
Not An Alien

Lina, who was entered society far earlier than any of her predecessors, becomes a highly educated Starian citizen. Unsure of what her future holds, she starts to question her society, as well as her purpose. After asking forbidden questions about the vast world that awaits her, Lina is shunned and disregarded by the Starian Elders. She winds up in a strange and dangerous place that she knows as quadrant 11874- Earth. What will she discover in this strange new world? Will she find love? Success? Fame? Will she ever find her way home, or will she succumb to the pleasures of this planet?

charlie_m_bishop13 · SF
11 Chs


Are you ready to begin?

"Yah... ye...yes."

Then we shall start with Starian history.

In the beginning, it was only the earth, until she got lonely and wished for the sky. Along with the sky came hundreds of thousands of stars. They are your ancestors. Their job was to bring light and balance to the universe.

Starians' homes were like me; each alive; able to communicate; able to illuminate the sky when cared for properly. Their inhabitants must care for them, or they will die, and drift off into the nothingness that you shall one day call home.

Over time, Earth grew, fell apart, and picked herself up again. Now, a people called humans live on the earth.

Although they call her home, they are constantly harming Earth with their technology and greed. They are an evil people, never to be trusted.

Initially, Starians greeted these humans. This was a grave mistake. The humans feared them; called them aliens; harmed them without acknowledging their intentions. Humans are dangerous. They are the ones to be feared. You shall never encounter them, as your home is here in Skyra.

With their new found knowledge of the humans, Starians were forced back above the horizon.

Eventually, they evolved, as did their culture. They found ways to organize their society, they called it an empire; the Starian Empire. This will be your home. Learn it well. Picture it in your mind. Find your place in that world, for it seems you will be arriving there earlier than expected...