
Deciding on

He said "I was just passing through here only when I saw a little girl selling this bouquet. So i buy it, she told me to give to a pretty lady so i thought i might give it you...

Haa okk then bye i will see you tomorrow"

Mauka said in a harsh way "hah! What a liar. He must did this all on a purpose. Everybody in the school knows that he likes you. So why he is pretending so innocent and cool."

Miaka - "let it be. Just come inside drink a cup of tea."

After thinking a lot miaka told mauka that she will go to the party.

And also did she want to come with her?

Mauka replied very excitedly, yesssssss i will love to.

At the certain time she got a message from an unknown number about the party venue and date & time.

Miaka-"It must be from Takamatsu . He is on time. So its final we both are going in the party"

Mauka (very happy) - "oohh! Miaka i love you you are my best friend. Now i will get a chance to meet Takamatsu in person... I am sooo happy"

Mauka hugs Miaka tightly.....