
Norton Sutton

Norton Sutton History

Gellius_Helder · ファンタジー
8 Chs


The air was thick with anticipation as the 'creature', which turned out to be a young boy, emerged from the cage, his clothes torn and tattered, his body covered in dirt and grime. Despite such, his chiseled physique glistened with sweat under the bright rays of the overbearing sun akin to a flicker of defiance even in the face of the worst of conditions. His eyes burned with a fierce intensity, and his muscles bulged with a raw power that seemed to emanate from deep within. But it was not just his physical presence that was intimidating. As he stood before all of you, he began to speak, his words ringing out with a commanding eloquence that belied his rough exterior. "I am not just a boy," he growled, his voice deep and menacing. "I am a force to be reckoned with, a beast unleashed upon the world. I have been forged in the fires of adversity, tempered by the harsh realities of life."

But the boy was not finished. He continued to speak, his words ringing out with a clarity and force that seemed to shake the very foundations of the 'arena'. "You will feel the full force of my wrath, the fury of my rage. And when this battle is over, you will know that you have faced a true champion."

The air was thick with an oppressive, bone-chilling fear that seemed to grip the very soul of all present as they stood face to face with the sudden opponent. The opponent was no ordinary boy, his muscles bulging and rippling with an unnatural strength. His face twisted into a cruel sneer, his eyes cold and calculating as he surveyed his newfound prey. He would speak no more words, no, you were certain: the time for action was drawing near. Finally, the dirty boy moved with a predatory grace, his torn clothes flapping in the wind as he approached his opponent. The young boy, who was clearly outmatched, retreated with a palpable sense of trepidation reflected in his eyes. Suddenly, and without any discernible forewarning, the grimy youth leapt forward, his frame evocative of a sleek and lithe panther in motion. The defender, with a touch of impetuousness, attempted a messy counter-attack by confronting his assailant head-on, with arms outstretched, in a contest of physical prowess.

However, the maneuver was ill-conceived, as it had been anticipated, and the lunge of the attacker fell short, resulting in the attackers knees buckling in preparation for the true attack as he passed under the outstretched arms of the defender. The attacker's legs rippled with impressive muscularity, appearing like tightly coiled springs waiting to release their pent-up energy, before he essentially exploded upward. In a flurry of motion, the attacker's fist connected with the defender's jaw in a crushing blow. The dirty boy's fist slammed into the other kid's jaw, jarring his senses and sending him reeling backwards. Without missing a beat, the muscular brute unleashed a vicious kick straight into his opponent's gut, causing him to double over in agony. Moving with lightning-fast reflexes, the dirty boy grabbed a handful of his victim's hair and yanked him down to the ground with a sickening thud.


The helpless kid let out a pained cry as the savage aggressor mounted him, straddling his prone body with muscular arms holding him down. In a frenzy of violent blows, the dirty boy unleashed a barrage of punches and strikes on his hapless opponent, leaving him writhing in pain and agony on the unforgiving ground. The brutal assault only stopped when the dirty boy was satisfied that his victim was well and truly subdued. The dirty boy's opponent lay on the ground, a bloody and battered mess. His face was twisted in agony, his nose smashed and bleeding profusely. His eyes were swollen shut, his cheeks puffed up like a pair of rotten apples. His lips were split and oozing blood, his teeth shattered and strewn like broken glass on the ground. His body was a patchwork of bruises, cuts, and scrapes, his clothes torn and soaked with his own blood. He lay there, gasping for breath, writhing in pain like a wounded animal.

The savage assault had left him broken and defeated, a shadow of his former self. No matter your disposition, you just couldn't help but gasp in shock at the display of violence, but the dirty boy showed no mercy. His movements were brutally efficient, almost beast-like in their precision.

And then his gaze turned to you...

You, no, nobody could move

The longer you stared at him, the more you felt a sense of powerlessness wash over yourself. It was like being stuck in a never-ending nightmare where you couldn't break free from his menacing grip. In that moment, an insidious sense of unease crept into the very fabric of your being. It was as if the entire universe had conspired to place you under the intense scrutiny of a forbidding presence. With every movement, every inhalation, you could sense the weight of his unwavering gaze upon you, bearing down with a force that left you feeling hopelessly exposed and vulnerable. The sheer intensity of his presence loomed over you like a dark cloud, casting a shadow that seemed to penetrate to the very depths of your soul. You tried to scream for help, but your voice choked in your throat.

And there he was, your opponent, slowly approaching you like a predator closing in on its prey. You wanted to run, but your legs were like jelly, incapable of taking you away from this dangerous situation. You were petrified with fear, trembling uncontrollably as he inched closer and closer. And as you looked into his cold eyes, you knew that you were dealing with a heartless, ruthless beast who would show no mercy, no compassion, no remorse - especially not towards you. You were at the mercy of this pure embodiment of violence, and there was nothing you could do to escape him. Let alone stop him. You were utterly helpless, powerless to resist what was about to happen. So you shut your eyes, awaiting your inevitable fate, feeling as though you were about to be devoured by your own fear. But then, the words of the instructor echoed through your ears...