
Not The Summoned Hero Just Their Friend

After finally returning home from a trip to America Eric Kazumitsu and his friends Kazuma and Rizu meet after a long year apart. When a "Magic Circle" engulfs them Eric decides to stay with his friends so he can protect them. While being transported he sees strange markings flying towards him and he avoids them. Arriving in an unknown land Eric must make it back to his world and report to The Spirit Society's king as he has information that could help in the war between The Spirit Society, The Cult Of Dedros, and The Institute. Will Eric be able to make it back to his world and protect it from being destroyed?

JamesTheLostOne · ファンタジー
7 Chs

A small conflict

"Lady Lila, how did it go with Sir Kazumitsu?" Geoffrey asks with a concerned look on his face. After a long sigh Lila walks past him. Meanwhile back in the throne room Kazuma and Rizu are constantly being bombarded with apologies. "As long as we are not treated like that again then I suppose we'll at least hear you out." Kazuma says.

After hearing his words the King and his delegates seemed relieved. "This will not happen again rest assured." Rebecca says with a smile. Seeing it Kazuma has a dopy look on his face. "Heroes for now how about we show you to your rooms and tomorrow we'll have another chat." the King smiles as well.

They are led to rooms next to Eric's. Hearing that Eric is in the other room by Lisa they knock on his door. "Listen Lady, I already said I won't forgive you." Eric says but he already knows who's at his door. "It's us Eric." Rizu says. "Oh come on in."

Eric greets his two friends as they enter. "So how are you?" Kazumas asks. "I'm good, why?"

"You had a sword to your neck!" Rizu yells. "I figured that she wouldn't hurt me after all they don't want to be at odds with their heroes." 

"But what if she…" "If she killed me would you help them?" Eric interrupts her. "Of course we wouldn't help them!" She yells again. "Eric, don't worry us like that." Kazuma interjects. 

"Come on, if I felt like she was going to slice my throat I would've snapped her sword in half." Eric starts to laugh. 

He quickly receives two punches to both of his shoulders. "Don't joke around." they both say in unison. "Right I got it I got it." he says.

"Lisa said dinner will be in two hours." Kazuma says. "Are we confined to our rooms or are free to move around?" Eric asks.

"What are you planning?" "I just want to know if we can look around the castles." Eric opens his door and calls for Lisa. She promptly appears to be of service. "How can I help you?"

"Can you call that knight Lila for me?" "yes." She quickly runs off. "I thought you said you weren't going to forgive her?" Rizu asks. "I'm not going to forgive her without cashing in a favor of some kind." Eric has an evil look on his face. Kazuma and Rizu head to their own rooms. After a while Lila knocks on his door. "Come in." He calls out.

"You called me." she says dejectedly. "Yeah, show me around the castle."

Eric is following her around the castle as she gives him a tour. "Out this window you can see the knights training." after saying that she releases a long sigh. "You know I get the feeling you don't like me." he says. "I don't like you." 

Eric nods his head "Well I don't need you to like me but you need me to forgive you or else the King might hear from the heroes." Lila freezes in place. "That's blackmail and illegal, you know."

"I prefer the term extortion, which is also illegal but how can you refuse?" Lila is glaring at him like he is garbage. "Now continue the tour."

Lila shows him around some more now they're on their way back. "How about you show me the summoning room?" 

"I can't do that also, it's about time for dinner so…" 

"Well I guess I'll have a chat with the heroes and you'll be on the front lines fighting demons. How does that sound?" "You know what, yeah I'll show you lets go." She leads him to the secret room entrance.

"How do you plan to open it? She asks, annoyed. Eric places his hand on the wall "Spirits of earth I call upon your destructive nature clear my path of any obstructions. Bulldoze." The wall glows with a yellow light and tiny orbs float around it. The wall has cracks forming then it crumbles to the ground. "You can use magic…" Lila is stunned by this fact. "I never said I couldn't use it." he replies.

"But.. but the heroes told his majesty your world doesn't have any magic." Eric glances over at her. "Well. Ha Ha… We don't have magic in our world but we have a power that uses spiritual energy. This fact is hidden by the society that I'm a part of because of. Some people believe we are heretics and only those blessed by their god can use this power. These people will use any means to get to us just knowing about us can make you a target. So I've hidden the truth from my friends. Now follow me."

"No, I need to report to his majesty at once." she says slowly backing up. "Tux." With a snap of his fingers a white mist forms behind her. "Sorry but you'll be accompanying us." Tux says with his raspy voice.

"A demon!" she tries to yell but she can't get her voice to form. "Not even close. I have an echelon of class unlike simple monsters or demons." Tux says. After forcing her into the room Tux is on guard duty while Eric transcribes the magic circle. With a notepad and a fountain pen Eric copies the circle and all the runes and inscriptions. 

They can hear voices coming down the hallway thinking this is her chance Lila yells for help. However the two knights that are in the hallway pass by the giant hole in the wall and continue on their way like nothing happened. "Guess I should've mentioned it but I casted a barrier to hide this room from the outside. Nice try though."Tux commends her.

"What are you going to do after this? I mean if I suddenly disappeared they would know something is up. Plus you can't stop me from telling the King." she says.

"Well there are a few options. First I can have Tux turn you to dust. Secondly I could kill you myself. Third, they might think you became emotional and abandoned the kingdom. Fourth, do you think the king will side with you while I can persuade my friends not to help? Finally, this is the option I'm going with. You will stay silent on this matter and nothing will happen." he says as he continues to copy the circle.

"Oh and how will you do that?" she asks. "I doubt saying pretty please with a cherry on top will cut it. So how about this, take up your sword and swing it at me with all your might and if I can't stop it then you win. However when I shatter that pointy stick of yours you'll remain silent about me. What do you say?"

"I lose no matter what… if I hurt you or even kill you then I'll be executed and the heroes won't help us." she argues. "Yeah that was the point but since you're smart enough to notice. If you strike me down then Tux will make it seem like I've left the castle." 

"Fine then." she says with a smug smile like she's already won. She draws her crimson sword. "You take care of your weapon, correct?" He asks. "Of course I do." She says looking at her sword. "Hmm okay." 

Lila slowly approaches Eric. He already put his notepad and pen away as he casually looks towards her. "Can I go all out?" she asks. "Sure it doesn't matter." he shrugs it off. "I open the gates of the seven saints. Heavenly saints bestow your power upon me. Overload." Lila begins to glow with a white aura. In a flash of light she vanishes and from behind she swings her sword down on Eric. He raises his hand and grabs the blade with his index finger and thumb. "I thought you were going to go all out." he says as a mix of black and blue light flashes with a crackling sound that can be heard from around his hand.

Electricity flows through his body and her sword all the way to the grip luckily for Lila she realizes how dangerous it is so she drops her sword. "Wow… that was easy. I didn't even cast a spell. All I did was channel some lightning and now you're weaponless." he says.

"That's impossible, you can't just channel mana without a chant." she says backing away. "Well it's very possible as you've observed." Eric bends down and retrieves her sword then he tosses it towards her. "Now fight me." He says his once brown eyes now glow crimson and along his side is a blackish blue katana that sparks with electricity. Even his clothes have changed now he's wearing a black military coat with red accents. On the right side of his chest and on the right sleeve is an insignia of five red stars displaying his rank.

"I surrender…" she says falling to her knees. "Huh but you were so adamant about fighting me I gave you a chance." Eric says with a chilling glare. "I'm sorry Sir Kazumitsu. I will stay quiet about it just… Please tell me why you refused princess Rebecca. It's true you were summoned to fight against demons but with your power you could…" Eric interrupts her "My world might be destroyed. Hell everyone may be dead as we speak and you want me to take care of your problems? No, I refuse. I need to return home. From my perspective I've been kidnapped and threatened. Why the hell would I help you? Give me one reason why with that in mind." 

"I.. uh…" Lila falls silent. "Yeah see my point." he says. She nods and stares towards the floor. "Tux you're dismissed." "Yes my Lord." Tux vanishes into mist. "Well it's about time for dinner right?" Eric asks. He's back in his casual clothes.