
Not just a game(BL)

let's play a game. it's called solar system this story isn't about planets, planets are stupid. this isn't a stupid space adventure. who would want to read about a space adventure? why would anyone want to read about a guy on a space adventure? I'm talking too much about space adventures, aren't I?. you're also wondering, what the fuck is this even about if it's not about planets?. Then shut up and let me explain. why would you think this was about planets in the first place? okay, the solar system is a game. I know it has a weird name but trust me it'll make sense pretty soon. okay, in this game, they are ten players, one's the sun and the rest are the planets. so, the sun has to date all nine of the planets, each person is given three days to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. This time around the sun is Caleb Keller, the point guard of the basketball team. And for some unknown reason, I've been picked as one of the nine. now you're probably wondering, saying things like: "what's the problem?", "you're one of the nine" and "you should be happy, you're gonna date a hot guy" well, here's the thing, my Name is Xavier Castor, I'm a guy and I'm not gay. yes, definitely. not gay. never ever gay. now, explain to me, how in the hell am I going to get through the whole month knowing that I'm dating - oh good, lord, that word - Caleb Keller. How?!!!!

T_Of_Hearts · 若者
64 Chs

I Don't Mind Having More Than One Girlfriend Either

Amber's point of view.

I catch up to Quinn pretty quickly. she can fight like a fucking champ but she can't run to save her life. I grab hold of her arm and pull us into the girls bathroom. I open one of the stalls and push her in, going in too and locking the door behind us.

every Castor I know have three things in common

1. they don't get angry easily

2. they are fierce when they do get angry

3. their anger burns hot and when it fades, tears follow

and truly and surely, the tears came. they are as silent as her. she closes the toilet seat and sits down, letting the sobs rock her body.

"I'm sorry"

I squat to her level and lift her chin so she's looking right at me. she looks away from me. "hey, look at me" she doesn't look. "Quinn, I told you to look at me" her eyes finally peer in mine. "he hurt our brother, he tried to do that to OUR brother, he deserved every bit of it... don't you ever apologize for this... okay?"

"yeah" she mutters. we're face to face, so close that I can see the pores on her skin. There's never been a moment in my life where I'd doubting these people's love for me. Vee, his mom, Quinn, Wendell and even his dad. it's scary how much you can love someone you don't share blood with. it's the same way I love my moms, I don't even love my birth mother that way. I push back the sappy feeling and start helping Quinn put on her Jewelry. her necklace, her rings and her earrings. after I help her put her earrings on, I wipe her tears away and smiles at her. she smiles back.

I'm about to pull away when she leans in and join our lips kisses me softly.

"uhm.. I ... " I try to speak but I'm speechless.

"it's okay... I've just wanted to do that for some time now"

I'm about say something back but a knock cuts me off.

"hey, are you guys okay in there?" it's Calley. I know she hasn't been in our group for more than a week but she's getting the hang of Caring and it's really cute... she's really cute. I look up at Quinn and she's really cute too and kinda my type. but so is calley

"give us a sec" I press my lips against Quinn's lips, a small peck. "we'll talk about it later" I pull away and stand up off from my squatting position.

I unlock the door and Quinn kisses me square on the lips. "bye!" she announces and bolts. she stops in front of Calley and smiles before she runs out the bathroom.

I look at Calley and she's smiling at me. "what?"

"you have a girlfriend?"

"no, she just... it's just.. we're just..." I'm flustered and I can't seem to get the damn words out.

"it's okay but just so you know, I was hitting on you... all week" her smile falters. "you could have said you had a girlfriend"

"and I was hitting on you too... she's not my girlfriend" Calley walks closer to me and grabs a strand of my hair and twirls it around her index finger.

I look up at her. I liked her... alot. I like her short, shaggy hair and her baby blues and her dirty unfiltered mouth and her dumb idiotic outbursts. she let's go of my hair, her hand falls on my chest and her fingers slides up my chest. I breath in when they curl lightly around my neck. "I honestly don't have a problem with you having a girlfriend, Maddie and she's cute..." her finger loosens around my neck and she looks me in the eyes. "i don't mind having more than one girlfriend either" her hand drops.


"let's ditch school... Shawn's on board and he's pretty worried about Vee" .

she'd dropped the entire conversation like we weren't having it in the first place.

she takes my hand and leads us outside the bathroom.

what on Earth just happened?.

Caleb's point of view.

I was pissed and I really didn't need this right now. Sophie was in my car and she was ranting about how Xavier was a liar and how Alex would never do such a thing.

"Sophie" she keeps talking.

"Sophie" she doesn't stop

"Sophie!!!" it comes out angrier than I meant it to be.

"What?!!!" she yells back and she sounds angry too.

"we're at my house" it comes out softly because I realize I was unnecessarily rude.

"oh" was all she said.

Sophie Cheng and I had been friends since we were kids and I really cared for her but she most certainly wasn't the one from me. she was beautiful... after all I liked girls but she wasn't my type. she was smart and fun and simply Sophie but she really wasn't it for me. I knew she likes me but she has never said it out loud before and I dread the day she would.

she unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out. "why are you getting out?" i questioned

"I want to say hi to your dads or do you think I'm lying too?" she tilts her head when shes asks me the question and her voice is condesending.

a spike of anger flows through me but I ignore it completely like it was nothing. I unlock the door and my dads are making out on the couch. papi is sitting in dad's lap and it's gross "oh my god, you people are disgusting!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. they pull apart and give me a dismissive look and then continue kissing. "disgusting" I sigh and put down my keys in the key bowl.

"How was your day, honey?" Papi says and finally gets of dad.

"his day was absolutely wonderful" Sophie say, venom laced in her voice. "perfect, phenomena-"

"will you stop?!" I snap. I have never snapped like that before in my life.

"Caleb, tone" Dad warned and I take in a deep breath

"yeah, Caleb... watch you tone" she was pushing and I knew that... she wanted me to snap again. I'm not going to let her bait me

"sorry, papi" I walk passed them and into the kitchen.

"Caleb is something wrong" My dad asked. I was about to tell him what had happened today when Sophie chimed in.

"yeah, what's wrong?" that was all she had said and i just snapped.

"would you shut the fuck up!" I snapped and I heard my dad say my name. "I don't care about your fucking opinion or what the hell you think happened... I know what happened and I saw what Happened and Vee wouldn't lie to me or anyone els-"

"And Alex would... you've known Alex longer than you've known that.. that.. that attention seeking freak and you're taking his side!! Alex has a girlfriend and a basketball scholarship he can't lose, he has a life and friends, you're his friend and the second he's accused of something so vile, you take someone else's side rather than support your own friend!!" she yells and I can see the tears bloom in her eyes.

"He's not a freak" I said and my I step closer to her. "he's not an attention se-" she cuts me off

"you're talking about the same person that stayed in that gam-" out of spite I cut her off too

"no one, absolutely no one questioned you when you put your name in that box even though they knew I was your best friend but you have questioned Xavier every chance you get and it's a bitchy thing to do... " I trail off and the words that come out from my mouth break my heart. "Vee was smiling before he went into the locker room... we talked before he left and I was heading to biology when he ran passed me... he didn't even see me or hear me when I called his name six times, six damn times. there was blood all over him and he was crying when I found him under the bleachers. he was scared... he was so scared that he called his dad, Sophie"

"that doesn't change the fact that Alex didn't do th-"

"His dad is dead!" I yell angrily. "he called his dead dad because he was that scared, Sophie. Alex scared him that much and if you don't see that then don't tell me what you see at all!!" I come down from the high that is my anger and than see it. she's crying. I sigh. fuck. "Sophie..." I try to reach for her but she steps away

"I put my name in the stupid box because I like you but you're so fucking dumb that you can't even see it" she sobs and my heart breaks. she walks out of the house, slamming the door hard.

"so, I'm guessing it wasn't a good day" Dad says and I shock myself and laugh.

"fue un dia de mierda" I say and papi pulls me into a tight hug.

"sometimes I feel like you two are plotting against me" Dad mutters and joins the hug

i fell the dread and i immediately know why.