
#2 | Trouble

Lunox looks back, seeing the gates close as she leaves her kingdom, she wishes that the townsfolk would be safe, and hopefully stay calm for she believes that she can fix all of this.

Lunox and Jonathan have left the kingdom, and is now travelling to other towns to tell them about their plan, and to atleast lessen their worries. As they have a long travel, Lunox was wondering about how Jonathan got his special power, her curiosity won't leave her mind, she just won't stop thinking about how he got it. As they approach the grasslands, Lunox finally has the guts to ask Jonathan about his special power. 

"Hey Jonathan," Lunox calls him.

"Yes, your majesty?" Jonathan responds.

"I-I was just w-wondering." Lunox is having a hard time to ask Jonathan her question.

"What is it, your majesty?" Jonathan asks

"Firstly, you can just call me Lunox." Said Lunox who is still nervous to ask Jonatham

"Sure thing, your majesty- I mean, um, Lunox" Said Jonathan, then he adds. "What was it that you wanted to ask me?"

Lunox gets more nervous, as she has no choice but to ask Jonathan, she can't think of an excuse or something to get her out of her "situation" now, so she finally asks him.

"I was wondering how did you got this special power of yours." She finally asks Jonathan.

"Well, i don't know much, since i never asked my parents about what happened when i was born, and they never tell me anything about what happened to me. But they did mention that my father used magic to help mom, and me, since she was close to death when she was about to give birth to me. But then, somehow the magic my father used somehow affected my mind. Hence, heres me, has the power to look at the future, and the past."

Lunox's curiosity finally fades away, as she knows how Jonathan got his ability to look through time, she was so fascinated and somehow concerned for him, she wonders if something happened to him when his father ued magic to save him and his mother, despite being very curious once again, she'll try to keep it insider her mind. Lunox and Jonathan finally passes the grasslands, and finally sees a neighbouring town close by, they stop to inform the people that there is nothing to worry about, and they shall fix all of this. After explaining to the other town about their plan, Lunox and Jonathan moves to other towns to inform them about their plan to save the universe from mass danger, they travel and travel and doesn't stop till they inform all the towns inside the Land of Dawn.

Lunox and Jonathan finally arrives to the last town in the Land of Dawn, after travelling and informing up to twenty-seven towns, excluding Lunox's kingdom, they finally reach the last one, and is ready to tell the people of the town about their plan. Lunox and Jonathna gets off the Chariot, and approaches the town of Sylion, but as they close by, they see the town empty, no villagers, no people, nothing, it looks like its abandoned.

"W-where are the people?!" Lunox wonders.

"They must've died, just looks at the place, it looks like meteors hitted the town." Said Jonathan

"Could you try looking at the past to see what happened here?" Lunox asks

"Oh yes, i forgot i can look through time."

Said Jonathan, as he tries to focus to look at what happened in the town. But suddenly, Jonathan stepped on a rock, and slipped, he falls and was close to hitting his head on a tree stump. Lunox saw Jonathan tripping, and quickly approaches him.

"Jonathan!! Are you alright?!" Lunox asks.

"I-I'm fine Lunox, looks like I'm still clumsy." Said Jonathan as he giggles a little.

"Is your head fine? Can you still do it?" Lunox asks.

"Luckily, my head didn't hit that tree stump, or else i could've went unconscious for awhile." Jonathan replies.

"Do you want to rest for now? You can do it while sitting right?" Lunox asks.

"Of course i can do it while sitting, sure, lets rest in my chariot" Jonathan replies.

Lunox helps Jonathan get up, and they go inside his chariot. Now Jonathan tries to focus once again without tripping this time, to see what happened to the town of Sylion, and especially to its people, and if there are survivors, where could they be headed to.

With a gasp, Jonathan finally enters the realm of the past, he sees the town of Sylion, panicking, and worrying about the unusual skies. Then Jonathan sees one man, calling the attention of the people, as if he is going to make an announcement. Jonathan listens.

"People of Sylion! With the unusual skies, it is sure that we are at the brink of death, but do we really want to die like this? This could be very very painful, and sure we will die quick, but do you want to wait for the worse?" The man said.

"What are you saying? That we should die now?!"

"Why should we listen to you!?"

"Give us a reason to listen to you!!"

"What if someone could save us?"

The people of Sylion disagrees with what the man could be thinking about, and asks him to leave their town. But then suddenly, the man brings out a potion, which he could've stolen from a withc who clearly didn't notice. The man had no choice but to threaten them.

"If you don't follow me, i will drop this potion, that might kill us all!!!" The man threatens the people

"We're not afraid!!"

"Try dropping it!! You don't even know what it does!!"

"How are you sure that will kill us?"

The people doubts the man and his "potion" that he said can kill all of them, and obviously, the man himself. The man had no choice once again, he tells the people that he is gonna drop the potion.

"Okay, you leave me no choice, i will drop this, and we will all DIE!!" Said the man

"1....... 2....... 3!!!"

Said the man, as he drops the potion to the ground. The potion breaks, and the man was somehow the only one scared of what could the effects be. Meanwhile the people weren't scared at all, as if nothing happened. Why? Because nothing really happened.... The man wonders.

"W-what?! Why didn't anything happen?! I stole this from a witch!! This was sure to kill anyone!!"

The man wonders, then he goes down the board he was on, and disgustingly tastes the "potion" he dropped without any second thoughts. The man thought he would die, but suddenly he says.

"T-this tastes like, K-kiwi Juice?!" The man wonders why does it taste like Kiwis.

Then suddenly, a man from the town goes up front, to taste the "potion". The other man tastes it, and says.

"Thats because it is Kiwi Juice!"

"No wonder why nothing happened"

"Get out of here!!"

"Leave us alone freak!"

The people of Sylion demands the man to leave their town and never come back, by not only "threatening" them just for nothing, but to attempt to almost end their lives early. With a face saying "curses, i failed!" The man leaves the town all alone, and walks through the woods. Meanwhile, on the other hand, is Jonathan who's wondering what happened to the peopme of Sylion, and why did that man never knew he just got a witches drink. He tries to go farther a little more, and as he seeks furthermore, he sees the town of Sylion, on fire, as meteors crash into its lands, crushing the people, and destroying all the structures, but there was some survivors who luckily escaped. Jonathan couldn't believe his eyes, on the tragedy that hitted the town of Sylion. As he was about to look at the future, he sees a meteor about to hit him, he screams in terror, and wakes up with fear.

"NO!!!" Said Jonathan as he wakes up, he then asks "W-what happened?! I-I'm not dead?!"

"What do you mean?" Lunox asks.

"I-I saw a meteor about to hit me!" Said Jonathan.

"Can things that happened in the past affect you right now?" Lunox asks.

"Oh yeah, never thought of that." Said Jonathan as he facepalms because of his stupidity.

"Wait, meteors? What meteors?" Lunox asks.

"You want me to go straight to that?" Jonathan asks aswell.

"Fine, you can tell me everything you saw." Said Lunox who lowkey wants to know about the meteors badly.

As he sits down, Jonathan tells Lunox everything he saw in the past, from a weird man with a failed plan, to meteors crashing down to the town of Sylion, then he adds that there were people who survived the incident. When Lunox heard all of it, at first she gave a big facepalm to the man, then she mourns to the people of Sylion, but then when she heard about some people surviving, she was relieved a little bit.

"This is bad!! This is really bad!! Its getting worse, and if we don't start getting to this person you know, everyone will die! Quick! Get us to this person that you said can help us!! NOW!!" Lunox tells Jonathan.

"Sure thing! Just hang on, this is my first time being quick!" Jonathan warns Lunox.

Lunox and Jonathan quickly leaves the wreckage of Sylion, and is now headed for the place where they could meet this person thay could help them. And this person is a time traveller, named, Harith