
#3 | Volcano

After seeing and finding out the tragedy that happened to the town of Sylion, Lunox and Jonathan quickly moves to get to Harith, a Leonin who is said to have the power of time and control it. If he has the power to travel back to the past, then Lunox can get to the next step of her plan to save the universe from an event that can wipe out anything in existence. While Lunox and Jonathan are peacefully travelling, somehow a meteor lands nearby them, at the fields. Lunox got more scared for the people of not only her kingdom, but also for everyone and everything living. Then Jonathan quickly acts.

"Hey, don't worry, we'll be fine, so as your people. I'm sure they're following your order to stay calm."

"Sure, I'm worried for them. But what I'm worried about is that man trying to ruin any other towns peace. Based on what you told me, he sounded very annoying, and kinda stupid..." Said Lunox.

"Agreed, he was kinda dumb, and I'm also worried for other towns. But don't worry, who knows, next that man might have apple juice next." Said Jonatann as he giggles.

Lunox also giggles, and is also relieved from her worries, and they continue to quickly get to Harith. But suddenly, while travelling the lands, a meteor crashes at their one and only path. Jonathan, who's not surprised because he already saw it coming, quickly warned Lunox.

"Hold on!"

"Why?  What was it?!" Said Lunox as she holds on to something.

Jonathan and his horse tries to attempt to jump over the meteor, which was luckily not that high, but still a risk. Now, with his last breath, Jonathan commands his horse to jump over the meteor.


Jonathan yells, as his horse jumps over the meteor. Lunox, who has eyes shut tight, was hoping that they'll still be alive after this, but Jonathan greatly believes that they will surpass this. Stallion, Jonathan's horse, leaps over the meteor, and sucessfully makes it through, yet he just lost all his energy quickly, and sat down. Jonathan and Lunox gets down from the chariot, and wonders what happened.

"I was afraid that all his energy will run out after that leap, but it looks like Harith won't be leaving his place for the next few days, and Stallion should get his energy back in a few hours." Said Jonathan.

"So we rest here?" Lunox asks.

"We can't leave Stallion here, unless you wanna walk, hehe. Besides, it's also our little rest anyways." Said Jonathan.

"Didn't we just rested when you- oh yeah... Looks like i was the only one who rested, and Stallion aswell..." Said Lunox as she facepalms.

"It's fine, Stallion doesn't take that long to rest, I'm sure we'll get moving in a few hours." Said Jonathan as he smiles to Lunox, who smiles back to Him. An hour has passed, its id now sunset, and Stallion yet doesn't have the urge to even get up, Lunox, who is really worrying now, tries to stay calm, she's holding all her worries inside her mind, but then keeps on thinking what could be happening in her kingdom. Lunox still tries to hold it in for more than a minute, then suddenly she snaps.

"NO!!" Lunox screams.

"What is it?" Jonathan asks.

"Oh.... Uhhh... Nothing. I'm just worried for my people and the other towns, what if the tragedy that hitted Sylion affects the others?" Lunox worriedly wonders.

"Don't worry, i checked the future and no town will be harmed."

Lunox is now relieved, and is drinking water to refreshen herself. Then Jonathan quickly adds. "Atleast until two to three days."

Lunox spits out water from being too surprised, and quickly screams.


"Ardon is next, the volcano near them is gonna have an overflow of lava. The magma will melt anything on its way, only Ardon is affected though." Said Jonathan.

"We need to make sure that doesn't happen!"

Said Lunox, then she wonders. "Who could be perfect for the job?!?! JUST WHO!!" She screams.

"Don't you know anyone with ice or water magic?" Jonathan asks.

"Do i know anyone with ice or water magic?.... Hmmmm... " Lunox thinks about someone with ice or water magic to prepare for the tragedy that's gonna happen to Ardon, then she quickly remembers.

"OF COURSE! AURORA!!" Lunox quickly yells.

Lunox picks up a magic scroll from one of her twilight orbs, then asks Jonathan.

"Jonathan, do you have a pen?"

"I only have a little jar of ink.... How are we gonna write and-" Jonathan surprisingly sees Lunox kicking a tree to get a leaf to write a warning to Aurora.

"COME ON!! JUST ONE LEAF!!!" Lunox yells.

After few kickings, a leaf finally fell from a tree. Lunox asks Jonathan to get his jar of ink, and then starts writing Aurora the warning message.

"Dear Aurora,

I know you are busy with your duties as queen of the north, but as the goddess of balance, i send you a warning to one of the neighbouring towns in my kingdom. A dear friend named Jonathan predicts a tragedy to a town named Ardon, volcanic activity is happening at a volcano next to the town itself, and in two to three days, the whole town will eventually burn to a crisp. I need your help, shall you choose to use your ice magic, when the time is right, freeze the upcoming lava that would flow to Ardon, i shall wait for your response.

                                                                -From Lunox."

After writing the letter, Lunox orders the twilight orb to deliver the letter to Aurora, so she can be informed. While the orb is on its way to the Northern lands, Stallion finally has the energy to get back to travelling, Jonathan checks on Stallion who is ready to go, he is glad that he finally rested, and quickly tells Lunox.

"Lunox, Stallion is ready to go!"

"That's great!" Said Lunox with a smile on her face.

Lunox and Jonathan quickly gets on the chariot, and commands Stallion to move, but Stallion is not moving, as if he is telling them something. Jonathan then steps out of the chariot, just to see that the wheels broke, Lunox asks.

"W-what is it? What happened?!"

"The wheels must've broke when we jumped through that meteor, is it okay for you to ride Stallion himself?" Jonathan asks.

"Well, i mean, i haven't rode an animal.... Atleast... On its back." Said Lunox with some shame on her eyes.

"Hey, its ok, Stallion is gentle, and won't let you fall. You can hug me if you want so you won't fall" Said Jonathan as he smiles.

"Isn't there another way?" Lunox asks.

"Well you could hold on to Stallion's saddle." Said Jonathan.

"Oh good, sorry, i'm kinda uncomfortable hugging anyone for... Umm.." Lunox pauses, then Jonathan quickly says, "Hey, it's fine, i understand." Then he smiles.

"Thank you for understanding." Said Lunox.

"No problem. So, let's go?" Jonathan asks.

"Sure sure." Lunox replies.

Jonathan hops on Stallion's back, while there's Lunox who is still nervous. Then Jonathan tries to encourage her.

"Come on, don't be scared, Stallion's nice, right boy?"

Stallion neighs happilly, which makes Lunox less nervous, and then hops on Stallion's back.

Now they are off to get to Harith, who is still far away from where they are currently are. Lunox has eyes shut, but then slowly opens them, she feels the little breeze and feels relaxed, then she says.

"H-hey, this is not bad, it's kinda nice."

"I told you, there's nothing to worry about." Said Jonathan with a smile.

Lunox, Jonathan, and Stallion have left the Sylion forest, and is now entering the valley. Meanwhile, in the Northern lands, where snow covers the grounds and trees, where there is no water, for all water is ice, where it is very cold, yet very quiet. In the middle of the snowy forests, lies a palace, hidden in the mountains, covered in snow. Inside the palace, is a little garden, and a pathway that leads to the doors to the throne room, where the queen of the North, Aurora, lies. Aurora, who is in peace, suddenly sees a little yellow glowing orb, headed to her direction, at first she thinks its harm, but then the orb stops and floats infront of her presence. The orb then fades away, like dust blown by wind, leaving a letter floating in mid air. Filled with curiosity, Aurora gets the letter and reads it. After reading everything in the letter, Aurora gasps, and quickly finds a way to get to the land of dawn, she quickly casts a teleportation spell, with a use of an ice crystal. Chanting the last words needed to cast the spell, Aurora vanishes, and reappears to the land of dawn, she sees the orb that she saw awhile ago, and then circles around her, as if the orb is telling her to follow it. The orb stops circling Aurora, and is going to the direction where Ardon is located, she then quickly follows the orb, which luckily, is moving slowly.

Meanwhile, while travelling the valley, Jonathan's vision changed, he gasps with fear, and tells Lunox.

"Lunox, we have a problem!"

"What is it this time?!" Lunox asks.

"The volcano acted quicker than i thought it would!" Said Jonathan.

Lunox says "Wait, you don't mean-" then Jonathan interrupts her, he says. "Yes, the tragedy happens now!!"

Filled with great fear, Lunox quietly says. "Ohhh Aurora, wherever you are now, be quick!!!"