


Here I am again driving to only God knows where. I have literarily became a wanderer. It all started four years ago when I my parent died. I was so devastated that I so no point in living anymore, I was on the verge of committing secede when I figured that instead of me taking my life I might as well move away to another place and start afresh, forget all the pain. Although I have always wanted to find out the cause of my parent's death cause you didn't need a prophet to tell you they were murdered before you knew that fact.

I initially started investigating on their death. I started by helping the police look for clues, but when the police (who had closed the case for lack of evidence) gave up, I took up the case and started digging up anything I knew could help uncover the mystery, I was this close to figuring out who had my parent murdered when I was kidnapped by the some hooligans (who I believed were sent by my parents murderer to scare me off) which worked cause being the coward I was I ran off living my education, my parents companies and everything we had cause I was afraid to die like my parents. I only took my mum's credit card and one of my dad's Camry that was parked in the garage. I started driving towards San-Francisco where I stayed for two years until he (the murderer) found me . While I stayed in San-Francisco I was able to continue my studies up till the first year of senior high school.

I then moved to Newyork attended high school till the final year and was about graduating till he found me again, but the happy part is that I had actually made some cool friends like Jake, Jordan (the two are actually twin but my very annoying and close friends). Then there was Liam, Sandra, Eunice and Xander. I was happy that I hadn't told them about my story which was mostly because I was afraid they would leave, but then again am glad I never found the courage to do so because that would have really put them in harms ways which I wouldn't ever wish for even my worst enemy.

I was getting frustrated so I gripped the steering wheels tightly till my knuckles turned white, then I parked the car by the road side without getting out. There I sat thinking of my next move (that's if he doesn't find me and kill me before I could even think of escaping). The more i thought about it, the more frustrated I got. I mean where would I go that he wouldn't find me? Who could help me get away from him? What else is remaining that I haven't done? The truth was that I had done everything humanly possible to stop him from reaching me. From changing my appearance to putting on contact lenses to dying my hair and even changing my name. when I was in San-Francisco, I went by the name Merlin Kayla Davison, in New York I was known as Mary Kayla Davis which were all derived from my original name Mishael Kayla David at still yet this monster was still able to track me down. Until when was I going to continue running? Until when was I going to feel fear? "The answer is never, until you decide to man up."

"Finally my subconscious decides to grace us with her presence, and FYI madam know it all am a lady not a man so you can't expect me to man up". "Alright sassy pants no need to be so sarcastic, point is its time to face you fears. You can't keep running for ever, sooner or later he's gonna find you and when he does its gonna be shitty". "I guess you're right am not running, not anymore"

After the little conversation with my subconscious I realize one thing, am going back home and this time am doing what I should have done four years ago(stand up for myself), am going back as a new person not the little scared girl they knew before. Am gonna take over my parents companies, finish school, go to college, continue the investigation I started and finish the business. And if I die at least I would have made something good out of my life and most importantly I would have made my parent proud "and also the see Drew" my subconscious butted in again. " o man I thought you would stop pestering me already" "no can do babe". I hate to admit but she's right I do really miss him every day, I wonder how he's doing, if he misses me too and if he now has a girlfriend, the later making me jealous already cause I have feelings for him, I should have at least contacted him but I didn't because I was afraid he'll get hurt, but now am gonna find him and make things right. Am gonna tell him how much I love him and never let him go, come what may.

So with the little resolve I made in mind I started the car made a turn and headed back home to Florida finally after for years.