
Northern Hour

Elio is struggling to get over his past, he’s scarred and will never be the same. Without warning, a deadly virus breaks out on his home planet, and his world comes crashing down. Elio finds himself thrust into a world of chaos, void of any order. Murder, Theft, and Various Heinous crimes take center stage on a Silver Train. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, I'm still new to writing, so there may be grammatical errors at first. The horror/thriller aspect comes out later on in the story. Also the really juicy parts of the novel take a while to get to but i promise it'll be worth the wait!

FiaVillin · ホラー
17 Chs


After the comprehensive campus tour, Elio uses his terminal to access details about his dormitory, Hausen Hall. The imposing building houses a total of 350 rooms, distributed over multiple floors. Elio's assigned dorm room happens to be on the top floor, which means he will either need to utilize the elevator or opt for the stairs if the elevator happens to be out of service. Hausen Hall is not just about individual rooms; it offers various communal amenities. There's a well-equipped kitchen for students to prepare their meals, a comfortable lounge area for socializing, and conveniently located shower rooms and laundry facilities.

As Elio explores the vast campus, he eventually locates his designated major house. These academic buildings serve as hubs for students pursuing specific fields of study. To his surprise, Elio discovers that his major house is shared with the Mecha Design major, hinting at an intriguing blend of interests within the same building. Elio's curiosity is piqued as he wonders about the unique mix of students and what they might be like.

As Elio reaches the imposing façade of Hausen Hall, a sense of anticipation lingers in the air. Two security guards stationed at the entrance halt his progress, their authoritative presence unmistakable. Elio's footsteps echo in the grand entrance as he approaches, The guard on the right, Baxter, with his rugged appearance and piercing green eyes, extends a hand in greeting. Elio returns the gesture with a firm handshake. Baxter's fellow guard, Brooks, stands beside him, exuding an air of reliability. They exchange nods and offer friendly introductions.

Baxter's voice carries a hint of authority as he informs Elio about their duty. "Welcome to Hausen Hall, Kid. We're here to make sure the folks who should be here get in safely." As guardians of Hausen Hall, they are tasked with ensuring only authorized individuals enter the building. Elio nods in understanding, "Thank you. It's good to know the place is secure."

Brooks chimes in, a reassuring smile on his face. "You'll find this is a pretty safe campus, but it doesn't hurt to have a couple of friendly faces keeping an eye out."

Brooks playfully shoves Baxter in the arm, eliciting a chuckle from Elio. He appreciated the camaraderie between the two guards. "Hey, Bax, don't forget our new friend here needs the inside scoop."

"Right, right. Listen, Kid, to get into the building, just scan your terminal on the reader by the door. Your terminal number should be in the system if you're a student." Elio nods in understanding, a sense of relief washing over him. "Thanks. I really appreciate it. And Annora says thanks too, don't you, girl?"

Annora, comfortably nestled in her carrier, responds with a contented but somewhat lazy meow. The security guards share a warm smile as they witness this exchange. Brooks gives Elio an upward nod, a wide grin plastered across his face, "You both have a great day now, alright?"

Elio gives a grateful nod as he scans his terminal and opens the door to Hausen Hall. He enters the building with a newfound sense of confidence, and takes the elevator to the top floor. Stepping out of the elevator on the top floor of Hausen Hall, Elio felt a mix of excitement and anticipation as he neared his new dorm room. He strolled down the quiet, well-lit hallway, admiring the modern design of the building.

Reaching the door marked 203, he paused briefly and gave it a light knock, a polite gesture to ensure he wasn't interrupting anyone inside. Then, with a quick scan of his terminal on the door's reader, he unlocked it and turned the handle.

The door swung open to reveal his new living space. The suite-style room was spacious and well-furnished, with large windows that let in ample natural light. Elio couldn't help but smile as he stepped inside, "Home sweet home, Annora."

Annora, still comfortably nestled in her carrier, responded with a soft purr. Elio moved further into the room, inspecting the layout and the amenities it offered. The suite had a cozy living area, a well-equipped kitchenette, and a comfortable-looking bedroom with a pristine bathroom attached.

Elio's initial awe at the spaciousness of his dorm room was interrupted by a voice from within. It was a warm and inviting voice, calling out to him to come closer. As he ventured further into the room, he found himself in the living area, and there stood a young man with striking pink hair and light brown eyes, gazing out of the window at the campus beyond.

Elio was taken aback as he noticed that the boy by the window had no shirt on, only wearing underwear. He felt a bit flustered by the unconventional sight and couldn't help but think that this was quite an unexpected first impression. However, he managed to gather his composure and introduce himself. "Uh, I'm Elio Giles."

The pink-haired youth turned to face Elio, revealing a single earring on the left side of his ear. Elio couldn't help but find it a bit peculiar, but he decided not to ask about it right away. Instead, he tucked away the thought in the back of his mind. "Nice to meet you, Elio. Don't mind my casual attire. I was just enjoying the view. This room has the best vantage point in the whole dorm. Feel free to make yourself at home."

Elio nodded, his surprise gradually giving way to a sense of relief as he realized that the pink-haired boy's nonchalant demeanor meant there was no need to dwell on the first impression.

Lupe Wade, the pink-haired youth, offered a warm smile and introduced himself to Elio, but then took him by surprise with a rather direct question. "So, Elio, what's your sexual orientation?"

Elio wasn't quite prepared for such a personal question, but he figured there was no need to keep it a secret. He answered honestly. "I'm gay."

Lupe nodded in acknowledgment and then shared his own orientation. "I'm bisexual, but I'm currently in a relationship with a girl from this academy. We're in different majors, though." 

Elio appreciated Lupe's openness and felt more at ease knowing that they could have candid conversations about various aspects of their lives. He found himself gradually adapting to the quirks of his new roommate.

Lupe shifted from leaning against the wall to standing straight up. "I mostly have afternoon classes, except for Thursdays. On those mornings, I have to get up early for my class." He then leaned in, adopting a more serious tone. "Just so you know, I can be a bit cranky in the mornings. I tend to be a bit short-tempered. So, if I ever come across as rude, I apologize in advance."

Elio appreciated Lupe's honesty and understanding of his own morning moods. He assured Lupe that it wouldn't be a problem and that they could figure out a way to coexist harmoniously. "No worries, Lupe. We'll manage just fine."

Lupe tells Elio that he'd appreciate it if he could be quieter in the morning while getting ready for class because he's a light sleeper. "I mostly have early morning classes, so I'll be getting ready early. Would it be alright if I tried to be a bit quiet in the mornings?"

Lupe smiled, grateful for Elio's consideration. "That would be great, thanks. Mornings are precious, and a little peace and quiet can make all the difference."

Elio was keen on making sure they were both happy with the arrangements. So he asked Lupe if he was cool with cats. "I have a cat named Annora. Is it okay if she roams around the dorm, or would you prefer if I kept her in my room?"

Lupe arched an eyebrow and let out a playful smirk, his sense of humor shining through. "I don't mind your cat strutting her stuff in the dorm. It might even make the place livelier." He chuckled and then quickly realized Elio might have taken his remark seriously.

"Oh, sorry, that was just a joke. I don't mind at all." Elio mirrored his smirk. "No worries, I'm all for some extra liveliness. Would you like to meet her?" Elio pointed toward the cat carrier in his hands.

Lupe nodded eagerly and took a few steps closer to Elio's cat carrier, squatting down to get a good look at the curious feline within. His light brown eyes sparkled with interest as he peered at Annora through the glass. "What's her name?"

Elio smiled as he watched Lupe's reaction to his beloved pet. "Her name is Annora, and she's just four months old." Lupe's eyes softened as he continued to observe the adorable kitten. After a moment, Lupe stood back up and gestured toward his own room. "My room's the one on the left."

"I hope you don't mind that I chose this room first." Elio shook his head and replied graciously, showing his understanding. "Not at all. "I'll see you later if you're still around when I'm done unpacking."

Lupe's warm smile continued as he offered his assistance, "Need any help unpacking? It looks like you've got quite a bit of stuff." Elio, however, politely declined his offer. "I can handle it, and I'm not a fan of others touching my things unless it's necessary." Lupe nodded in understanding, "Fair enough, touché." Lupe then retreated into his own room, leaving Elio to tackle his unpacking on his own.

Elio watched as Lupe went into his room and turned his attention to Annora, gently releasing her from her carrier. She hesitated for a moment before venturing out to explore the new space. Elio continued with the task of unpacking his belongings, a process that took him a couple of hours.

After neatly making his bed, Elio felt the fatigue of the day setting in. He lay down on the soft carpeted floor, enjoying a moment of relaxation and taking a deep breath. Just as he was getting comfortable, there was a sudden knock on the door, interrupting his peaceful pause.

Elio managed to respond to the knock at his door and invited the person in. The door creaked open, revealing Lupe's inquisitive expression as he looked at Elio's somewhat disheveled state. He raised an eyebrow, concerned. "You okay there?"

Elio managed a weary smile. "I'll make it somehow, one way or another." Lupe chuckled at Elio's snarky response. "You've got quite the personality, you know that?" Elio grunted in tired acknowledgment before turning his head to face Lupe. "So, what brings you here?"

Lupe crouched down to Elio's eye level, making his proposal. He asked Elio if he wanted to accompany him to the library to rent the necessary books for their classes. Elio considered the offer for a brief moment, realizing the practicality of it, and then agreed. "Sure, why not? The sooner we get things done, the better."

Lupe grinned. "Sweet! I'll give you a few minutes to collect yourself, and I'll put on a shirt. I'll be waiting by the door when you're ready." With that, Lupe left the room, waving his left hand, and the door clicked shut behind him. Elio let out a sigh, appreciating the brief moment of solitude before they headed out.

Elio collected himself, taking a few moments to regain his composure. With a grunt, he pushed himself off the floor and glanced over at Annora. She was now comfortably curled up on his freshly made bed. "Alright, Annora, I'm heading out to grab some stuff for class. Try not to wreak havoc in here while I'm gone, okay?"

Annora responded with an inquisitive meow, her eyes wide and then squinting at him, almost as if she was asking if that's what he thought of her. Elio chuckled at her feline antics before leaving the room.

Elio stepped out of his room and found Lupe waiting by the entrance to their dorm, wearing a basketball shirt. Seeing Lupe in the sports attire, Elio couldn't help but wonder if Lupe was a basketball fan or maybe even played the sport himself. The thought was amusing, given that Lupe was only a few inches taller than Elio.

Lupe, noticing Elio's momentary distraction, called out to him, tilting his head inquisitively. "Hey, you ready to go?" Elio snapped out of his thoughts and nodded, giving Lupe a small smile. "Yeah, let's get going."

Elio and Lupe entered the library, passing through the towering wooden doors into a world of knowledge. The soft, ambient lighting created an atmosphere of scholarly calm. Tall shelves filled with books reached for the ceiling, their ancient tomes stacked neatly in rows.

As they walked deeper into the library, Elio noticed the students scattered around. Some were nestled in comfy reading nooks, while others sat at long wooden tables, their concentration palpable. The soft rustling of pages turning and the occasional murmur of whispered conversations filled the air.

Elio couldn't help but appreciate the serenity of the library, a place where learning and exploration thrived. The scent of old books, polished wood, and the faintest hint of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air. The library's warm, inviting ambiance made it a perfect place for students to delve into their studies or simply lose themselves in the world of literature.

Elio and Lupe stood in line at the library's front desk, waiting their turn to receive their library cards. Lupe, curious to know more about his new dormmate, turned to Elio and struck up a conversation. "So, Elio, what's your major here?"

Elio smiled at Lupe and replied, "I'm majoring in fashion design." Lupe's eyes widened in surprise at Elio's choice of major. "Fashion design? I wouldn't have guessed that. What made you choose it?" Elio raised an eyebrow, intrigued by Lupe's response. "What do you mean by that?"

Lupe chuckled and shook his head, clarifying his previous statement. "I didn't mean anything by it. It's just that I have a short friend who's into mech design. So, I made an assumption, but I shouldn't have." Elio listened and then turned the question back to Lupe. "Fair enough. What's your major, then?"

Lupe flashed a mischievous smile. "Take a guess." Elio scrutinized Lupe's expression, searching for clues. "Sports scholarship?" Lupe burst into laughter, gripping his legs, and Elio, puzzled, asked if he had said something strange.

A library worker approached Elio and Lupe with a gentle smile, a finger pressed to their lips in a shushing gesture. "Could you both please keep it a bit quieter? Remember, we're in a library, and we don't want to disturb others who are studying."

Elio and Lupe both nodded apologetically, almost in unison. "Sorry." The library worker chuckled softly and reassured them. "It's alright, I understand it's your first time here. Just try to keep it down a bit." With that, the library worker walked away.

Lupe then tells Elio he's majoring in food science. Elio's raised eyebrow displayed his genuine surprise at Lupe's major choice. "Food science? Really?" Lupe smiled and nodded, not seeming fazed by Elio's reaction.

"Yeah, I know it's not what most people expect, but I'm really into it. Food science is fascinating, and it's got its challenges and creativity, too." Elio continued to scrutinize Lupe, who didn't seem to mind the extra attention. "Well, you definitely don't look like your typical food scientist."

Lupe laughed, the sound a mix of amusement and understanding. "I get that a lot. But hey, don't judge a book by its cover, right?" Elio couldn't help but smile at Lupe's easygoing nature and nodded in agreement. "Fair enough."

Elio and Lupe quickly realized it was their turn to approach the front desk when they heard the subtle cough. As they stepped forward, they found themselves face to face with the library worker, a young woman who appeared both professional and slightly exasperated. 

Her smile seemed polite, but Elio couldn't help but detect a hint of annoyance in her eyes. "How can I assist you today?" Elio glanced at Lupe, then back at the library worker, noting the subtle judgment in her expression.

Elio noticed the library worker's name tag, and the name "Nao" caught his attention. Nao had a warm smile, despite her initial impression of them, and her dark skin complemented her curly black hair, which was neatly styled in a bun.

Lupe didn't waste any time and straightforwardly explained their purpose at the library. "We need to get our library cards and rent some textbooks for our classes." Nao nodded and requested their school IDs. With practiced ease, she typed in their information, swiftly locating the required textbooks for their respective classes.

She printed out the details, including the book titles and where they could be found in the library. "The textbooks are available in the section indicated. If you have any questions, feel free to ask."

After providing Elio and Lupe with the necessary information, Nao continued to assist them by preparing their library cards. She reached under the counter, revealing a sealed drawer that required her to scan her terminal to access.

From this drawer, she retrieved two blank library cards, each pristine and awaiting customization. Placing them under a specialized machine, Nao efficiently inputted Elio and Lupe's details. 

The machine hummed to life, embossing the cards with their names and ID information. With a gentle smile, Nao handed over the freshly printed library cards, each personalized for Elio and Lupe.

With their freshly issued library cards in hand, Nao proceeded to assist Elio and Lupe further. She gestured in the direction of their respective book locations, offering them guidance to find their needed resources efficiently.

As Nao concluded their interaction, she conveyed her best wishes, "Have a good day." Elio and Lupe expressed their gratitude with sincere thanks before embarking on their individual quests in the library.

Elio, immersed in his book search within the labyrinthine library, made swift progress thanks to the helpful maps scattered throughout the space. In just 35 minutes, he managed to secure three out of the five books required for his classes.

As Elio continued his quest, his keen eye caught sight of a familiar tuft of blonde hair in the distance. It was none other than Nico, the young man he had briefly encountered earlier. Nico seemed deeply engrossed looking at books on the shelf.

Startled by Nico's call, Elio instinctively turned away from the familiar voice, as if attempting to avoid an encounter. "Elio!" Yet, he was caught off guard when Nico not only recognized him but also closed the distance between them, eager to initiate a conversation.

"Hey there, how have you been? I had no idea you were a student here too!" Elio couldn't help but snort inwardly, reminded that he had never actually revealed his student status to Nico. However, the unexpected encounter left Elio with a choice: continue to evade or engage in a conversation with this newfound acquaintance. "Surprise, huh? Well, I'm doing fine. And you?" Nico then asked, "I'm great! It's good to see you here. So, how's life treating you lately?"

Elio, conscious of the approaching curfew, explained to Nico that he needed to locate his remaining books and couldn't linger much longer. He mentioned coming with his roommate, using that as a convenient excuse to cut the conversation short.

Nico, ever the inquisitive soul, couldn't resist asking about Elio's roommate, sparking curiosity. "Oh, who's your roommate, if you don't mind me asking?" Elio, with a touch of annoyance, replied, "It's really none of your business."

As Elio brushed off Nico's inquisitive question, a familiar voice cut through the library's hushed atmosphere. Lupe, with a friendly smile, called Elio's name from a nearby book aisle, inquiring about his progress in finding the necessary textbooks. Elio made his way towards Lupe, who was holding a stack of books.

Elio greeted Lupe, stating, "I'm just looking for two more books."

Lupe, holding his stack of books, turned his attention to the newcomer following Elio. With a playful grin, he asked, "And who might this charming fellow be?" Nico stepped forward, introducing himself and briefly explaining his connection to Elio.

Nodding in acknowledgment, Lupe then chimed in, introducing himself as Elio's roommate, providing a bit of context for their encounter in the library.

Elio couldn't help but roll his eyes at Nico's exaggerated retelling of their encounter. "Wow, Nico, you really make it sound like a thrilling adventure." He slipped under both Nico and Lupe, determined to find his last two books. "Last two books, and I'm done." 

Fortunately, they were conveniently located in the aisle Lupe had just come out of and were placed nearby. "Got everything you need, Elio?" Elio turned to Lupe and told him that he had found all his books. "Yeah, I've got all of them now. Let's head back to the front desk."

Lupe waved goodbye to Nico, who mentioned he was waiting for someone, and then joined Elio at the front desk. Together, they paid for their books and left the library, making their way back to the Hausen Hall.

Elio felt the stress of the day beginning to wear on him as they returned to their dorm. He was ready to call it a night, telling Lupe with a yawn. "I think I'll turn in for the night, Lupe."

Lupe glanced at Elio, a glint of worry in his gaze. "Are you sure you'll be okay without dinner?" Elio then gave a nod. "Yeah, I'm not too hungry tonight. I'll grab something light in the morning."

With a sigh, Lupe arched an eyebrow and instructed Elio to go to bed. "Alright, get a good rest then, and don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything." Although Lupe and Elio were new acquaintances, Elio appreciated his concern for him. "Thanks, Lupe. I appreciate it. Have a good night."

"You too, Elio. Sleep well." Glancing at his phone, Lupe furrowed his brow. "It's getting a bit late, but if you change your mind and get hungry later, just let me know. I can cook for both of us."

"Nah, I appreciate it, but I'm really not hungry tonight. I'll see you in the morning, Lupe. Goodnight." As we watched Elio go into his room and close the door, Lupe could only sigh.

Lupe carefully arranges his books on the coffee table in the living room and heads into the kitchen. He starts preparing a meal, muttering to himself, "There's no way the little man isn't hungry. He'll probably come out later for some food." Lupe works in the kitchen, creating a delicious meal, leaving the possibility for Elio to join him later.