
Not the Harem Protagonist

Dean McLovin was just your typical 2nd ranked student of an Esper academy located on one of Mars' moons, Deimos. He had no friends or family members, but that was okay for him as his career was set and stone after graduation. One day, he woke up to find undead and former classmates turned insane hellbent on killing him and anyone else who isn't. Even worse, the 1st ranked student, Mark von Harem and his harem of Espers belonging in the top 10 are missing. Hoping to find survivors and answers, Dean along with a trusty assistant sets out into the darkness filled academy to stop this nightmare....or at least escape it. ------------------------------------------------------------- Author's Notes: (Cover is not mine)

DeftHyperion · SF
55 Chs

I really want to burn this party down

Melanie was almost near her destination as Pleasantville's tram station was in her sight.

The last five minutes since she overheard Ha-eun's group was relatively peaceful as most people were partying in the center of Pleasantville where stalls served food and alcohol....out of Mark's pocket of course since the restaurants were closed after 9.

The artificial night sky with a full moon illuminated the grass areas where the lamp posts fail to reach, and young couples are seen laying in the grass chatting or even getting a little physical.

'Tch, get a room. Shamelessly making out near the sidewalk.'

Melanie frowned at the couples but Jen was joyous to have more materials for her novels.

[You know Mel? That could be you tonight if you knocked on Dean's door], Jen blurted out in Melanie's earpiece while writing.

"Hah, I'm not shameless to take advantage of four-eyes' grief and comfort him", Melanie scoffed as there was a faint blush on her cheeks due to the romantic atmosphere getting to her.

The thought was more vivid now than earlier when Jen mentioned the same thing, but Melanie used all of her noblesse training to maintain an expressionless face leaving only the blush to show.

Jen giggled quietly seeing Melanie's straight face but decided not to push her as it was getting close to midnight.

Now near the tram station, there were still some people using it to travel around the large academy that was built throughout the entire moon of Mars, Deimos. 

"Come on Johnny where ya going."

A tall young woman with red hair and silver streaks was following behind a young man. Her silver eyes and freckles were illuminated by the surrounding lights giving Melanie a full view of the strange couple this time. The young woman had a fierce look along with her light Scottish accent and a pair of katanas with her. This fierce young woman was...

"Away from you...again Veronica", replied a bald young man who was about the same height as the young woman.

The young man was completely bald and had a plain look due to his unique Esper ability but it didn't stop him from being a social type unlike a certain 2nd ranker.

Melanie recognize him as John Blackhorn, 6th ranker with the ability to mimic two powers at once, a rare ability in his bloodline unlike the rest of his family whom can only mimic one at a time.

Of course being socially adept and a rare ability had its cons such as...

"Whhaaaaa.....oh Johnny ya don't mean that hahahaha", the young woman famously known as Veronica Swordheart was an eccentric who does whatever she pleases and everyone knew she was trying to woo John since she'd known his unique duel mimic powers.

"I do"

"Whaaaa is it because I mentioned we should continue our bloodline together", Veronica said while attempting a seductive look. 


John replied unfazed, and continued walking but still near enough for Melanie to overhear their conversation at the station's entrance.

"Lo-ok Johnny if you're embarrassed by ya size then honestly I don't care. But just outta curiosity, what's your willy's size?"

"Small, now leave me alone."

The strange pair continued bantering and got on a tram heading who knows where.

"Crazy couple."

Was all Melanie muttered as she continued her journey towards a small forest near the tram station. Jen only nodded in return as she continued her writing.




Arriving at the small forest there was...

"Oh Tracy this spot is perfect for fucking outdoors."

"I know right fufufufu. Now gimme that meat daddy."

"Hehehehe oh I will-"

A small blue fireball was sent between them interrupting the half-naked young couple as they were about to get a little frisky.

A young woman appeared with a blue fireball floating above one hand illuminating her figure in the dark forest.

With her hood down, the couple could see a beautiful white hair woman with violet tips cascading down past her shoulders barely reaching her chest area. The most notable features was her violet eyes which was glowing with cold fury at the couple.

"We're sorry Miss Romanoff."

"We'll leave right away, please don't burn us!"

The couple kowtowed right away after recognizing Melanie and ran off taking their clothes with them. 

[Hah, the nerve of some horny people to use this place after a week of you being gone.]


Melanie sighed disappointedly at people using this small forest to do lewd things even though there were animals who lives here.

She could have set them on fire but she didn't want to frighten the wildlife here or possibly damage the forest.

Going to a clearing in the middle of the forest, the artificial moon perfectly illuminated the area highlighting a small pond with built-in water filter for the wildlife to safely drink from.

Aside from the artificial moon, glowing mushrooms also illuminated the surroundings showing off beautiful wild flowers with many different vibrant colors. 

There was a log near the pond where Melanie usually sat so she went to it.

Not many people go to this forest as the other forests around Pleasantville had exotic animals from other planets that humanity has colonized.

But for Melanie and a few others this forest had a quiet and peaceful vibe.

Peaceful enough for Melanie to....


...hum a tune then...

~Come to me back to reality~

~Your sad dreams will wither away~

~Only happy memories await you in our reality~

....start singing a soft melody with a perfect soft voice. Not many knew Melanie could sing since in her eyes, it was a weakness to her cruel and cold demeanor.

Her soft singing attracted the local wildlife since many couldn't sleep due to the past week of students barging in here and doing the deed loudly in their ears. They heard the familiar melody of Melanie coming from the center of their forest.

Many animals appeared with many that were genetically modified for controlled breeding to prevent overpopulation.

Rabbits appeared in all colors from white, black, brown, etc.

Squirrels and mouses came in to see the white haired human woman again after a week.

Chirp Chirp

Birds of many colors came flying in, even parrots of various species came to mimic human speech perching on or around Melanie.



(Melanie! Melanie!)

The parrots' mimicking caused Melanie to chuckle as she took off her shoes and dipped her feet into the cool pond listening to their cute attempts at a conversation until....

(Ah ah harder daddy ah ah)

One particular parrot was mimicking the wrong kind of human speech....at least the kind in public spaces.

"I really want to burn this party down", Melanie coldly stated as the pond began letting out some steam.

[Cool it princess or else these cuties won't have any water to drink], Jen nonchalantly commented without looking up as she was still writing.

"Sigh....thanks for the reminder", Melanie said as she began to cool down and continue her soft singing while petting the cute animals around her. 

[Don't mention it Mel.]

Jen had a wry smile as this wasn't the first time she had to calm Melanie before she went supernova with her power.

With the moon illuminating the area, the scene of Melanie singing while surrounded by many cute animals was picturesque of a fairy tale princess.

This peaceful scene continued on into the night until Melanie dozed off sleeping on the grass with the fake moon blanketing her with its light while Jen pulled an all-nighter writing her web novel as she recently got a lot of new materials to work with.





Meanwhile, groups of drunk students were conversing about their next plan of action after hearing a sudden announcement at midnight.

"Huh why should I go to the auditorium? It's on the other side of the academy"

"Mark and his girls said that they'll give free fancy stuff to us after they give a speech at the auditorium"

"Why not here, we're all here right?"

"Dumbass, we can't all see or hear the handsome Harem Protagonist here"

"Hahaha that stupid nickname still cracks me up. But for real? Free shit?"

"Yeah free shit!"

"Free shit!"

"Free shit!"

"Free shit!"

Most groups came to an agreement and started chanting as they boarded the trams heading to the auditorium. The auditorium was right next to the education sector and was large enough to accommodate the 8,000 4th years as it was built for 50,000 people to see plays or listen to boring long speeches. 

The rest of the students who remained scattered to either sleep the alcohol away or wandered off to other parts of the academy.


A/N: What a nice way to introduce future cast members. Can't wait to see Tracy and her bf again XD

Anyway next chapter, we're coming back to our number 2 guy and his gremlin partner.

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