
Not-So an Extra

Suddenly being thrown into the novel's world and possessing a pretty much fucked up character made him have no choice but to continue his life as a new identity. And just like any sane person who transmigrated into a book, of course, he would destroy every red flag that stood in his way. Yet, unbeknownst to him, every single thing he did was just wrecking the storyline more and even more; to the point that the plot had become utterly screwed, thanks to him. ===== A/N: This novel is heavily inspired by many famous video games.

Admirably_ · ファンタジー
192 Chs

Ch. 23: The Sovereign Class [1]

—Clack —Clack —Clack

Footsteps resounded throughout the space. A boy with a tall and impressive muscular build was seen walking in the hallway. His fringe-up black hair fluttered against the wind and his piercing cyan eyes exuded masculinity.

Despite his imposing physical presence, he carried a calm confidence that only added to his allure. He stopped in front of the classroom with the Sovereign A-01 tag hanging above and grasped the hilt.


The door opened and a classroom with a grand sight was revealed. The classroom was elegantly designed with large windows that allowed ample natural light to flood the room. There were five plush chairs and sturdy desks arranged like a crescent moon.

The teacher's desk was a large, distinctive piece of furniture made of dark wood that dominated the front of the room. The walls were adorned with tasteful artwork, while the high ceilings and ornate decorations added a lavish ambiance to the space.

"Don't just stand there, buddy!" A girl's voice, speaking in imperial language pricked his ears, causing him to turn to the voice.

The boy hastily apologized in the same language, "Ah, sorry," 

The moment he stepped aside, the tomboyish girl entered the room and his blue eyes instinctively followed her. The girl yawned and sat in the middle row. She has tanned skin combined with short light golden blonde hair and reddish eyes imitating a sunset.

"What?" She snapped at him as he was caught red-handed staring at her.

The boy shook his head, "Ah, nothing."

With that, the tomboy rested both her arms on the desk to use them as a pillow and closed her eyes. Removing his eyes from the girl, he then sat on the first row, close to the hallway.

"Good morning."

A new voice emerged and was followed by a sweet floral scent wafting into his nostrils. Following the voice, a girl with bubblegum hair that cascaded down her back and a pair of pink eyes entered the room.

Letting out a smile, he replied, "Good morning."

The pink-haired girl returned the smile and took a seat next to him.

—Tick —Tick —Tick

Awkwardness enveloped the room as no one was willing to say a word for ten minutes straight. The only things they could hear were the tickling sound of the clock and the blonde girl's snoring. Judging from her soft snort, it seemed she was enjoying her trip to dreamland.


The door swung open and a loud shout rang.

"GOOD MOR—Uwaaa!!" The newly entered boy hastily ducked down when a fireball rushed toward him.

The boy bellowed angrily, "What was that for?!"

The light brown-haired boy snapped at the culprit, yet the doer just yawned, "You woke me up, dammit."

"Huh??" He was baffled; he couldn't comprehend what she meant.

"She was sleeping—a while ago." A muscular boy explained.

"Ah, I see," He nodded in understanding and stood, "My bad!"

"Tsk." She clicked her tongue in annoyance and leaned against the chair with both arms crossed, "Never mind."

The wheat-haired boy sat beside her and immediately struck up a conversation—his extrovert soul refused to stay silent, "By the way, did you see the Imperial Second Prince at the event yesterday?"

"He did not attend it." The tomboy answered dismissively.

Yesterday was the Grand Opening of the Academy for the first-year students, yet the person everyone wished to see was nowhere to be seen. It was said that he was strikingly handsome, but as they arrived much later due to the long journey, they didn't have the chance to see him in person.

"Hey, hey, do you know? There are lots of rumors going around about him!" And just like that, he continued to gossip about Adrian.




Fredinand guided in the front and Adrian followed behind. The dormitory was empty as it was just ten minutes away before the class started. This was because Adrian didn't want to attract attention so he came out last.

They stopped at the dormitory's gate entrance and Fredinand bowed, "I wish you a good day."

"Thank you." Adrian nodded and rolled his feet toward the Academy.

The maids or butlers you brought in would only serve you in the dorms; they were prohibited from being brought into the academy.

Also, the educational system in this Academy was divided into two classes: the Honorable Class and the Sovereign Class. The Honorable Class was designed for the children of merchants and nobles, while the Sovereign Class was exclusively for Princes and Princesses.

This separation was not arbitrary but rather had a specific purpose—to provide each class with an education tailored to their needs.

Fredinand informed him that the class he was going to attend only had five members including him and all of them were Princes and Princesses from the neighboring Kingdoms.

After five minutes of walking, Adrian arrived at the Academy through the rear entrance. The Sovereign Class had its own building, and currently, Adrian stood at the back of it.

He cast a spell and five ice plates imitated a staircase leading toward the second floor formed in the air. Ice was an Elemental Fusion of Air and Water. Wasting no more time, he jumped onto them and landed in the hallway.

Adrian dismissed his magic and restarted walking. Soon he found his class and indistinctive chatters were audible.

"He's also—" 


The door opened and the clatter he heard outside turned into dead silence with all eyes fixated on him. Ignoring them, Adrian marched toward the empty seat next to the windows.

—Clack —Clack —Clack

His steps echoed and he could feel how their eyes glued on him. A split second after Adrian sat, the light brown-haired boy tried to open his mouth but the bell interrupted him.

—Ding —Dong —Ding —Dong

The door wide opened and a man with purple hair and citrine eyes walked into the room—switching their attention away from Adrian.

"Good morning, class." The man greeted them with a cheerful tone whilst making his way toward his desk with a confident stride.

"Good morning." They answered in unison.

He stopped in front of the class and began to introduce himself, "Hello, I'm Gizel Rurdgier and I'll be your Homeroom Teacher for the next three years."

Gizel swept his students' faces and pointed at the black-haired boy, "Now, let's begin with the introduction, shall we? State your name and your origin."

Complying with his order, he stood and began his introduction, "Hello, I'm Ralph Fraulein from the Valfor Kingdom."

Adrian peeked at their [STATUS WINDOWS] silently.


[ Ralph Fraulein ]

« Overview »

Title: The First Prince of the Valfor Kingdom

Race: Human

Age: 9 year-old

Gender: Male

Occupation: Tanker - Lv. 4

« Character Statistic »











MP: B-

« Elemental Affinity »

Water: E

Fire: D

Lightning: C

Earth: B

Wind: D

« Skills »

[ Endurance ]

Description: Raises stamina.

Rank: A+

[ Invisible Armor ]

Description: Raises Physical and Magical Defenses.

Rank: A-

[ Incantation ]

Description: Raises the speed of spell-casting.

Rank: D


The Valfor Kingdom was located on the western side of the Aeon Empire and was known for its vineyards. They produced the finest wines and champagne in the continent, its vintners were amongst the most respectable in the region.

"Thank you, Ralph. Next."

As Ralph sat, the pink-haired girl stood and spoke, "Hello, I'm Sylvina Rennelius from the Yvone Queendom." 


[ Sylvina Rennelius ]

« Overview »

Title: The Second Princess of the Yvone Queendom

Race: Human

Age: 9 year-old

Gender: Female

Occupation: Elementalist - Lv. 3

« Character Statistic »











MP: B+

« Elemental Affinity »

Water: SS

Fire: E

Lightning: B

Earth: B

Wind: C

« Skills »

[ Incantation ]

Description: Raises the speed of spell-casting.

Rank: B-

[ Blood Controlling ]

Description: Able to heal minor wounds and light internal injuries.

Rank: B


Yvonne Queendom was a nation ruled by a Queen, located on the northern side of the Aeon Empire. They were famous for their romantic gardens, perfumeries, and beauty products, making it a women's paradise and also the perfect location for a honeymoon trip.

"Thank you, Sylvina. Next."

The tomboy stood and introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Rhea Childerich from the Zenith Theocracy."


[ Rhea Childerich ]

« Overview »

Title: The Third Princess of the Zenith Theocracy

Race: Human

Age: 9 year-old

Gender: Female

Occupation: Elementalist - Lv. 3

« Character Statistic »











MP: B+

« Elemental Affinity »

Water: D

Fire: B

Lightning: C

Earth: B

Wind: C

« Skills »

[ Astrologist ]

Description: Able to read the stars and predict the future

Rank: S

[ Incantation ]

Description: Raises the speed of spell-casting.

Rank: C+

[ Throw ]

Description: Raise the accuracy of throwing weapons.

Rank: B


A theocracy was a government run by religious leaders or one where there was no distinction between religious and civil laws. Zenith Theocracy was the only nation that served a God on this continent, however, it was still a mystery what God they served.

Aside from it, Zenith was famous for its astronomical observatories as the nation had a long history of studying the stars to predict their movements. And it was explained a lot as to why that girl kept yawning; it seemed she was gazing at the stars all night long.

"Thank you, Rhea. Next."

The wheat-haired boy stood. "Hello, I'm Péréz Reinhart from the Aiden Knightdom." 


[ Péréz Reinhart ]

« Overview »

Title: The Second Prince of the Aiden Knightdom

Race: Human

Age: 9 year-old

Gender: Male

Occupation: Spearman - Lv. 3

« Character Statistic »











MP: B-

« Elemental Affinity »

Water: D

Fire: B

Lightning: C

Earth: D

Wind: E

« Skills »

[ Fire Blade ]

Description: Able to embed Fire Elemental into a weapon.

Rank: C

[ Incantation ]

Description: Raises the speed of spell-casting.

Rank: C

[ Endurance ]

Description: Raises stamina.

Rank: C+


'Ho?' Adrian raised one of his eyebrows in interest. The boy next to him was none other but Simone's little brother.

Aiden Knightdom was the home of the Aiden Knights. Their military strength was second to the Empire, making them a formidable opponent on the battlefield.

They were also known for their harvest festivals and celebrations. Aiden's abundance and fertility were considered sacred gifts by the inhabitants.

"Thank you, Péréz. Next."

As Péréz settled into his chair, Adrian stood, his cold cerulean eyes scanning the room, "Hello, I'm Adrian Leillucis from the Aeon Empire."

"Thank you, Adrian."

With that, the boy returned to his seat.

"Aside from your home teacher, I also teach Magic. Originally, we should be at the training ground by now. However, since it's your first day, I'll make an exception. I'm quite generous, you know."

Gizel chuckled and opened a document in his hands, commencing to skim through it. He stopped at a certain page and his yellow eyes locked onto his cerulean eyes before he smiled kindly at him.

"?" Adrian's forehead furrowed, he had no idea but decided to brush it off.

After finishing reading through it, he put it down and explained, "Since you all have learned the basics of magic, then we will start the class with intermediate magic. Today, we will learn how to dispel a Magic Circle."