
Not Human 1

A night in the woods, a morning of questions. Asher McKnight's life is changed after he wakes up to the most painful experience in his life. The stories always said a bite did it, but it's different now. The tables are turning and the bodies are piling. Teenagers and townsfolk going missing and Rider's Crest has more creatures than it should boast suddenly showing up everywhere. What's worst, someone is turning people into supernaturals but not the regular way. Asher's new world is catching up to him fast,and he seems to keep hearing that lone wolves never make it to winter. Yet with a stubborn alpha hell-bent on pulling him into the pack, a vampire that won't leave his side and Helsings in the mix. Asher can't believe he'd actually grown up in such a dangerous place. Maybe, just maybe he'd get to see winter.

SaimtNoctis · ファンタジー
33 Chs



I watched the lights as the lights in the rooms shut off one by one. Waited patiently while listening to the heart beats and breathing of the entire family. For some reason, I felt patient and calm. A feeling that was not normal before but was as of recent.

I waited crouched in the alleyway whilst I listened. Slowly one by one the breathing a steadied. Opening my eyes I moved forward the gold of my eyes flashing briefly as I made a vault over the fence and landed crouched in the yard. My eyes searched the building looking for the best wag to get in while avoiding the front door. Eyes landed on a balcony I moved to it. Crouching as my mind flashed back to the day in the locker room I leaped. My hands round the railing which I grabbed and tugged pulling my weight over and into the floor landing soundlessly as relief flowed through me. Luckily the railing hadn't been squeaky or rusty therefore eliminating all possibilities of sounds.Plus with the controller light landing all was good. I was getting good at this hunting stuff it seemed running in my wolf form was beginning to give more control to my human form.

I followed the sound of the light breathing as I slid the glass door open grimacing at their lack of security. Patting the curtains aside I walked in setting my eyes on the bed. I moved to it the form of the sleeping person rising and falling steadily as the breathed. My hand reached out to tap when the body moved in a blur and I felt the floor disappear from my feet and my back sink into the mattress as a body held me down straddled over me.


"Hey. You were already awake?." I greeted smiling up at her my eyes taking in her raised hand about to drop in a punch to my head and her left pressing me down on the chest.

"You actually never told me how you became good at fights" I stated my mond calming as I started up into her hazel eyes her hair trying and failing to block them. She sighed as she stared at me for a while them suddenly began blurting out apologies. Her hands moving as she spoke and dramatizing the explanation ignoring my attempts to speak.

"Hey!" I finally got a word in palm over her mouth as she stared down at me in confusion. Last night's run had help me think a lot and also clear my head on various things. It didn't matter if Riana was right or wrong, what mattered was now. There was no future without a present and I knew we needed each other. At the moment I was unsure of how to proceed, accept the apology or brush it aside. Either wag I didn't know, as each would create a different reaction that would-be either favorable or unfavourable and at the moment I knew that she was now someone I wanted around.

"You don't have to apologize, it's okay. Right now we should talk about what to do from here" I spoke in a comforting voice trying to sound as sincere as possible. She relaxed visibly her body leaning forward, the tips of her red locks brushing against my cheeks. A spark went through my brain as I remembered where she was or more like the position she was in. My eyes widened as I coughed uncomfortably. It seemed my new confidence hadn't extended to this part of reality.

"So uhmmmm... can you let me up now?"I asked. She froze up yet again her eyes trailing me over before coming back to my eyes. She gulped then smiled forcibly getting off me as and trying to hide the redness of her cheeks.

" So... I.. *coughs* didn't get into the pack". Her he'd snapped around to look around me confusion clear in her gaze.

"What!" She shook her head.

"Well. Things didn't go exactly as planned." Sitting in a lotus style facing each otber I then proceeded to spill all the happenings of the day to her. Her expressions ranged from shock to annoyed, disappointed to awed then settled at troubled.

"How does creating a pack work exactly. And won't the other pack be disturbed by this. I mean territory and all. I'm sure that other alpha won't appreciate another newbie alpha running around on his territory."

I nodded before shrugging. "It doesn't really matter. Without a pack my chances of survival are minimal. Best to fight it out my own way than theirs, right?"my finger scratched my smooth chin seeking a nonexistent beard.

She reluctantly modded obviously agreeing but still not totally accepting. " I guess it's my turn. After you and Tiana left I met that vampire dude who danced with me at the party, Eric Voshwa. Well more like he was there watching and waiting.Turns out his sister is the leader of their group of vampires. Renee Voshwa, they call her Madam Cherry. Coven of vampires. Found a lot of things that can kill vampires, turns out we immortal and you guys ain't." she looked smug as she spoke the last part almost like she'd made a groundbreaking breakthrough. I chuckled at her behavior shaking my head.

"But apparently we share some weaknesses too. But that's besides the point. Issue is, Eric told me that all vampires were are by other vampires in a chain of vampires that leads all the way to a vampire group called the Firstborns. Each firstborn has a bloodline that affects the vampires beneath them in a system called the Blood trait. So every vampire no matter who turned you ends up in one of the bloodlines. Here's the funky part, Madam Cherry and Eric tried determining my bloodline. And guess what?" She asked a mysterious look on her as she waited for a heavily breathing Asher to reply.

I on the other hand was having mental problems with a certain wolf called Begherius. From the moment Aurora mentioned the Firstborns my perception had changed and my emotions had gone through the roof. Unbeknownst to Aurora I was literally inside the void now alone looking around bewildered while my body sat there frozen my eyes open but glowing with the golden gleam. Aurora must have thought I was communicating with Begherius or something but in actual fact I didn't even know what the hell was going on.


"Asher!" She whisper yelled shaking my shoulder. Fortunately it put an end to whatever that was as j finally found myself staring at familiar hazel irises.

"You okay, you fazed out for a moment there." she queried worried.

"Yeah. I'm good. Just... just a little head issue is all. So what did you say again. Sorry didn't catch it." I lied swiftly. Actually I was already questioning Begherius on what that phenomena was but for some odd reason said wolf remained as silent as a rock. Not saying anything even when I used the word shit. Deciding to leave this matter for later since it was getting no where I focused on Aurora.

"... and she explained the state as meaning the blood didn't react or get drawn to any of the bloodline auras. I'm not amongst any of the bloodline. " she stopped her eyes searching mine to see if I got what she said.

"Why do I have the feeling that this has something to do with us waking up in that forest. I mean I can't be bonded with an alpha but If I'm correct from Begherius urgings to create a pack I can come wolves to me. Not yet confirmed though. And you are not in any bloodline. Smells fishy to you?" I asked. She silently thought it over before nodding rapidly.

"But why and how?. I mean if we can't... oh wait. wait. Asher. Eric said only vampires can create other vampires. And its a fact that only a wolves bite can turn a human right?"

"I mean I've not confirmed it yet from our supernatural superiors but head I'm leaning towards that logic. Even if it's weird to think of it in this bizarre, situation there should at least be logic in even this./Why, what you getting at?". I asked.

" Vampires get a bloodline because they were made with the blood of someone in a bloodline already. So how would a human become a vampire and not share a bloodline, any bloodline. Obviously, whoever or whatever turned me wasn't part of the initial twelve bloodlines, or somehow if it's possible removed themselves from the bloodline system. Only problem with this is that it wouldn't explain you". Aurora stopped now confused.

"You making point but it's all assumptions for now, unless we can find a way that werewolves and vampires can be made that leaves the normal well known normal way." I added

"I mean if there's such a way, that would mean a lot right?"Aurora asked.

I nodded. A new headache overcame me. The more we hunted for answers the more questions and twists occurred. Now we weren't just looking for tbe culprit but also apparently whoever it was could make us a bit different from the normal species. This was trouble, if somehow word got out about a vampire and werewolf who were outside the bloodline system and couldn't be made to submit to an alpha. Who knew what sort of hell would begin.

Mad scientists, freaks and curious fellows especially those who had the mentally of not being loaded over would want to know the how's of their body. It wouldn't even matter that the didn't know how, they would simply be cut open by stronger supernatural like lab rats and experimented on.

" This officially makes us freaks."I deadpanned. Aurora grimaced with the realization.

"I know you only met them recently but do you think they'll act on this, I mean this Madam Cheery and Eric?" I asked getting extremely worried.

"I'm not sure, is sag Eric gave me a good guy vibes. Not to sure if that's his actual character though and plus there's Madam Cherry. I would even be able to stop her if she decided to cut me open she's strong, too strong." Aurora looked paler now as the gravity of our situation seemed to be hitting her now. My palms went down my face as I exhaled.

"Not human and still not supernatural either. Asher. What the hell are we?". Aurora asked I gaze now fixed on her palms. I sighed and took her palms in mine.

"I don't know Red. But, I guess we do know one thing now." She looked up to me at my comment. "We need to get stronger as fast. Cause right now, we only have ourselves to watch our backs."

Her eyes fixed firmly to his as the last word left his lips her hands tightening his in her hold. "That would mean, we don't keep secrets from the other. No matter how much or little it affects us." She was blunt and it wouldn't take a child to realize where she was headed. Asher sighed again, realizing he'd sighed more times in this past days than he'd done since he was born.

"I guess you should know." he gave a look at her embarrassment sweeping through him. For some reason he felt his decision had been a bit stupid.

"Remember in the party, when Tiana asked our ages, well when she asked if we'd turned eighteen yet.?" I asked and upon receiving an affirmative id I continued. Well, she said wolves and vampires well actually most supernatural and rarely at times humans too, get what's called a *coughs* hmmmmh. Soul mate."

'Gosh this is so cliched and cheesy.' I thought.

"So you thought I was yours" a slow teasing smile crept up her face. Eager to slam it down I quickly rebutted.

"if I did I wouldn't have acted all unfazed with the George thing. Whxih might baby been a stupid plan at the moment. " Situation awkward. I sighed mentally, overdid it.

"I'm saying, I reasoned it might feel weird to you know, fall for someone only to fins out someone else is your soul mate.".

" So you were pushing me away to save us from a bad situation that we weren't even sure off?" she asked looking at me like I was dumb. ignoring her look I muttered.

"Already said it was a stupid plan". A laugh left the red hair as she crouched over holding her stomach while her shoulders quaked. Scoffing I grumbled in annoyance as I just watched waiting for her to finish laughing. Suddenly, she paused and then raised her head looking at me.

" Doesn't your pushing me away mean you think something will happen between us?." A Cheshire grin lit up on the girl's face. Flustered I could gape as my racked for what to say. No calming emotions from Begherius was there to help so I could barely calm myself.

"Wait a minute. Mr Asher McKnight, do you by any chance actually like me?" her question was made teasingly but the glitter in her eyes betrayed the setting. It was obvious she was seriously eager to know.

"What... Like...like you?. That's... that's... " I was confused. My mind was split in different warring sections and I could make out any info from any of them.". The red hair just stared an amused grin on her lips but a slightly calm and patient stare pointed at me.

'If words don't work actions do' The voice suddenly spoke in my head.

'Wait what. What actions ?' I barely noticed before in a quick flare of gold that went unnoticed by me or even Aurora my body moved forward. The initial momentum might not have been initiated by me. But I found myself not stopping either. As my face neared hers and the discomfort I expected to see not showing up I moved on watching as her grin disappeared and her swept from my eyes to my...lips?. Did she want this too?.

It didn't matter, trial and error I was already on the road stopping now would create a whole new awkwardness and still finishing wouldn't erase the awkwardness. Best to earn something from it aye.

It took what felt like ages in what was actually no more than seconds for both lips to connect and I finally understood what the hype about kisses was about.

'Fuck you Benjamin. Why didn't you ever tell me it was this great'.