
Two Faced

(This was inspired by the song Two Faced Lovers)

Mika Evans....Me.

Everything was fine in my dreams except of the things that dream of me. I awoke to see my brain staring back at me it was filling of such nonsense that it was unrecognizable. Therefore I couldn't recall anything at all. All I knew was innocence but I could've fallen anytime. Somehow I searched my eyes for something that wasn't there. I tricked myself pushing it down. I ask myself where's here but they will always reply where's there. They told me to shut up, instinctively I had nothing to say.

I stared at my brain again and she stared back. Such strong taste of sorrows on her brow. Her mind was in half like me. Her torn mind's other half was me. We never controlled either side but our misery controlled it and us. We where dying in the misery of others who crave our reactions. When I stand up for her I go to speak but nothing comes out so I stare at my feet.

Seemingly everything was strange my mouth remained closed. I knew I would not know of today but remember yesterday. My head has two sides and it turned us into two faced lovers. I faced away mixing escaping with reality. Making grave mistakes, my cycle hasn't came. We are so terrible we killed an innocent how dare we. I had already fallen but I didn't want anything to do with the thing. Colors of my hands turn red. My head screams of a tiny heart beat slowing to a stop. My mind goes blank and no images of it comes to mind. Planning where to go yesterday when I used to look for today.

She sings songs that don't exist just to mock me. "Lie down" my other side says but I won't. My two faced self doesn't listen. If it did I wouldn't have be so naive.

Mixing up him with the poor innocent. I killed my own with my hands red. I scrubbed at them but she just laughed. She wanted me dead and I did too. I killed the innocent when I was in the sameness. I took a gun and filled it sorrows. It would relax my pain in my heart and my expanded stomach. GOODBYE