
Not the Last Airbender

Reborn in the world of Avatar as an aristocrat of the Fire Nation, he completely forgets his past life, although snippets of it occasionally surface, prompting him to try and remember. And somehow, he must survive in this war, the reasons for which are unclear to him. As for how he ended up seducing a princess, gaining a reputation across all nations, and convincing those around him that he is almost the second incarnation of the Avatar, despite only mastering one element, he has no idea. It all happened somehow. Accidentally. co-authored with Vandalizer

Paracetam0l · アニメ·コミックス
36 Chs

Chapter 6. Training. Part 8.

"So, it's time for you to forge the perfect weapon for yourself," the master began our conversation during our daily game of pai-sho.

"Yeah, I understand it's coming to that," I nodded slightly, making my move.

"What material will you choose for it?" the master casually asked me. Testing me, damn it.

"Steel, of course," I didn't give in. For two and a half years now, the Master has been trying to convince me that steel is the best metal. And no matter what.

Though at this point, I didn't argue with him. I don't have my own expert opinion on this matter, of course. So I resigned myself to not reinventing the wheel and making myself a masterpiece from the most ordinary material, with the master taking care of everything else except the blade.

Roughly speaking, crafting my own sword is more of a ritualistic part than strictly necessary. And the master does most of the work anyway. And while it's not so important for a regular sword, for a rapier, where a certain guard is needed... it's very important, indeed.

By the way, I've managed to beat the master at pai-sho sometimes, and today was one of those days. I won. The master nodded approvingly and led me to forge the sword.

It's worth mentioning that before this, I worked with cheaper and lighter materials than steel. My saber, for example, is made of iron. Not that the Master was reluctant to let me try... Okay, the Master was reluctant, he's quite stingy. And now, for the first time, I started working with steel.

The first attempt turned out to be a complete failure, the billet was so flawed that even the Master didn't bother to fix it, just threw it away. And I'm just as stingy, all in the master's footsteps, so I picked it up.

I've had the idea of ​​making myself some kind of universal tool for a long time - even before my very first outing, when I was sitting in the forest and realized I lacked a tool. And buy it when you're studying under a legendary blacksmith? Three times "Ha".

So, even though I slightly messed up the steel, after remelting it, it will still be better than iron. That's why I decided to make a small axe. A one-handed one, for chopping wood and various... rubbish. Not everyone wants to sharpen the rapier's blade, you know? Then sharpen it later, damn it. Too lazy.

I had enough skill for such a simple tool. It turned out to be quite impressive - I even lightened it by making cavities in the handle. Small enough to neatly tuck it away as a last resort weapon... although, I'm afraid if it comes to the axe after the rapier and bending, then I might as well chop myself.

"Akimaru... what's this?" a voice came from behind me as I examined my billet in the light.

"Um," I turned sharply, "I took the billet I messed up and made myself a tool... you don't mind, do you?"

"And..." the master closed his eyes for a second, "why do you need it?"

"Well, it won't hurt to have it! Especially if you make a handle for it the way you know. Why do I need to dull my rapier with all sorts of fence rubbish?"

"...do as you see fit," Piandao waved his hand, clearly deciding to drink today.

Well, said - done, another eight hours of work and by late evening, the blade from my rapier was ready! And I'm ready too. Morally to collapse and fall asleep. But that's okay.

My master approved of my blade, and took it for finishing, also taking, of course, at my request, and not forgetting to finish the axe.

Mavr did his job, Mavr can go to sleep.

I woke up still exhausted, but according to old man Feta, the Master was waiting for me downstairs. In the "traditional" hall. Clearly, it's time to be initiated into a master or an apprentice or whatever it is they do here. I never bothered with the bureaucratic part of the issue.

To my surprise, besides my weapons, there was a Pai-sho board in front of the master. To say that I was surprised is an understatement. But I didn't show it, sitting down in front of the teacher on the opposite side of the board.

"Aki," the master scratched his chin thoughtfully, turning his head towards me, "let's start by teaching you a special strategy. It's called the White Lotus."

If at the beginning my confusion was just slight, then after he started explaining how it works, my eyebrows shot up. Very unconventional moves at first glance, eventually lead to inevitable victory, and I almost until the very end, until the very placement of the white lotus tile, thought the master was just fooling around. And then I realized I lost.

The only option in this case is to play exactly the same strategy. And in the end, it will result in absolute balance - a draw. Initially, I thought that was the whole point, so that if necessary, I knew how to counter it, but it turned out to be not that simple.

"The White Lotus tile and such a game serve as a kind of password," the master began to explain, "for the White Lotus Society. Long ago, the strongest and most skilled people, no matter in what, gathered into one order. The essence and purpose of which... um, how should I put it, they usually say, to preserve balance. And that's true. But over time, balance became synonymous with the Avatar, although it's not exactly true, right? So, rather... to prevent tragedy. You could say that. Like, for example, the extermination of the entire Air Nomad nation, do you understand what I mean?"

"For now, yes," I nodded slightly, captivated.

"Members of the White Lotus are present in absolutely all nations, in many major and not-so-major cities, but in the absence of any extraordinary situation, we are just an interest club. This tile won't buy you a dozen teachers or any important information, but rest assured that if you meet another member of the White Lotus, even if they are your enemy, you can sit down, play a game, and talk, trying to express your interests."

"I understand..."

"A great future awaits you, Akimaru," the master became even more serious, "no matter where you go - you will be one of those who will determine the fate of the world in the coming decades. And if you join the Order, I ask you for one thing. Not even that, we all ask you for one thing - don't allow the empty slaughter of different nations. Now the order is left with only old men, we rushed into decisions and absolutes. We see where the situation is heading, the victory of the Fire Nation itself is just an event, much more important - at what cost. If you join the Order, your goal and task are to reduce this cost. We almost lost an entire nation, with its worldview and culture, we cannot afford to lose even one more. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yes, Master, I understand."

My head was almost empty, the day ceases to be tedious and acquires such incredible colors. Now, roughly speaking, I'm being told the price for my education. Not to commit deeds and try to prevent catastrophes. Like the extermination of the Water Tribe, yeah.

I'm more than two-handed for it - I'm repulsed by unnecessary cruelty in any case, and I could actually not be asked about it, but I will fulfill the wishes very carefully. Which I expressed to the Master.

"I know, disciple, I know. So from now on, you are part of the White Lotus Order," the Master said firmly and loudly, getting up and clearly preparing, judging by the expression on his face, to say something pompous.

And the level of pomposity in the last dialogue is already beyond measure. So, no need to overdo it.

"Got it, old man, th-thanks," I said as I stood up, and brazenly grabbed the bundle with my weapons and axe, "I will follow the philosophy of the White Lotus, but let's skip the pomp, okay? Trust me, I'm very grateful, so, can you tell me who to talk to in order to join the army? Maybe you have the right connections?"

Halfway through the speech, the Master closed his eyes again and, pursing his lips, began counting to himself.

"You... can be incredibly infuriating. Why don't you ever want to listen to normal instructions? No philosophical preparation? You break any possible norms! It's like you're just not from this world, after all, you always go against the flow! Do you even realize how important the speech before completing apprenticeship is? I rehearsed it all night! — the master ranted, starting to wave his hands furiously and completely forgetting about his wise sage facade, — I practiced in front of the mirror. To make an indelible impression on you, you little brat, before you leave! And you... you..."

The master's speech was interrupted by a simple and straightforward embrace. Somehow, putting all this Asian philosophy and approaches aside, but hugging almost the dearest person to me in this world before leaving - that's what I want.

"See, an improvised, and most importantly emotional speech turned out much better than what you prepared, I'm sure," I said, cheekily grinning and releasing the teacher.

"Oh, Agni, why do I deserve all this," the slightly embarrassed teacher muttered, "of course, I knew you would join the army. But you'll have to go to the capital, and there go to the main headquarters to General Lee. Not a very important big shot, but agreed to accommodate you in the land forces, they'll assign you the rank of captain, a squad, and you'll go around checking colonies and reporting on how things are. You'll be briefed on the details on-site."

"To the capital," I grimaced - hardly anyone will recognize me. Over this time, my hair has grown quite a bit and I tie it into a simple ponytail, which sets me apart from the typical aristocrat image so much that I'm not recognized as one.

"Well, don't make that face, what were the other options? Nothing terrible, just take a detour around your parents' house, and that's it," the master patted my shoulder, "oh, almost forgot, your money."

With these words, he handed me a hefty pouch, through the neck of which gold glittered decently. It's not too much money for the master, but still an obvious excess, but at my surprised look, the master clarified:

"Your paintings have spread very well. I still have a bag of your gold, literally. But you're not going to carry it with you, are you? You'll have enough of this, and if you need more, you'll come to me, especially with your running around," he chuckled.

Clearly, not his money. Stingy.

Anyway, after these instructions, he pushed me out the gate, almost literally, but not forgetting to slip the white lotus token to me.

Not long ago, we bought me very decent clothes... for traveling, according to the master. Now I was wearing some Asian sandals, my legs wrapped in bandages instead of socks, pants on top of that, and some kind of... robe? Well, in that style, more or less, that samurai wore in the movies, only mine were more burgundy. Slightly unbuttoned due to the heat, my toned torso was visible to the whole world. The girls liked it.

Well then. Inspector, you say?

Hi, now for every 200 power stones there will be a chapter.

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