
Normal Human Against Regressor, Reincarnator And Transmigrator

作者: FurballCat
Martial Arts
連載中 · 3.4K ビュー
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What is Normal Human Against Regressor, Reincarnator And Transmigrator

WebNovel で公開されている、FurballCat の作者が書いた Normal Human Against Regressor, Reincarnator And Transmigrator の小説を読んでください。In a world filled with reincarnator, regressor and transmigrator , an organization was established to curb the dangerous and harmful them. The story follow along a newly employed normal guy as he surv...


In a world filled with reincarnator, regressor and transmigrator , an organization was established to curb the dangerous and harmful them. The story follow along a newly employed normal guy as he survived through working in the organization encountering and exterminating the existence deemed as harmful and dangerous to the normal society.

4 タグ


凤羽烟,孤身现代十八年,特工为生,殊不知,竟是被个小狼崽子吸了仙气儿害的?! 一朝回归,本以为是修仙恶斗白莲花的剧本,殊不知,真正嚯嚯人的却是身娇魔尊?! 莫易寒,堂堂魔界至尊,三界避其锋的人物,动不动就歇菜“吸阳气儿”是什么鬼?! ** 某日,魔尊几大影卫凑在一起嘀嘀咕咕。 孤风:大事不好了!小仙女要上天,尊主大大被甩了!!! 孤影、孤月异口同声:你说什么?!她还敢甩尊主?! 孤风:我猜啊,肯定是尊主大大要爬墙,让人家姑娘抓了个正着,这不,送你一捆烂桃花让你自己体会,祝愿您老桃花朵朵开~ 听了半天墙角的莫易寒:行了,孤狼发配边疆也有些时候了,你去把他换回来吧~ 孤风:...大大我错了... ** 记者:请问两位是如何定情的? 凤羽烟手指轻点着桌面,漫不经心道:就,日久生情? 莫易寒:错!是一见钟情!!! 记者:那请问二位第一次见面时,对彼此的第一印象是?又或者说是有什么想法? 莫易寒美滋滋的回忆起来,不知想到什么,还满含深情的望向身旁小人儿:大概是,恰好入了心~ 凤羽烟懒懒睨了他一眼,有些犹豫,但最后还是选择实话实说:他占我便宜,我想杀了他。 莫易寒:…… 记者:…… 【1V1,仙魔究极甜宠系已开启,欢迎启航~】

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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating