for someone you truly love"


"Well, to be honest I haven't been fully honest with you"

(Danny turns shockingly)




"I also have feelings for you, but I did it wanna say anything because I don't want to feel eager"


"Wait... what?!?"


"I should be happy right now, but I feel so mad at you! You made me believe I wasn't good enough for you. That I made a mistake!"


"I know, right after you left I regretted everything I did"

(Danny walks away)


"Danny... wait!!!"

Miss Duvall:

"Ivan, stay at your seat!"

(Ivan sat down quietly, listening to his music and putting his hoodie on while Dave talks to him)

(3 hours later)

Miss Duvall quickly announces to the class that they made it to a gas stop. Danny stayed at the bus, hoping to be alone. But little did he know, Ivan was crying at his seat with a hoodie on. Realizing that what he did was wrong he decides to make things right this time.

(Danny approaches Ivan in his seat)

(He taps his shoulders)


"Got a minute?"


"I'm busy"


"I know your busy, but just listen to me ok?"


"Why the fuck would I listen to you! I have already told you that I'm sorry and that I liked you. Isn't that enough?"


"I'm so fucked I know, but I realized know that the past isn't going to help me and that you are the only person that matters to me"


"It would've been much better if you felt that way hours ago"


"You broke my heart, but denying the truth"


"I know that I made a shitty mistake, but I know now that what you did is for your own benefit. You act like you didn't break my heart!"



(Danny walks away in anger approaching the door and walking out the bus)

The whole class went back the bus and the trip goes back on the road, the bus finally arrived in Seattle and checked in the hotel. Miss Duvall announces the room assignments.

Miss Duvall:

"Okay guys, listen up. Today, we will be assigning you in groups and this group will depend on your room assignments, so listen carefully"

Miss Duvall:

"Andy Hicks and Clara Bladell"

"Dave Jacobs and Danny Carrington"

"Ivan Del Mar and Liana Samuels"

Miss Duvall continues speaking while Ivan complains to Miss Duvall.


"Excuse me, Miss? Can I switch rooms?"

Miss Duvall:

"Why is that Mr. Delmar?"

(Ivan walks silently towards Miss Duvall and whispers to her ear)


"I have a whole history with Liana and she's are girls so we can't possibly share a room together"

Knowing the history and hoping to help Ivan with Danny he strongly agrees.

Miss Duvall:

"Oh yes, I see well I can't share you a room now, how about you switch rooms with Dave?"

(Miss Duvall blinks at Ivan)


"That would be perfect Miss Duvall, Thank you!"

Miss Duvall announces to the class about the room assignments change.

Miss Duvall:

"Ok, there has been a slight mixup"

Miss Duvall:

"Mr. Delmar and Mr. Carrington will share their rooms, while Mr. Jacobs and Mrs. Samuels will share their rooms"

The students reacted at once.


