
Office Office!

Kiara felt nervous, what if he straight away rejects her?

What if he doesn't give her a chance?

Will she lose her chance to do something on her own?

Will she fail again in life?

These questions made her situation worse, haunting her present again.

She was brought back to the moment when she heard her name being called, "Miss Kiara Shah, you are next", a tall beautiful girl at the reception said, with a suppressed smile.

"REALLY" Kiara exclaimed, " Am I getting a chance?" she questioned excitedly.

"Hmm, I guess, yes", the lady behind the desk replied with a confused face, "Go straight, then turn right to the Mr Chairman's cabin, that will be your destination."

"Wait, why the Chairman? My interview was supposed to be scheduled with Mr.Jason, Editor." she enquired not believing what she was hearing.

"I am afraid that Mr Chairman ordered for this interview. It's better here if we don't ask questions," she replied with a thin smile and engrossed herself on the computer.

"Okay", she stated with a sigh.

She thought, maybe this is the last chance for her to apologize to Mr.Stranger as she didn't get a chance then.

Maybe she could escape this little drama she created back then after meeting and confronting him. She mustered up all the courage she had and got up from the chair, adjusted herself, and walked towards her risky future.

The office was impeccably furnished with high-end furniture and modern touch with a little of ethnic flavour garnished across some areas of the floor.

Huge paintings, comfy leather couches to rest on, no cubicles but a free workstation to work in the centre. Some people were busy working on their laptops while some were having a sort of competition in the carrom board game. The environment felt so lively and appealing.

And on its either side, a sports room, a little creative space which had various best out of waste products, recliners, lots of bean bags, coffee machines, and the mini-virtual room with Video Games made the place more alluring.

She never thought work can be done this way as well. This place was amazingly decorated.

Kiara finally reached the rear end of floor where a glass door had the bold iterations written on it, Chairman and Managing Director, "Aryan Khandelwal". The glass door was transparent, giving in the view of the Chairman's office.

Hesitantly, she knocked on the door slowly.

With no response from the other side, she knocked a bit loudly, seeking permission to enter. Kiara could see Aryan purposefully ignoring her. She entered the door as soon as she saw him give away a slight nod.

Kiara took in the surroundings she was in - a large white table with white leather pushback chairs around and the full-size glass windows projecting the panoramic view of the city in the backdrop. The view was mesmerizing. His office was huge with leather couches on the right side, bookshelves behind the couch with more than 1000 books, minimal furniture, impeccably neat and clean. It screamed simplicity with sophistication. 

Walls painted in various colours, displaying creativity with each shade perfectly used. 

A big lantern in the corner near his table added to the interiors of the room. As she finished scanning the office, she felt those black orbs staring back at her.

Kiara once again started losing herself to those eyes of innocence which held so much more.

"So, Miss Kiara oh no, Miss Klutz, like what you see?" Aryan raised an eyebrow and asked.

"Hmm, sorr... hmmm " she blushed, "Sorry Sir" quickly gaining composure she asked, "Can I have a seat, Sir?"

"No, why don't you stand and I take your interview? As you know me very well I don't sit with people" he mocked her.

"Okay Sir, I don't mind" she replied in a dull tone remembering her last encounter, mentally cursing herself for the situation she put herself in.

"No, you cannot be the Chairman. You are too young, too annoying and too rude for a Chairman. Don't you waste my time Mister, it's very precious" she tried to drop the conversation as she thought he was an imposter?

"Do you read the newspaper, Miss Klutz? If not then why are you even applying for something which requires your left part of the brain to function properly"  he said and walked away towards his car.

He opened the car door, took out something she couldn't make out and started walking to where she was standing.

"Here is your stuff which you dropped off in the office premises." handing over her things.

Deadpanned, she replied feebly, "Oops! Thanks and Sorry." She had dropped her document file while the small escapade.

"I don't like the employees working for me to be dirty Miss Klutz and save your fighting energy, you might need it later. " he blinked his right eye and left with his dog in his car.

"Do you have any habit of roaming and running around every time, Miss Klutz?" Aryan asked in a serious tone.

Back from her memory lane, Kiara replied, "Ummm, No. I mean Sorry."

"Then, let's start the interview, Miss Kiara Shah"  Aryan said authoritatively.