
Not An Alien

Lina, who was entered society far earlier than any of her predecessors, becomes a highly educated Starian citizen. Unsure of what her future holds, she starts to question her society, as well as her purpose. After asking forbidden questions about the vast world that awaits her, Lina is shunned and disregarded by the Starian Elders. She winds up in a strange and dangerous place that she knows as quadrant 11874- Earth. What will she discover in this strange new world? Will she find love? Success? Fame? Will she ever find her way home, or will she succumb to the pleasures of this planet?

charlie_m_bishop13 · SF
11 Chs

A Nightmare Part II

Disheveled and still not fully dressed, Lina made her way to The Edge for her escape. She sprinted through the city for what seemed like an eternity, barely breathing. Finally, she reached the edge of the city. She leaned against one of the small stone homes along the border and tried to catch her breath.

"Fuck." She whispered to herself as she pushed herself off of the building so that she was standing upright again.

Lina took a few steps forward so that she was able to see just beyond The Edge. It was like nothing she'd ever seen before. Of course, she'd heard about it from Chase through her lessons years ago.

Her breath faltered as she peered over the clear landing that was below her feet and into the endless abyss ahead of her. It was midnight black as her sky usually was, but different. There were large white imperfections scattered throughout the sheet of dark color. The occasional blue light shined across the surface of the masterpiece while the entire thing was speckled with different size silver dots.

Lina turned around and saw at least 4 men identical to the one from her star charging towards her. She licked her lips and was able to taste the man's blood. She laughed quietly, but not because she was amused. She knew that her life would be nothing ordinary - she strived for that - but this? This was far from what she expected.

After calming herself down as much as possible, Lina turned her back to The Edge and slid her heels along the end of the artificial ground.

She stood there for a few moments, waiting for the guards to almost catch her.

Just as the frontmost man reached out for Lina, she leaned backwards and gave into the dark canvas under her, smiling.

My apologies for the short chapter and any spelling or grammatical errors

Have some ideas about my story? Comment them and let me know, I'd love to hear what you think.

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